At this time, the fierce momentum of the front line also sent people to deliver good news, claiming that the entire city of the enemy army had been breached, and the final post-war sweeping work was now underway.

After all, these newly occupied cities, the original city owners still have a large number of die-hard loyalists, these need to be purged.

Moreover, urban reconstruction after the war must begin as soon as possible.

And these all need to be completed by this general in an instant.

Speaking of which, Ye Han’s laziness is already famous, and it is basically impossible to expect him to do these things.

In this way, when all his subordinates were busy running around, the night cold fell into a leisurely day again.

Every day, I either practice on time, or I do some things I love with Tsubaki and Mei Dai.

That’s right, on the night that Yehan returned to Yujin City, Mei Dai came to serve Yehan massage and rest as usual.

Without accident, he broke through some of the things that Night Cold and Tsubaki were doing that were inappropriate for children, and then, Night Cold simply took Mei Dai with him.

After all, for Mei Dai now, Yehan is completely the master she wants to devote all her body and soul to serving, and her heart has long been willing.

In the blink of an eye, Ye Han had been back to Hujin City for more than ten days.

This morning, when Yehan was enjoying Mei Dai’s zero-distance feeding as usual, his hands were not idle, and he was standing next to him with Tsubaki moving.

A small eagle monster flew in from outside the window and landed directly on Yehan’s shoulder.

Ye Han casually picked up an animal skin letter in his mouth, opened it and read it.

This is a message from the side of the youkai forces under Yehan.

“Weird place?”

Looking at the message sent by this demon night, Ye Han said secretly.

It turned out that after the demon night went to subdue the scattered forces of the demon world on the order of the night cold, they began to continuously expand their power centered on Okazaki Castle.

In the face of the strength of the three big monsters of Demon Night, Jumo, and Bogang, everything went very smoothly.

Small and medium-sized monster forces were constantly subdued by them, and since all this was carried out in secret, the large forces of the demon world did not find any abnormalities, so their actions were not hindered in any way.

However, just recently, after the Demon Night they took down a medium-sized Youkai group.

A very strange place was found in the back mountain forbidden land of that monster group.

According to the youkai who surrendered, it is a forbidden place that has existed since ancient times, and it is said that there are secrets that can transform youkai.

Therefore, when the demon night learned of this legend, they immediately decided to explore this place in order to strengthen their own strength.

However, the place is indeed very strange, and when you look inside from the outside, you can only see a deep fog.

For the sake of safety, they did not go directly in the demon night, but sent a lot of small monsters to explore the way first.

But after the yokai entered, they never came out again, and in order to explore this place, the yokai night has lost a lot of youkai.

After this happened, they still decided to ask Yehan what to do next.

In fact, Yehan had already become interested in that place after seeing the legend of that forbidden place.

Therefore, Yehan has decided to take a trip himself.

Directly replied to the demon night, let them wait for them for the time being, and the night cold flew straight to the northwest alone.

Because Night Cold had one more important thing to do before going to the demon night to them.

That’s the casting knife!

Ye Han planned to cast his bone knife seriously.

Last time Night Cold found out when dealing with that evil spirit.

Although the bone knife is made of the bones of the night cold, the material is extraordinary, and while it is incomparably compatible with the night cold, the demon power of the knife body is also very powerful.

However, it has not been really forged after all!

At that time, the night cold only forcibly condensed it into the shape of a knife.

Although the quality of the demon power tempering during the night cold period is extraordinary, it cannot fully exert the huge demon power of the night cold.

Otherwise, if too much demon power is injected into the knife body in an instant, the knife body will collapse because it can’t withstand it.

Moreover, without a professionally cast knife, the sharpness of the knife is not enough to condense a truly strong knife qi.

And the object that Ye Han chose to forge a knife for himself was not Dao Daozhai, who was good at casting the sword of justice, but a knife that specialized in forging evil, and the skill was not under Dao Dao Zhai – Gray Chengfang.

Because only a truly evil and fierce sword can carry the demon power of Yehan’s body, which can be called the source of all evil (the reason for the protagonist’s origin, usually hides).

Two days later.

The night cold came to a place in the northwest like poor mountains and bad waters.

According to the news from Ye Han’s subordinates, Gray Chengfang is here.

After walking through a barren mountain path paved with the bones of various monsters, Yehan came to a lonely hut.

Ye Han knew that the gray fang was inside, and without hesitation, walked directly in.

Since Night Cold did not hide his figure, the first time Night Cold entered, a fierce-looking monster with a small skull around his neck found Night Cold.

“Who are you?”

Seeing that someone he didn’t know came, he was not surprised, but still lying comfortably on the ground and asking casually.

Ye Han knew that this was the Gray Chengfang, so he didn’t think about it, for this kind of real knife casting master, this bit of patience Night Han still had.

“I’m here to give you a chance to forge the strongest sword.”

Directly throwing the bone knife in front of him, Yehan said.

“Huh? This… This is? ”

The originally careless gray fang could no longer leave his eyes the moment he saw the bone knife.

“It’s really unthinkable that there would be such a perfect material in this world!”

“This knife is not only full of demon power, but also full of evil aura, although it has not been cast, but the demon power of the current blade body alone is no worse than the iron broken teeth cast by the old ghost of Dao Daozhai”

“Hey, hey! With this, I will definitely be able to forge the most powerful demon knife and surpass that old ghost in one fell swoop.”

“It seems that you like this material very much, how long will it take to cast this knife?” Night Cold asked.

Hearing Ye Han’s question, Ash Chengfang finally diverted his attention from the bone knife.

“Come and get it in three days!”

After a little contemplation, Gray Chengfang gave the answer.

After that, he continued to study the bone knife.

After seeing that Gray Chengfang had completely immersed himself in the passion of casting knives.

Ye Han has no intention of staying here.

After leaving the foundry hut in the gray place, Yehan opened a cave near this neighborhood and waited in retreat.

Three days passed in the blink of an eye.

On this day, from the direction of the Gray Chengfang Hut, a powerful demon power began to emanate.

The night cold immediately ended the state of retreat, and flew to the place where the demon power emanated.


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