Inuyasha's journey to immortality

Chapter 136 Devastated! Finish! (Please subscribe!)

(This chapter of the modern plot is over, please rest assured.)

The castle complex is huge.

Like a town in a fairy tale.

The most central location is where the core members of the Smith family live.

"Start the signal shielding device immediately and adjust the power to the maximum..."

On the bus, the head of the Li family began to mobilize his own manpower.

The next moment, invisible signal isolation belts were quickly formed on several pre-arranged hills and where the bus was located. At the same time, the lines buried underground were also cut off by monsters who had arranged to sneak into the ground in advance.


This crude method can only block ordinary communication methods.

Some special communication channels can still deliver messages to the outside world.


The Li family does not need to intercept all signals.

It is enough to intercept the vast majority of pairs.

Just buy a little more time.

"Everyone has it, attack with all your strength immediately, no need to survive!"

"Don't be afraid of death. Even if you die, you can be resurrected by Xiaoxia and enjoy another life of wealth!"

These words were like a shot in the arm, boosting the morale of all the participants in the Li family.

That's right.

They have Li Xia.

Everyone looked at this unfathomable junior of theirs, their eyes filled with hot light.

"Let me take the lead first."

Li Xia smiled slightly.

A purple-gold card was thrown out by him and inserted into the ground outside the car. Immediately afterwards, right where the purple gold card disappeared, a big hand broke out of the ground. Its thirty or forty meter long arm first reached out, and then pressed heavily on the ground.

With just a push, the nearly 100-meter-tall, mountain-sized mountain ghost quickly rose from the ground and appeared in front of everyone.

"Then...what kind of creature is that? Why is it so big?"

The terrifying sense of oppression spread, causing the knees of countless creatures to weaken and their legs to tremble.


The powerful demonic energy swept away, like a level 12 storm.

The big trees, like grass without rockers, bent their backs one after another.

For a time, rocks were flying on the ground, the sky was covered with dark clouds and there was lightning and thunder.

Changes in the sky indicate that a storm is coming.

"Yao, monster energy, it's monster energy..."

"Can it cause such changes in the sky? Could this be the big monster recorded in the classics?"

"They should just be the remnants of the era before the end of the law!"

This era cannot breed such a powerful individual life.

"Wait, how did it get here silently?"

And this scene, let alone the Smith family in the castle complex, was stunned.

Even the Li family members outside the castle were shocked.

Although they had greatly overestimated their lucky stars, they never expected that they still greatly underestimated:

"How many tricks does Xiaoxia have yet to reveal?"

Without waiting for anyone to think about it, the mountain ghost moved at a speed that was extremely inconsistent with its size, and penetrated several five- and six-story-high wall defenses in a row, and entered the interior of the castle complex.

During this period, flames arose in the castle.

These tongues of fire spit out firepower like a rain curtain.

The Smith family's defense mechanism responded quite quickly.

Facing this kind of battle, any other ordinary flesh and blood body would probably be torn to pieces at this moment. Or maybe it was swallowed up into dust by a rocket launcher shell.

But the mountain ghost, whose body was surrounded by several invisible whirlpools of demonic energy, completely ignored those bullets and shells with astonishing penetrating power and powerful impact. After opening the gap in the castle complex, I took a bath in the rain in a leisurely manner.

This was quite shocking in the eyes of members of the Smith family.

"Such a high density of guns and artillery has no effect at all?"

"The demonic aura on it is too strong. It is so strong that bullets cannot penetrate the invisible force field wall, and it is so strong that missiles will be changed in their trajectory! Ordinary thermal weapons cannot threaten it at all!"

Even if it is some powerful missiles, the aftermath of the explosion can pass through the demonic tornado, but the impact will be greatly reduced and become weak.

The damage caused by shrapnel is almost negligible.

The key is that when encountering special missiles that are dangerous enough, Shangui, who has a certain sense of crisis because of Wuxingui's growth qualifications, will take the initiative to avoid it. And it is the kind of evasion that is very fast and extremely dexterous.

I am not afraid of big living targets, but I am afraid that they are big and can be as slippery as a loach.

"so what should I do now?"

Wash the ground with nuclear warheads?

Hehe, he has been pressed to such a close distance. If he attacks with a nuclear bomb at this time, he will surely lose his life.

They didn't know whether the big monster on the other side was dead or not.

They were bound to die anyway.

This is one of the drawbacks of powerful thermal weapons.

"Ordinary missiles are indeed difficult to threaten the mountain ghosts who actively release their demonic power to form tornadoes... Even if there are special missiles that can penetrate the demonic tornadoes, they cannot continue to tear apart the dozens of little ghosts on the mountain ghosts with their own bodies. A force field formed by the power of the soul!"

After tentatively feeling the firepower of this geothermal weapon, and confirming that the force field formed by the devils mainly "Zhenyu" was strong enough, Li Xia was convinced.

