“Yes, yes, yes! I’m a very powerful man, and I’m the most important courtier of Young Master Inuyasha!” As soon as he heard Ah Li’s praise, Hakka immediately said happily.

“Hmm… Hmm,” Ah Li said casually, then turned his head and continued to look at the two below.

At this time, after listening to what Hakka said, Inuyasha had already refocused his attention on the iron crushed tooth inserted in the pedestal, and after seeing that Sesshomaru did not mean to continue pursuing, Inuyasha slowly came to the front of the iron broken tooth and slowly extended his hand to the handle of the iron broken tooth.

‘Just let me kill Orochimaru and see how you pulled out the iron tooths’

On the side, Sesshomaru, who acquiesced to Inuyasha’s actions, secretly said in his heart, and Sesshomaru at this time couldn’t tell what he was thinking in his heart.

Maybe it was to die a painful death after Inuyasha cut off hope; More perhaps, I just want to simply verify whether what Haka said is true.

However, perhaps Orochimaru himself did not know that at this time, he had begun to gradually believe Hades’ words, but deep down he was not willing to admit it.

At this time, Inuyasha had already held the hilt of the iron tooth, but the enchantment that blocked the killing pill did not appear again.

“Sure enough, Young Master Inuyasha is the person chosen by the master!”

After seeing that Iron Crushing Teeth did not resist Inuyasha, Hakka couldn’t help but say happily.

However, things obviously will not be so simple, although Iron Crushed Tooth did not refuse Inuyasha, but Inuyasha at this time obviously did not get Iron Crushed Tooth’s approval.

Inuyasha gripped the handle of the knife with all his strength, but to no avail, and the iron teeth still stood upright on the platform.

“It’s time for the farce to end!”

Seeing this scene, Sesshomaru finally completely lost his patience.

Directly leaped forward and swung a grab at Inuyasha, Inuyasha quickly flew away to dodge, but Sesshomaru’s speed was faster than him, and he quickly chased after him, directly suppressing Inuyasha in the corner.

“Just let my poisonous claws melt you!”

After pressing Inuyasha against the bone wall with one hand, Sesshomaru raised his right hand, which had gradually emitted green light, and swung his claw towards Inuyasha’s skull.

Inuyasha only had time to tilt his head, and the poisonous claw passed straight past him, melting the bone wall behind him, which shows how toxic it is.

After all, the poisonous claw of the killing pill is a trick to release the toxins in its body through demon power, and it can release the greatest toxicity in an instant, and the power can be imagined.

Seeing that he had dodged Orochimaru’s attack, Yasha quickly got rid of Orochimaru’s suppression, and when Orochimaru’s slave Evil Opinion wanted to take the opportunity to sneak up on Inuyasha, he was found in advance and jumped down and fell, and the two grabbed the human head stick, and no one admitted defeat.

“Damn it, you little evil party.”

“I will definitely not lose to you this time”

However, in terms of comparative strength, Ah Li, who is a human, is obviously still weaker, and after a while, he was overturned to the ground by the evil vision, and just fell next to the iron broken teeth.

“Haha! Abominable human woman, know the evil master! Seeing that he had finally won the human girl who had beaten herself badly last time, Evil Opinion laughed happily.

“Abominable! I haven’t lost yet! ”

Ah Li quickly got up, casually grabbed the handle of the iron tooth, and rushed towards the evil view.


It wasn’t until after rushing out two steps that Ari reacted, and he seemed to have pulled out the iron crushed teeth that Inuyasha and Sesshomaru had not pulled out!

This sudden surprise undoubtedly surprised everyone.

Whether it was Inuyasha and Sesshomaru, who were confronting, or the evil view on the other side of Ah Li, they were all in shock at once, and the evil view was completely frightened and stupid, and they couldn’t say anything with their mouths wide open.

“Sorry, I pulled it out!” Looking at the iron broken teeth that had been held in his hands at this time, Ah Li couldn’t help but say weakly.

“How… How is it possible, Inuyasha doesn’t care, why would the iron crushed teeth that even Sesshomaru-sama can’t pull out be a human…” At this time, the evil view that came back to God shouted incredulously.

The killing pill came directly to Ah Li in a flash.

“Who are you and why can you pull out iron broken teeth?” Killing Pill directly asked Ah Li the doubts in his heart.

But at this time, Ah Li didn’t know what was going on, how could he answer the question of the killing pill?

“Don’t say yes? Then give me death! ”

Seeing that Ah Li did not speak for a long time, Killing Pill’s patience quickly ran out, and he directly swung his claw towards Ah Li.

But at this time, Inuyasha also rushed over, quickly blocked in front of Ari, and took Sesshomaru’s attack.

After the blow, the two quickly separated and entered a confrontation again.

“Give! Inuyasha, take this and teach this bloodless guy a good lesson. ”

At this time, Ari, who was out of danger, directly handed the iron crushed tooth to Inuyasha, and looked at Sesshomaru and said angrily.

“Yes! Young Master Inuyasha doesn’t need to hesitate anymore, just use the body of Young Master Killing Pill directly to test the power of this iron tooth! The Hajia on the side also said with a dark face at this time.

“Dare to fan the flames here!”

At this time, Orochimaru, who had not spoken, spoke in a gloomy tone, and as he spoke, the demon qi on his body began to sweep, and a powerful momentum began to rise from Orochimaru’s body, and a violent wind began to form around him, so that Inuyasha and they couldn’t help but cover the broken bones that were swept away by the fierce wind (Nuohao Zhao) with their arms.

“Inuyasha, whether you half-demon can use iron crushing teeth, let me see Sesshomaru! I’m here to put an end to the inferior half-demon blood in you!!! ”

Saying that, Orochimaru’s eyes began to turn into red beast pupils under the flood of demon power, and then his face began to gradually lengthen, and in a blink of an eye, he also turned into a beast face full of fangs.

Immediately afterwards, a strong white light began to emerge from Orochimaru’s body, and the light became stronger and stronger, and gradually Inuyasha could no longer see Orochimaru’s figure.

When the light reached a zero point, it suddenly contracted, and little by little it slowly contracted back to the middle.

When the light all converged, Orochimaru’s figure had disappeared in front of them, and only a huge white demon dog stood in front of them.

Killing pills, demonized!!!! _

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