Looking down, I saw that at this time, the demon night was shen’s lilac little tongue drawing circles on the mouth of the night cold.

‘What a leprechaun! ’

Ye Han said darkly, then turned over and put it under him again.

A new round of the big war began.


The next day, Yoruhan and Yoya went straight to the shrine that Naraku was paying attention to.

After arriving near the shrine, Yoruhan carefully sensed it and did find Naraku’s hidden figure.

After observing the shrine again, I found that this shrine was also very ordinary, and there were no evil spirits or monsters.

This made Ye Han even more curious, could it be that there was really some secret hidden in this shrine?

Thinking of this, Yoruhan did not alarm Naraku, but disguised himself as an ordinary person with Demon Night, and then walked directly towards the shrine.

Along the way, Yoru could feel Naraku’s gaze lingering on the two of them more than once.

But maybe because the two seem to be ordinary people, Naraku did not find any problems in 29, so there was no action in the end.

The shrine is on a hill, and to enter the shrine, you need to walk through a long staircase.

The two walked up the long staircase and walked slowly.

Night cold has been in this world for decades, to say that in this backward era, the only thing that can make night cold feel comfortable is this fresh and natural environment.

Lush trees can be seen everywhere outside the unpolluted YE, and the air is indeed clear.

And perhaps because of the vicinity of the shrine, the surrounding area is very quiet, giving it a sense of tranquility and tranquility.

It’s hard to come out of the night, forget the purpose of your coming here for the time being, and come to play and relax your mood.

The two of them walked slowly towards the shrine on the mountain without hurrying, stopping from time to time to stop to enjoy the scenery of the mountain.

However, since the shrine was not too far from the bottom of the mountain, the two of them came to the shrine gate located on the mountainside.

It can be seen that the shrine is very deserted, and there are not many people, and after Yehan and Demon Ye walked in, it didn’t take long to meet the owner of the shrine, an old priest.

Yehan told him that the two of them had come to pray and soon started chatting with him.

I knew from the old priest that this shrine official himself built it after his travels, and the age was not long ago, and after sensing the night cold, he also found that the old mage was very ordinary, and it could even be said that he was a capable person.

This made the night cold even more surprising.

‘Did I guess wrong, this shrine is not Naraku’s target? ’


At this time, a six- or seven-year-old ran in from outside the shrine, calling the old priest while running a child, and it could be seen that she should be the granddaughter of the old priest.

“Oh! Hitomi is back! The old mage responded kindly.

After that, Ye Han did not listen to it anymore, because at this time, Ye Han’s gaze had been completely attracted by the little girl, of course, it was not how cute the little girl looked.

But just when the little girl came in, Ye Han felt a pure and powerful aura of spiritual power spread out.

Ye Han could definitely say that he had never seen such a powerful spiritual power before.

And the source of this spiritual power was the little girl in front of her who had come to the old priest.

In the eyes of the night cold, the little girl’s whole body emitted a pure spiritual light, like a little sun.

So it was, it seemed that Naraku’s target was her. ’

The moment he saw the spiritual power on the little girl, Ye Han basically confirmed that Naraku’s target would definitely be her.

You know, although the people who can practice now are all people who are born with spiritual power, it is very rare for people who are born with such powerful spiritual power.

Perhaps the dead Kikyo is one, and the Kikyo who came to this world a few years later is reincarnated, and Ah Li is also one.

Of course, only they have such spiritual power, at least, the rest, Ye Han has not found it for the time being, but I didn’t expect that this time I actually saw one here.

Therefore, you can imagine how precious such a person is in this world, and it is not an exaggeration to say that he is the proud son of heaven!

Naraku this guy should have discovered the existence of this little girl and wanted to kill or control her directly while she was still young.

Because Yoru knew that Naraku would not allow another Kirito to threaten him, and would definitely nip the little girl in the bud.

‘Oh, it’s really interesting, I didn’t expect to meet such a person, what a bonus! ’

When he discovered the powerful spiritual power in the little girl, Ye Han had already decided that saying nothing this time would not let Nai succeed.

Such a person can be met but not sought, and it just happened that when he had not grown up, he had already been seen by the night cold, how could he let it go, and say that he had to take it into his own hands in 253!

As for the fear that the little girl will eat herself after she is strong, this problem is not worried at all.

The little girl is so young now, as long as she teaches well in the future and establishes her ‘correct’ outlook on life and worldview, how can she deal with the night cold?

Like the kind of adoption of a child and the bloody bridge of treating himself as a murderer of his father, the night cold will never let it happen.

Moreover, with Ye Han’s strength, this bit of strength is still there, even if the little girl is really likely to betray him because she found out that he is a monster, she will definitely not be his opponent, this is Ye Han’s absolute confidence.

Since he had made a decision in his heart, Ye Han simply asked the old priest to temporarily stay here in the name of having nowhere to rest for the time being.

The old priest was very generous, and directly agreed to let Ye Han live here temporarily, and also invited the two to dine together, and Ye Han readily agreed.

In this way, at nightfall, the two of them, Yehan and Demon Night, lived in this seemingly ordinary shrine.

At night, after Ye Han and Demon Ye went to the sky together, Demon Ye asked why Ye Han lived here.

“Didn’t you find that little girl special?” Ye Han said. _

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