On the other side, Jumo and Demon Night also fought fiercely with the four brothers and sisters of the ocelot.

Demon night against Xia Lan and Chun Lan, at this time is one hand crossed the waist, surrounded by flames, the whole person seems to be wrapped in a flame, one by one fireballs continue to condense from the front of the body, in a blink of an eye, dozens of hundreds of fireballs suspended in front of him, with a wave of his hand, the fireballs that cover the sky will bombard towards Xia Lan and Chunlan, hitting the two of them only to constantly dodge.

“Abominable! Completely suppressed! ”

Xia Lan let out an angry low roar, although she was also playing with fire, it was completely impossible to reach this level of power, while Chun Lan was completely restrained, she was good at illusion, and when she encountered this type of opponent, her ability could not be used at all.

In fact, what she didn’t know was that even if Chunlan’s illusion ability could be displayed, it could not be the opponent of Demon Night, because Demon Night had the ability to control Liuyu, if she used to perform illusion, I believe that the power was definitely far from ordinary illusion, so it was impossible for Chunlan’s illusion ability to play a role in Demon Night.

The two kept dodging, and Xia Lan took advantage of the gap in the attack to glance at the battlefield between Donglan and Qiulan.

It was found that the monster opposite them was completely a humanoid tank, with a wave of his claws and a flick of his tail, a large pit of more than ten meters would appear on the ground, causing Dong Lan and Qiu Lan to constantly dodge his attacks during the battle, and their attacks hitting his body seemed to have no effect at all, if he could not occasionally see his grinning appearance, I thought he would not feel pain at all.

“Where did these monsters come from!” , Xia Lan’s face was full of shock, she had never heard of these monsters, as if they appeared out of thin air, and they were terrifyingly powerful.

“Be careful!”

Suddenly, Xia Lan heard Qiu Lan’s shout.

Not good!

Xia Lan secretly said something bad in her heart, and she subconsciously jumped up, but before she could get out of place, three or four fireballs in a row smashed into her body, directly throwing her out.

“You’re really weak!” At this moment, the voice of the demon night mei suddenly came.

“What… What the? Xia Lan, who had just gotten up, did not hear clearly for a while.

“I said that you are really weak, what noble prince, ocelot four heavenly kings, actually only this level, is it completely a little monster who is not in the flow, thanks to the owner of the people still told us to be careful, it’s really disappointing, I don’t want to play with you a little.”

“Abominable bastard, fight again! I’m going to have to shatter you this time! “, hearing the voice of the demon night, Xia Lan exploded on the spot, rushing over and wanting to make the demon night pay for her words.

However, before she rushed to the front of the demon night, she suddenly glimpsed a figure flying obliquely in the ground, and the fist flashing with thunder light arrived in front of her in the blink of an eye, and there was no way, she could only dodge sideways.

Several backflips in a row, when he stopped to look, the battle in the other two places had also stopped, the two male and female monsters were already standing on the back of the long-headed monster at this time, at this time he was flying in midair, looking down at the people on the ground, and the female monster led by Xia Lan continued to continue what he had just said.

“Don’t be too anxious, the slave family came here this time to see what is so remarkable about you who rule the country of the west, but it’s really disappointing, if you only have this level, we will laugh at the country of the west.”

“Sh·· Did they come to seize the rule of the Western Country? Hearing the voice of the demon night, Xia Lan was shocked, in fact, not only Xia Lan, but also those present, including Killing Pill, were shocked.

You must know that the country of the West has been ruled by the two races of dog demons and ocelots since thousands of years ago, and even if there is a war, it is only a competition between the two races for the right to rule the country of the west, and there has been no idea of foreign forces fighting the country of the west for a long time.

It is because the powerful dog demon clan and the ocelot clan regard the country of the West as their private territory, once there is an invasion of foreign forces, maybe even if the two races are fighting, they will immediately stop the war and turn their guns to the foreign enemy.

There is no doubt that the territorial consciousness of canine yokai and cat yokai is notoriously strong in the yokai world.

If any monsters dare to invade their territory, there will be an endless war until one side completely falls. This can be seen from the war that has lasted for thousands of years between the dog demon and the ocelot.

For the two communities, this can already be regarded as a serious provocation.

Therefore, both the Four Heavenly Kings of the Oceste and the Killing Pill, who has always been cold and arrogant, felt angry, which was anger that must be calmed with blood.

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