Although the mountain ghost's demon power is consumed quickly, it is enough to destroy the Smith family.

"It seems that there is basically no need for me to do it myself."

Touching the flame-pointed gun, he actually hoped that the Smith family would have some useful information.

His three major shikigami will be pushed horizontally from the sky, the ground, and under the earth respectively, and the Li family members will check and fill in the gaps to prevent any fish from slipping through the net.

The mountain ghost is responsible for the [ground].

Cooperating with the mountain ghost's actions are dozens of worldly resentful spirits behind the mountain ghost.

The Li family recruited all the little ghosts who could not be comforted by the demon-worshiping child spirits to avoid harming one party.

"Boom...puff puff..."

Another tower with a fort was blown up by a slap from the mountain ghost.

The sputtering masonry is like bullets and cannonballs, washing the ground in a small area.

After a brief period of wailing, the area suddenly became silent.

The strange thing is that the power of the mountain ghost is too big and too violent.

This is the advantage that comes with having a giant physique.

After all, the fifty-meter-tall Ultraman can only be considered a little brother in front of Mountain Ghost.


The mountain ghost moved forward steadily step by step.

There is no stopping you along the way.

During this period, several heavily armored tanks tried to launch attacks from the ground, hoping to injure the mountain ghost's feet or calves to slow down the big man's offensive.

But no matter how hard the steel is, it will turn into a piece of dough if you step on it.

Even if some physical damage is caused, the wound can be healed quickly after the demonic power covers it.

How to fight this?

There is no way to fight it with ordinary physical means.

The mountain ghost waved his arm, and his sharp claws swiped through the claws that resembled soul-dispersing iron claws. In an instant, countless forts and towers exploded, and countless rains of blood fell.

With one foot stepped on, an area of ​​about two basketball courts would suffer.

The so-called torrent of steel is also completely inadequate in the face of huge strength and sharp claws that can easily cut through gold and jade.

The huge figure only took more than ten shots, and the small group of castles turned into ruins.


It can't be stopped at all.

"What kind of monster is this? What is its origin?"

"Are all the monsters before the End of the Dharma such a terrifying existence?"

Countless eyes of the Smith family faced the nearly 100-meter behemoth. Just their four eyes facing each other made the soldiers and family members unable to resist at all.

Many dead soldiers no longer regard death as home.

And the closer you look at the mountain ghost, the more suffocating the feeling of oppression becomes!

"Let the senior management think of a solution!"


A strong wind blew.

Just a brush.

A large number of lucky people who were not trampled to death were unfortunately swept away by the evil wind.

These people immediately became weak and weak after being blown by the evil wind. They unknowingly inhaled the demonic wind filled with miasma. The small amount was not fatal, but if they inhaled a little more, their flesh and blood bodies were actually festering from the inside.

In less than ten breaths, anyone who has inhaled a little more of the miasma demonic wind will turn into puddles of thick water, leaving only black bones.

This is the innate miasma power possessed by most giant ghosts of the ghost clan.

The most famous one has to be the rock ghost used by Naraku in the middle and late stages.

The belly is filled with filthy miasma that can dissolve flesh and blood.

The richness can even quickly contaminate the four soul fragments.

Although the demonic miasma released by the mountain ghost is not as overbearing as the miasma of Naraku and the rock ghost, it is enough to deal with the Smith family.

at this time.

A scarlet penetrating beam shot out from the center of the castle group.

The power is not small.

Full of mana fluctuations.

"Advanced talisman?"

Outside the castle, Li Xia narrowed his eyes slightly and secretly said it was a pity.

If he is stimulated, he will be able to exert greater power.

It would be great to inspire some practitioners with two-star magic power to exert 30% of the power of high-level talismans.

Thirty percent of the power would definitely not hurt the mountain ghost.

Sure enough, the beam looked fierce, but when it met the claws of the mountain ghost, it instantly dissipated completely.

After a few breaths.

In front of the mountain ghost.

A dark green light curtain quickly rose, covering a large area of ​​the castle.

The Smith family cheered.

But Li Xia just looked at it from a distance and then withdrew his gaze.

"Does it even have the inheritance of a large-scale defensive barrier?"

It's a pity that a barrier of that level can't stop the mountain ghost who is just a step away from the big monster level.

I saw the mountain ghost's four fingers spread out, and its sharp claws cut down like a blade.

The green barrier was torn apart immediately.

"What? The old patriarch's 'powerful' barrier was broken so easily..."

Countless people screamed in surprise.

Qi Qi's heart tightened.

"My old master is the most powerful among us! Even he can't stop the giant ghosts from the outside. What should we do?"

One by one, they were frightened and frightened.

The soles of my feet are getting cold.

"what to do?"

The once giant cultivator family was now in chaos.

