Inuyasha's journey to immortality

Chapter 128 Barbarian bones! (Please subscribe!)

There is no need to elaborate too much on how powerful the seal of White Heart is.

At least, it is more than enough to suppress a dragon bone spirit with residual health.

What's more, this sealed place is still the internal home ground in Bailing Mountain?

Even if the big monster smells the fishy smell and comes to take a share of this fat mass, it will never be possible to set foot on the holy mountain and destroy the seal.

In one word, stable.

"No, I feel like this is not enough."

Li Xia thought of something and decided to add a layer of insurance to this seal.

After all, monsters cannot enter Bailing Mountain.

But that doesn't mean humans can't get in either.

If a group of humans were fooled by Naraku and wanted to destroy the seal here, it's hard to say they would be able to prevent it.

Once the soldiers are divided into two groups, they will contain Master Bai Xin while wreaking havoc.

There is still a chance of success.

Thinking of this, he decided to find a [housekeeper] and [doorman] for Bai Lingshan.

Whenever someone wants to cause damage and spoil his good deeds, the doorman and housekeeper can stop him in time.

He has four candidates for the guard: Barbarian Bone, Snake Bone...

There are three choices for the butler: the first and second generations of the Hojo family, and... the half-demon Izumo.

After thinking about it for a while:

"Let's find a guard first."

To the west of Bailing Mountain, there is a city built on the mountain. The lord of this city has a rare wild dragon spear in his collection.

The owner of this big spear is the weapon held by the boss of the "Seven-Man Team", a mercenary organization that was active in various parties and gained a great reputation more than ten years ago.

And he took away the Savage Dragon Spear from the city lord's many collections.

After achieving the goal of killing a thousand human generals and a thousand monsters, the Savage Dragon Spear can transform into a weapon comparable to fighting ghosts and gods. During the Bailing Mountain period of the original work, InuYasha and the iron broken teeth in InuYasha's hands were once suppressed, and the wind injury had no effect.

It's a weapon with good potential.

If it were recast with better materials, its potential would be even higher.

Four days later.

While he was recasting the Savage Dragon's Great Spear, he was skillfully controlling Kagura's wind demonic power, and was studying Tie Suiyang at the same time.

On the other side, Yanzhu helped him bake the clay body of the leader of the seven-man team, "Barbarian Bones".

"Wake up, Savage Bones!"

Li Xia, who was practicing sword skills and studying Tie Suiyang, used Li Tao's sickle to break open the surface of the tomb soil and awaken the young man in the cocoon inside.

"I am..."

The soul that has initially awakened is still filled with confusion.

Mangu, as the leader of the seven-man team, is the youngest among them. When he died, he was only 17 years old. He is accustomed to wielding the big wild dragon spear, and his force value is quite good. In terms of skills, he can suppress the half-demon Inuyasha with iron broken teeth.

He has a very simple personality and attaches great importance to friendship.

In the original work, he knew Naraku's purpose and tried his best to stop Inuyasha.

He is a very trustworthy person.

Choosing to resurrect Barbarian Bones was based on his strength, and the brotherhood shown by this guy in the original timeline.

"How does it feel to be resurrected?"

Li Xia asked with a smile.

Yanzhu's craftsmanship is much better than his, and the characters he creates are more realistic.

"Did you resurrect me?"

The young man pinched his knuckles and after getting used to the clay body, he immediately looked at Li Xia and Yanzhu. His expression became uncertain for a while.


Li Xia nodded.

"What did you do to my body?"

Mangu asked again.

His body is quite strange.

It no longer feels like flesh and blood.

And he could clearly feel the intimacy and familiarity of this body, but he felt that it was not his real body.

So weird.

And Li Xia didn't hide it, and told the general situation of the clay body truthfully:

"...This body of yours was created by us using your ashes mixed with high-quality grave soil to facilitate the carrying of your soul. Although from now on, your movements will be very limited with this fake body, and it will be difficult to use it again." It has been improved; but the clay body also has the benefits of the clay body.

For example, even if you are missing an arm or a leg, we can help you recover quickly.

Mix some grave soil from your remaining ashes and re-knead it.

For another example, I mixed the Flame Pearl with a large amount of diamond powder into the fine tomb soil..."

Speaking of this, even the wealthy Li Xia felt a little sad.

Natural diamond, which has been naturally bred for thousands of years, is a spiritual material. According to Inuyasha's world, it has "four souls" and can be used to create various spiritual weapons or gems like the black pearl in Inuyasha's right eye.

In order to gather enough diamond powder to physically strengthen Mangu's clay body, he went back to the modern world and took away more than half of the small diamonds in the Li family's storage.

The current Barbarian Bones can be called Diamond Barbarian Bones.

The [main reason] why he chose natural diamond so generously is that Mangu was just an ordinary person during his lifetime.

Ordinary humans are different from shrine maidens whose souls have their own spiritual power, such as Kikyo.

After the miko Kikyo was resurrected in a clay body, she was able to recover most of the miko's spiritual power through a sufficient amount of the dead girl's soul and part of her own remnant soul.

Not so with Barbarian Bones.

