Inuyasha's journey to immortality

Chapter 220 Uncle Douya King, why are you so weak? (Please subscribe! Please vote!)

Li Xia nodded, then took out two Time Tree masks, one crying and one laughing, and quickly merged the two masks into one, forming a single mask that combined crying and laughing and put it on his face.

Immediately afterwards, he took out another green-gold card, summoned the poisonous dragon, and let the poisonous dragon compress all its power into the big osmanthus mask.

Then, based on the era tree mask that combines laughter and laughter, a large osmanthus tree mask was put on.

"Dragon costume..."

"Exterior keel..."

After accepting the power of the dragon, his aura surged.

Not half weaker than Sesshomaru, the demon king.

Even stronger!

"Good boy! I underestimated you."

Yao Lao Poison Fairy's eyes glowed.

I feel that this wave of investment is not a loss at all.

A strong person turning to the path of immortality and a weak person turning to the path of immortality are two different things.

The former can rely on their own high strength to collect a large amount of resources for themselves, and then take that step when they feel that everything is ready. He and the Demon Spirit Great Sage used this method when their longevity was approaching.

The latter can only take one step at a time.

Those who are more successful usually become more powerful practitioners first, and then switch to another path halfway after they have a certain foundation in Taoism. Those low-level human immortals are like this. (For example, Erkuxian.)

If you start practicing from ordinary mortals without any foundation, and first let the soul of a mortal transform into the soul of an immortal (Taoyuan Township is this method), the starting point of this method is relatively low.

There are two ways, one is somewhat similar to the rich second generation inheriting the family fortune and starting a business.

The other one is something like starting from scratch.

Li Xia has secured for himself the status of a top rich second generation.

"Old man, let's have a good drink later."

"Go ahead."

Inside the wine vat is a vast water world.

The light here is very good, the transparency is very high, and the liquid here is not "spicy on the eyes" like most fresh water, and the eyes are as easy to use as if they were in the outside air.

Li Xia dived all the way and quickly reached the depths.

At this moment, a circle of mist spread in front of him, and after a while, two figures at war with each other appeared.

Seeing this scene, he was stunned for a moment:

"Huh? Why are there two figures instead of one?"

When he saw the appearance of the two clearly, his pupils couldn't help but shrink.

One of them was both familiar and unfamiliar to him. It was a giant snake demon with eight heads and eight tails. The moment he saw this strange snake, he guessed what it was. Not surprisingly, it is the legendary god of disaster in the island country: Yamata no Orochi.

Another figure was even more familiar: who else could it be if he wasn't General Inu?

"Uncle King Douya, how come your remnant soul is in Cong Yunya?"

Li Xia, who had some guesses, asked in surprise.

"Human boy, do you recognize me?"

General Inu was very surprised by this.

Most of the vigilance and caution I had just now disappeared, and I became much more easy-going and relaxed.

"Of course I know you, uncle. I am now an ally with His Highness Sesshomaru, and I was once a companion with Inuyasha. Before, I also met with you, uncle, the remnant souls you left in the Tetsuya and Tensenga. You see, My left arm is what it is today thanks to His Highness Sesshomaru’s training.”

Li Xia briefly recounted some things that happened a few months ago, and also raised his left arm, which was surrounded by dragon scales and attached keel.

It does convey the aura of Sesshomaru.

There is also an aura of demonic power from the Inu Admiral himself.

"I see."

The middle-aged uncle nodded, secretly amazed at the tricks of the human kid next to him, and understood the cause and effect.

At this moment, the Yamata no Orochi spoke:

"King Dou Ya, you are really powerful; you actually hid one of your four souls in Cong Yun Ya without me knowing about it.

Humph, what do you want, this old dog?

Don’t you still want to replace me and become Cong Yunya’s sword spirit? "

"But as long as my spirit body doesn't leave Cong Yunya's sword, what can you do to me?"

His words were full of fear for the canine general.

On the other side, General Inu also had a headache secretly.

Because his plan was just as Yamata no Orochi guessed, he wanted to occupy the magpie's nest and replace it.

Within the iron broken teeth, his wild soul was sealed.

