Inuyasha's journey to immortality

Chapter 164 Sesshomaru, Mr. Xia, are you ready? (Please subscribe! Please vote!)

However, Naraku had no intention of answering anything.

With the help of the non-demon wall, he has been dormant nearby for a long time.

What you are waiting for is an opportunity.

It would be best if Sara could deal with Inuyasha and the others. In that case, he could easily get a big advantage. It doesn't matter if he can't deal with it, there's nothing to lose to him.

I just didn't expect that Inuyasha and the others were so useless!

He was actually being teased around by a new fusion of ten thousand demons.

In this case, of course there is no need for him to continue hiding.

Before the girl gets the Tie Suiya, grab this top-notch demonic sword first; then get close to the girl and absorb it. It can be said to be a buy-one-get-one-free deal with a sure profit.

As for Sara.

Seeing that there was no trace of evil in Naraku, she tried to merge with her. Not only did she not panic, but she was overjoyed: The other party was so stupid that he wouldn't think that their fusion of ten thousand monsters was so easy to swallow, right?

Merge with them?


Who is afraid of whom? !

Hehe, even a big monster will eat up all the crumbs for you.



don't want!

Elegant butterfly…

Uh-huh...! "

The girl's face instantly changed into various forms.

There are three-eyed demons, hairy-headed monsters, seaweed spirits...

There are countless kinds of them.

The only thing they had in common was that they all looked terrified.

It turned out that it was only when skin touched and flesh and blood were entangled that the demons who controlled the body of Sara discovered in horror what they were facing!

It was an aggregation of evil energy that was several times or even ten times more powerful than them.

The other party's true identity will be revealed.

"Naraku, stop...!"

But Naraku always smiled.

As the fused white light became more and more powerful, he bit by bit ate the new generation fusion body that had just been born:

“What a wonderful spiritual power.

Can actually freeze any living thing into glass?

Gee, I didn't expect that the human nun who was obsessed with Sesshomaru would have such creative potential.

In this way, I may really be able to make some plans for that Highness. "

Playing with a glass orb in his right hand, Naraku was thoughtful.

He immediately turned around and glanced at InuYasha, who was frozen into a glass sculpture. He couldn't help but kicked InuYasha directly into the rapidly rising tide.

"Inuyasha, the demon sword your father left really good."


It was impossible for him to leave behind an unstable demon sword.

"With Tie Suiya's demon power, I won't be polite."

Naraku grinned wildly.

Sesshomaru, due to his eldest brother's care for his stinky younger brother, and because he had a fairly handy demon sword, he gradually let go of his possessiveness towards Tetsuya, and therefore did not take away this demon sword with high growth potential.

Li Xia, due to various emotional factors, limited by his own moral bottom line, and considering the feelings of Sesshomaru (and the behind-the-scenes bosses such as Ling Yue Fairy, Yao Lao Poison, Demon Spirit Great Sage), so even if there is He failed to occupy Tie Suiya after three opportunities.

These two people are undoubtedly more suitable to use Tie Suiya.

However, due to the humility of these two people, Tie Suiya has always been in the hands of a half-hearted person.

Now, he Naraku can be considered as lost and recovered.

"When I got you, I didn't feel so good. I didn't know what I missed by losing you and what a big mistake it was. Looking back now, I realize how stupid I was at that time..."

Naraku stroked Tie Suiya's blade and suppressed his smile.

Tie Suiya can capture the demon power and even abilities (skills) of powerful monsters by killing powerful monsters and bathing in the blood of those powerful monsters.

And if he wants to increase his demon power, he can only rely on "eating" and four soul fragments.

His path is obviously a wrong path.

Because there is always a moment when he reaches his upper limit: the soul of Naraku, which is formed by the combination of the soul of ten thousand monsters and the soul of ghost spider, will one day be unable to suppress the soul of monsters that was later swallowed, and will no longer be able to perfectly control this body of ten thousand monsters. Every inch of flesh and blood.

(Naraku never knew the potential of his four souls, so he was worried about it. In fact, he was worried too much.)

"After I get the Iron Broken Tooth, I will absorb the Iron Broken Tooth, acquire the properties of the Iron Broken Tooth, and then use my own teeth to shape a very different dental knife. At that time, I will be able to carry out more detailed and more effective operations. The most fragile parts of the body can be specially strengthened through the various demonic powers collected by one's own tooth knife."

Bones not strong enough?

Then use your own iron broken teeth to kill monsters with strong bones, and then use the collected monster power to strengthen the bones.

Not hearing enough?

Go kill monsters with strong hearing, or train special little monsters with extraordinary hearing, and then kill them with your own iron teeth! Obtain demonic powers that can help improve your hearing and even develop listening skills!

Change yourself little by little.

Little by little adds up to a lot.

Even if your upper limit is not high, you can make up for your innate deficiencies the day after tomorrow.

Isn't it that General Inutai left the broken teeth to Inuyasha just to make up for his younger son's congenital shortcomings?


This time.

Naraku did something in the original timeline... "I said I was going to do it, but in fact, I was in chaos because of Kikyo's death, so I didn't have time to do it yet."

That is: Eat Tie Suiya, the demon knife made of dog teeth!

Not only that.

Considering Sara's potential.

He began to cut off the restless pieces of flesh from his body again.

"Go, with respect and admiration for Sesshomaru, get close to, test, and gain Sesshomaru's approval..."