The clay body of ordinary humans does not have the ability to grow. Once it is formed, it directly limits its upper limit. Such as the countless clay puppets made by Li Tao.

Therefore, the foundation of the clay body must be enhanced during the kneading process.

Strengthening with the hardest diamond powder is one way.

(In the original plot, the army of clay puppets fired by Yanzhu are all finished products with various hardening materials added. Human weapons are cut on them and they are completely invulnerable. They are invulnerable, and once destroyed, they can still It will release poisonous corrosive gas. It is more than one level stronger than the clay puppet that Li Tao pulled out in the early stage.)

As for Ritao, why doesn’t he use various additives for Platycodon?

One is that witches are different from military commanders. What witches pursue is "cleanliness". Mixing the bones and residue of monsters will pollute the spiritual power of the resurrected miko, which is not worth the loss.

Another reason is that with Li Tao's little strength, what kind of powerful monster's ashes can he get?

If Li Tao had that kind of strength, he wouldn't be defeated by Kikyo in one move.

[Secondary reason] for choosing natural diamond: Considering that natural diamond powder is a spiritual material and can conduct demonic power!

The diamond powder blessed by demon power is similar to nanoparticles and can be transformed between fluid and solid, which makes the operability great!

In fact, he also considered using artificial diamonds.

However, although synthetic diamonds are equally hard and wear-resistant, because the synthesis time is too short, they do not yet have the spirit of the four souls, and therefore do not have the good property of "carrying demonic power" for the time being.

This also makes natural diamonds and artificial diamonds have completely different values.

And in order to increase the potential of his thug, he used the more precious natural diamond to lavishly use it.

As long as Man Gu can help him later, then the investment will be worth it.

"Try it, your fists will have powerful destructive power and will be almost indestructible! Your palms will be like the sharpest blades, easily cutting through any flesh and blood, and can even cut through steel."

Li Xia smiled.

His words made Man Gu blink.

After pondering for a moment, he grabbed a fine military commander's sword on the side, and then very boldly used his hand knife to strike the blade of the shining military commander's sword hard.

There was a crisp click, but the young man's hand was not damaged at all.

The long knife made of fine iron was broken in the middle.

Half of the blade was inserted into the rocky ground, quietly describing the sharpness of this fine military commander's sword.

However, Barbarian's hands were even more powerful than iron.


Mangu was shocked.

He had felt something strange about his body before, but he didn't expect that his body would become so strong now.

"Try strength, touch, etc. again."

Li Xia continued to remind.

On the edge of the side cliff, a huge rock three to four meters high that required at least ten adults to surround it was easily picked up by open arms.

In addition, the sense of touch has become much sharper than when he was alive.

Even the sense of smell has been improved.

"Why is this happening? What's going on with this body?"

Mangu's expression became even more complicated.

If he had this body while he was alive, wouldn't he be able to overthrow those idiots who plot against him?

"It's very simple, because in addition to your own ashes, your body also contains materials made from dragon bones. It is the dragon's bones that give you stronger power. Even if the dragon's level is placed on the monster's The world is considered top-notch.

Barbarian Bones, cherish this power. "

Li Xia became quite serious when he said this.

The ashes made from the bones of the Dragon Bone Essence are not ordinary goods.

Not only did it strengthen Mangu's clay body, but it also gave Mangu a small amount of demonic power that could be used.

Speaking of which, using various high-grade materials to mix and bake the finished product is not suitable for witches who pursue purity and holiness, so as not to pollute the spiritual power. However, it seems very suitable to be used on a reckless man like Man Gu? !

The physical strength that the reckless men could not pursue during their lifetime can be further improved after death... This can be regarded as a new approach.

This is the charm of Li Tao's ghost skills.

Unfortunately, Li Tao's own strength was too weak. Neither can one obtain truly high-quality monster bones, nor can one control a clay puppet that is too powerful. And all kinds of natural precious gems are not something Li Tao can collect on a large scale.

Otherwise, that old witch might be able to set off a massive "disaster of the undead"? !

"This fake body of mine is indeed very powerful."

Man Gu is very satisfied with his current fake body.

But because of this, he became more and more concerned about the hidden dangers: "Are there any natural enemies in my situation?"

"Yes! The disadvantage of this clay body of yours is that it must be filled with the dead boy's soul from time to time to replenish vitality for your own increasingly weak soul. Only in this way can the body's movements be maintained! In other words, all clay fake bodies are very Afraid of the ability to pull the soul out of you.

For example, Death Soul Insect.

To be more precise, it's the mutated red dead soul insect...

The way to solve this hidden danger is to cultivate mutated dead soul insects on your own to prepare for emergencies. "

As he spoke, he pointed at the three red mutated dead soul insects surrounding and protecting Yanzhu.

"So, you have a way to counter me?"

The boy raised his eyebrows.

Li Xia smiled and said nothing.

In his heart he secretly said:

"It's because you've lost your brain that you don't have any countermeasures."

The red mutated dead soul insect is one of them.

And as the person who resurrected Barbarian Bones, he also has the authority to force Barbarian Bones into puppets.

Barbarian Bones is different from Kikyo, a super-standard existence with extremely powerful soul power.