Among them, an old man with a beard looked at the barrier he had created by borrowing the power of several jade fragments, and it turned out to be so vulnerable. In addition to being unbelievable, I was even more terrified.

"My Smith family has always been gentle and low-key, and values ​​peace. How could we provoke such a dangerous ancient demon?"

"Wait, could it be..."

Looking down at the eight lavender fragments embedded in his right arm, the old man suddenly realized.


He must have come here for the four soul fragments.

Obviously, because the mountain ghost's attack came so fast and fiercely, less than a minute passed and all the outer sentinels and hidden sentries were basically removed! Whether this attack was a man-made attack or a monster attack, no accurate information has been conveyed to the top family officials!

That's right, only over fifty seconds have passed since the mountain ghost appeared on the scene.

Less than a minute.

But the damage caused almost knocked down half of the castle complex.

Seeing this, Will Smith, the old head of the family, issued a seemingly very reasonable order based on wrong judgment:

"Quickly organize the manpower and let a side team break out from the east where the giant ghost is not affected.

Start the helicopter and try your best to strategically transfer the direct clan members from high altitude.

Then some tribesmen took the underground secret passage.

Be quick. "

Organize a team of mage to resist in full?

That's too late.

The appearance of the giant ghost at night caught them off guard.

Organizing effective resistance simply cannot be done in a minute or two.

Only one of the direct clan members can escape.

And he undoubtedly got on a private helicopter.

Mountain ghosts come out of the ground.

Flying to the sky is undoubtedly the safest.

Moreover, modern practitioners generally lack the ability to fly. Even among the elders of the clan who are in the stage of refining energy and becoming gods, few are good at controlling the air. The old head of the Smith family undoubtedly misjudged many things.

The members of the Smith family who received his instructions were divided into five shares.

A wave of resistance continued to scratch the mountain ghost, buying time for a large number of tribesmen to escape.

The other turned into a headless fly and ran around among the family castles, hiding here and there in the hope of escaping.

The other three strands escaped from the sky, the ground, and the underground respectively.

"You're really decisive."

Outside the castle.

Li Xia, who quietly looked at the situation here, smiled slightly.

Immediately afterwards, countless monsters fell from the sky.

That was the mountain ghost using the illusion ability of the female ghost from Guitou City.

He fabricated a bunch of powerful monsters that didn't exist at all, but scared the nerves of everyone in the Smith family.

All kinds of missiles and the spells of the direct clan members of the opposite family bombarded him, and then they were all useless.

Three elders of the Smith family even used three high-level talismans to attack these false products created by illusions, wasting precious power.

When the group of descendants who wanted to escape in a helicopter were almost exhausted, a poisonous dragon hidden in the black clouds in mid-air swooped down, accompanied by a thunderbird and several real flying bird monsters, facing each other. Helicopters from several hundred meters launched the attack.

"What's that?"

On the helicopter, they witnessed a 100-meter-long poisonous dragon stepping on the dark clouds and attacking. All the direct members of the Smith family screamed in horror.

The head of the old family is even more haunted.

He can fly, sure, but can he be faster than a helicopter and that giant dragon?

"Heaven is going to kill me."

He summoned several of his little pets and tried to struggle.


After a flash of fire, the helicopter that flew out of the castle complex and lacked ground fire cover was immediately blown up and disintegrated into parts that filled the sky. The three-headed monster contracted by the old family owner and passed down from generation to generation in the Smith family was so weak that it couldn't even block a casual slap from the poisonous dragon and exploded into a large red rain curtain.

And this picture is not an exception.

Dozens of helicopters were shot down one after another.

Especially those brats who directly used their mind power to dismantle or even bend the "fan blades" of the aircraft and fell hundreds of meters back to the ground. Very few people were spared.

As for the underground? The monsters that can burrow underground and the roots of the sacred tree have been waiting for you for a long time.

After a while, a large-scale landslide suddenly broke out more than 300 meters outside the castle complex, but ended in an instant.

The last direction on the ground was pursued and intercepted by superior monsters and many imps summoned by dozens of people from the Li family.

The little ghosts who mainly focus on Zhenyou, after leaving the mountain ghost side, play the most obvious role here.

Because any one of these brats can overturn a truck with just a simple act of telekinesis. It is also easy to uproot a large tree, lift it to a height of tens of meters and then drop it heavily.

The key is that they are soul bodies, invisible and invisible.

It is extremely difficult to be discovered by hiding in the dark.

With their organized and disciplined attacks after receiving militarized management and training, it was impossible to prevent them. Working together, they can even tear open a large crack in the ground that is twenty to thirty meters wide and ten meters deep.

There is no chance for the Smith family to escape and ascend to heaven.

The smoke has not cleared yet.

The castle complex has not yet completely fallen silent.

The battle is actually over.

The night passed.

All that was left was a mess on the scene.

ps: A modern plot ends in two or three chapters, isn’t that too much? !

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