Deep in the deserted cave, Naraku's voice echoed.

He left, leaving the cave to a young girl.

However, he took away a beating heart.

That is the core of the girl's new body.

The girl on the ground is none other than Sara.

A blank-sheet, half-demon woman who is not tainted by any of his demonic power or aura.

A Sara Ji whose soul has been preserved.

The previous woman's human soul was bound deep inside her body by the monsters, and her body was controlled by the monsters, unable to interfere with anything she did.

Completely out of control.

It's different now.

This body of hers is brand new, without the so-called constraints of the souls of all demons, and every finger is controlled only by her own thoughts. (At least that's how it appears on the surface.)

"Your Highness Sesshomaru..."

The girl wakes up leisurely.

She had a very brief dream.

I dreamed that I was merging with ten thousand monsters and "about to" be enslaved by ten thousand monsters.

Fortunately, with his strong willpower, he defeated the souls of those monsters and won this half-demon body? !

"Your Highness Sesshomaru, Sara finally has the strength to stay with His Highness for a long time!"

The woman clenched her fists, feeling the surging vitality, demonic power, and spiritual power in her body, with unspeakable expectations.

This time, she will definitely have the courage to confess her love to His Highness.


Watching the girl summon a demon bird to fly away, in the forest not far away, the corners of Naraku's mouth were slightly raised.

Things are changing.

"Sesshomaru, Li Xia, are you ready?

I have erased the memories of this tragic woman and me, Inuyasha and others, but I have retained her innocence, romance, and sincerity as a girl. In this case, she should win your sympathy and acceptance, right?

Hehe hehe... If you don’t believe it, you won’t fall for it! "

Naraku was secretly proud.

With Sara's heart core in hand, he is not afraid of betrayal at all.

Everything is under his control.

Two days later.

After completing the monthly exam, Ali finally breathed a sigh of relief and happily crossed the Well of Bones and returned to Maple Village in the Warring States Period.

Seeing Granny Feng who was looking after the shrine, the little girl greeted her politely.

But when he heard that Inuyasha and the others had taken action again, he frowned at first, but thinking that this kind of thing had happened more than once or twice, and that everyone returned safely every time, he didn't say anything more.

But she waited for three days in a row.

There was still no news about Inuyasha, Coral and others, and he suddenly became a little anxious.

It's just a purposeful search for a four-soul fragment. How could it be delayed for five or six days?

Something is wrong.

It was also at this time that someone came uninvited.

The dignified and serious look on his face really startled A Li.

"Grandpa Totosai? Why are you here?"

Although the old man only came here to help Inuyasha polish his teeth, the little girl still remembered this elder who only had a brief relationship with him.

"Little Ali, something happened to InuYasha!

No, it's not just Inuyasha...

This time even Tie Suiya was in trouble! "

Totosai's face was serious with a hint of lingering gloom.


Ali opened his mouth slightly in shock.

what happened?

She was just going back to take a test, what happened to Inuyasha and Tetsuiya again? Possibly even implicating the entire team?

No wonder those few people have not returned yet.

'Coral, Shippo, Miroku, Hachi...and Inuyasha...don't you think...'

Thinking of this, A Li's face gradually turned pale.

His lips trembled slightly.

Don't tell her that many of her friends died during this outing.

The teeth on the originally red lips turned blue and white.

"Wait a minute, Grandpa Totosai, are you mistaken? Jun Xia helped Tie Suiya go through multiple strengthening stages from big monsters such as Yaoxian Grandpa, Hyakki Bat Clan, Sesshomaru, and Flying Demon Moth. ! How can something happen so easily..."

There was a cry in the girl's voice.

The old knife maker was also very confused about this.

He just hid in the Demon Spirit Great Sage and took a nap, then turned around and let his pet "Three-Eyed Ox" peek into the space to look for traces of Inuyasha and the others, but in the end it was like they just disappeared from the world.

Then very quickly, he knew that something was wrong with Tie Suiya.

He never expected that Tie Suiya, who had been strengthened many times by someone, would suddenly come to an end.

That's right, as the forger of the top-level Demon Sword Tie Suiya, he has some inexplicable connection with the Demon Sword. For example, when Bakuya Ya was born, he felt it immediately. Because Explosive Fang, Tie Suiyang and Tiansheng Fang were all made by him, and he left behind special sword embryos that reflected the conditions of the three demon knives.

Blast Fang was [born], and one of the sword embryos trembled.

Tie Suiya [had an accident], and the other sword embryo was directly broken, scrapped, and finally turned into powder on the ground.

This means that his iron teeth... are completely gone.

'What the hell happened to that idiot Inuyasha? ’

Woo woo woo...

My lovely iron teeth!

If you give the Tetsuya to Sesshomaru, this kind of thing will never happen.


"Little Ali, take me to see that brat Li Xia, we need his power..."

Why was Tie Suiya destroyed? He didn't know.

But one thing he knew very well was that Tie Suiya's demon power was absorbed by an unknown monster.

The other party is extremely dangerous.

Li Xia and the power behind Li Xia are suitable to be put on the bright side together with Sesshomaru.

Bailing Mountain.

Someone who was in retreat was alarmed by Barbarian Bones knocking on the door of the stone house.

Mangu: "Your woman came into the mountains to find you."

Li Xia: "Huh?"




ps: I’ll take precautions in advance: Again… don’t worry!

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