His lucky soul and harmonious soul are sealed in the natural tooth.

His strange soul happened to be sealed inside Cong Yun's teeth.

There was no way, he was seriously injured and on the verge of death, and there was no time to make too many other arrangements. He can only use his remaining strength to respond to the psychic scabbard and seal Cong Yunya for 700 years, giving Sesshomaru and Inuyasha enough time to grow up.

After 700 years, his two sons should have grown up and be able to stand alone.

By then, as long as the Yamata no Orochi wants to cause trouble in the world, it will definitely emerge from Cong Yunya's sword. By that time, the strange soul he left in Cong Yunya will take effect, and he can cut off the escape route of Yamata no Orochi to hide in Cong Yunya again from the inside.

In terms of external factors, as long as Sesshomaru and Inuyasha wield the Tetsuya and Tensenga respectively, he can also enjoy the additional blessings of two sons and two tooth knives made from his fangs.

The key is to attract the wild souls, lucky souls, and harmonious souls in the two tooth knives to actively move closer to the strange soul in Cong Yunya, forming a general trend of [four souls returning to their positions].

Wild souls are brave, and courage is the power that makes people forge ahead. Giving Tie Suiya this subtle influence would definitely give the half-demon's youngest son endless courage, and he could even explode at critical moments.

Kissing the soul palm, kissing is the power that makes people harmonious and communicate with each other.

Fortunately, the soul controls love, and love is the power that makes people grow.

By giving the natural tooth these two equally subtle influences, I believe that the eldest son can understand his good intentions and work hard to grow into what he wants to see.

Qihuntongzhi, wisdom is the ability to observe and analyze things.

Only Qihun can take on the big responsibility and cooperate with some means to keep the silent cat in Congyunya undetected by the evil spirit of Yamata no Orochi.

Everything depends on my sons.

As long as the Yamata no Orochi can be lured out of Cong Yunya...

Inside, he blocked the door.

In addition, there are two sons wielding Iron Broken Ya and Tiansheng Ya to suppress them forcefully.

Under this internal and external attack, the evil spirit Yamata no Orochi will definitely die.

Without this evil spirit, he can truly promote Cong Yunya Wushu, and then fully control this almost indestructible artifact by himself. Then he went to the depths of the underworld through the underworld passage opened by Cong Yunya, and became the overlord of the underworld who commanded countless undead souls.

When he was alive, he was plotted by others and failed to become a great god in the heaven.

After death, he will enter the underworld and become a ghost or god.

He is the King of Douya.

In that terrible state that year, it was not easy for him to think of this step.

But I never expected that man’s calculation is not as good as God’s calculation:

My plan will be ruined in the hands of a little human being.

And he couldn't find anything wrong with the other party.

After all, this human boy had previously served his two sons.

How can he easily anger others?

"Uncle Douya King, how about we save this big snake demon together?"

Li Xia said in high spirits.

The smile on his face was extremely bright.

He originally thought that he could only use his own skills to grind away the ancient evil spirits in Cong Yunya bit by bit.

I never thought that there would be an unexpected surprise:

General Inu as a foreign aid? This is so reliable.


The middle-aged handsome uncle sighed quietly.

(I really want to cry but have no tears.)

Now I have to help even if I don’t want to. Otherwise, the Yamata no Orochi on the opposite side will definitely kill him first and tear him into pieces.

As for why you are so sure?

How could his grudge against this ancient evil spirit make him so confident? !

Damn it.

This really gave me a sense of déjà vu as if I had made a date with myself and had to finish it with tears in my eyes.

On the first day of the confrontation, Li Xia noticed General Dog's "weakness".

Immediately he frowned slightly:

"Uncle Douya King, why are you so weak?"

It felt like being busy didn't help him much, but rather tended to hold him back. If he hadn't protected him repeatedly, he would have been torn apart by the Yamata no Orochi in just a few seconds. It shouldn't be.

When the dog general heard the words, he opened his mouth, his mouth was bitter, and he didn't know what to say.

He...the once strongest demon king in this land was actually disliked by a human brat?

The key is, he can't refute it yet.


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