This guy, whose soul power is not strong, can't resist his orders at all.

It's just that he won't use force unless absolutely necessary.

Although using force can directly enslave the barbarian bones.

But he knew that the enslaved Barbarian Bone was just a puppet and could not perform even one-tenth of the level of his life. Giving the other party a certain amount of freedom is different, it is tantamount to exercising on your own. If Barbarian Bones had any ambitions and ambitions, he would be more motivated to fight.

Coupled with this flame bead and the clay body that has been specially strengthened according to his needs, the result is definitely 1+1 greater than 2.

"Why resurrect me? Do you need me to do anything for you?"

"In the early stage, help me guard a seal and don't let anyone else get close except me! Although it's a little lonely and boring to stay in one place, as long as you do this well, I can not only give you a relative The freedom can also help you resurrect your brother Snake Bones!"

"What? You can also resurrect snake bones?"

Mangu was surprised and happy.

Now, he felt happy about being resurrected, but also felt unwilling to be buried with his brothers, and felt guilty towards those brothers.

If the person in front of him can resurrect snake bones or even resurrect other people, he doesn't mind doing things for him.

Anyway, he was a mercenary during his lifetime.

They do dirty things to people.

Who is not doing things for?

"Not just the snake bones, if you perform well, I wouldn't mind resurrecting your entire seven-man team."

Li Xia drew the cake sincerely.

Why didn't he resurrect the snake bones as another fighting force? It's just to win Barbarian Bone's heart! Mobilize Man Gu’s enthusiasm for doing things!

It's not good to resurrect too many people at once.

That would be too low a price.

Sure enough, after hearing this, Man Gu couldn't suppress the joy on his face.

Can he be unhappy if all his friends can be resurrected?

‘Everyone… just wait, I will definitely try to bring you all back to life. ’

So, the young man took a deep breath, and then expressed his wishes and attitude quite simply: "Yes! As long as you can resurrect them, what if I work hard for you?"

When the young man said this, his tone was very firm.


Li Xia nodded with satisfaction.

This tough guy is still very aware of current affairs.

The routine of using a big stick in one hand and a sweet date in one hand is indeed very effective.

"By the way, this is for you... If you want to avenge what happened back then, use this."

As he spoke, he took out the Savage Dragon Spear and threw it to his first thug.

"My wild dragon?"

Mangu's eyes lit up.

He took the spear and stroked it affectionately.

This weapon is like his woman.

He couldn't put it down.

"Huh? Why has the wild dragon become heavier?"

He just danced briefly twice and immediately noticed something strange.

You know, with his clay body, he is several times stronger than before, and his wrist strength has doubled. However, after picking up the Barbarian Dragon Spear, not only did it not feel lighter, but it actually seemed to be more than twice as heavy. This really confused him.

Li Xia saw this and smiled lightly:

"Because I used dragon teeth to help you reforge this big spear! Therefore, this spear is not simple now!"

"That's it. Thank you."

Mangu felt a mysterious power flowing on the big spear and had already made some guesses.

"More than these.

Later, with my help, you can also open many seals inside Bailing Mountain one by one, and release the monsters sealed in the mountain for your wild dragon spear to kill..."

"Didn't you promise to the Savage Dragon Spear before your death that you would kill a thousand human generals and a thousand monsters, so that the Savage Dragon could transform into a demon weapon and gain demonic power?

Killing those star-level monsters that are not too bad to help the Barbarian Dragon Spear collect monster power to complete the transformation is definitely better than killing ordinary monsters to complete the transformation.

When the barbarian dragon accumulates enough resentment, it transforms into a superior demon weapon, and even gives birth to a unique spirituality. At that time, I can help you purify the resentment and retain the core spirituality.

In this case, it may hope to become a super weapon that will become stronger with each war..."

Li Xia threw out another sweet date.

The large spear of the wild dragon has been reforged and has been penetrated into the dragon's fangs, making it stronger and sharper.

If a more powerful monster is used to build the base of the Savage Dragon Spear than in the original work, the weapon after transformation can completely surpass the fighting ghosts and gods.

In other words, Barbarian Bones can reach the level of strength of fighting ghost god Sesshomaru.

Even if he is not a top expert, he is still able to suppress the level of Inuyasha.

Explosive flow cannot be broken, but wind damage and other things can be extinguished easily.

Having such a number one thug under his command will make many things much easier.

"Huh? You actually know that I made a wish to the wild dragon?"

How can this be?

This is a secret between him and Barbarian Dragon Spear that is unknown to outsiders.

How did the person in front of me know that?

When Li Xia saw this, he just smiled lightly.

No explanation was given.

Here, it seems that he has added a bit of mystery to Mangu's heart.

After explaining the matter of Bailing Mountain to Man Gu.

Li Xia ran to find Sesshomaru again.

"Your Highness, I still feel a little sorry for asking you to give up Tie Suiyang. In this case, let's go to Yaolao Poison Immortal. Maybe, there might be some other kind of surprise in Tiansheng Ya?"

Let Sesshomaru completely let go of his obsession with Tetsatsuga, thus awakening the Blastuga in his body.

It's not like you can't try this kind of thing.

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