Inuyasha's journey to immortality

Chapter 74 A lot of face fruits!

Li Xia and his party encountered another thunderstorm on the way back.

The storm blew, the thunder was all fierce.

The amount of rainfall is also terrifying.

The pouring rain greatly affected the view.

"The situation up front is really not conducive to our mid-air crossing. But looking at the scale, it should only be regional. Let's take a detour and return to the village early."

Hearing this, the others nodded and had no objection.

Anyway, no matter how much we delay, we can't delay it for a whole day.

It is much more reliable than stopping to find a place and waiting for the thunderstorm to dissipate or leave on its own. After all, there is no weather forecast in this day and age.

So, everyone changed directions and continued moving forward.

A few hours later, as he passed through a wilderness forest filled with thick fog in mid-air, Inuyasha raised his eyebrows. The mica riding on Coral let out a low groan, and the two shikigami contracted by Li Xia also gave a A warning was issued.

"Mica, did you find anything?"

Coral caressed the back of her friend's neck a few times.

Mica sneezed.

InuYasha, on the other hand, quickly solved everyone's doubts:

"It's the smell of the dead. The mountain ahead is filled with a strong smell of the dead. Please be careful."

A lot of dead people's breath?

This is not a good sign.

After hearing this, everyone became more vigilant.

Even Zi Jin silently hugged his daughter Zi Zhi tightly.

"Lord Maitreya, do we need to continue our detour?"

Ah Ba, who transformed into a long bread-shaped flying vehicle several meters long, asked aloud.

Maitreya and the others thought about it and decided that it would be good to take a long detour to avoid unnecessary trouble. Anyway, it is unlikely that there are humans living in this wilderness, so there is no need for them to get involved. Besides, there were two tow trucks in the team, so it was safer to take a detour.

"Ah Ba..."

"Wait a minute, there is the aura of four soul fragments...

There is a four-soul fragment ahead! "

A Li interrupted Maitreya's words, looked at the cliff peak in front of him with a faint outline, and said in surprise.

"Oh? There is actually a four-soul fragment in this place? Then we can't let it go."

Inuyasha suddenly perked up.

Maitreya and Coral also gave up the idea of ​​retreating.

Li Xia frowned slightly: on the one hand, it was because the Great Osmanthus Mask could not sense the fragments of the four souls as well as A Li, which made him a little disappointed; on the other hand, he always felt that this place was a little weird, and it seemed that he knew him. I've been here or said I've seen it before, but I can't remember where I've seen it.

InuYasha was impatient, so he drew out his iron broken teeth and rushed to the front of the clouds.

After all, they haven't collected four soul fragments for a long time. It's rare to find one, so you must get it.

To Inuyasha's left hand, Li Xia had already put on a sacred tree mask, and underneath him was riding a powerful poisonous dragon that was twenty to thirty meters long.

On the right hand side, further back, is a mica sitting on a coral.

In the back, Maitreya, A Li, and Qibao were protecting Zi Zhi and her daughter.

Finally, it was A Li's shoulder. Grandpa Mingjia had already abandoned his young master Inuyasha and was ready. Whenever there was any disturbance, he would sneak to the rear and adapt to the situation. Once Inuyasha and Li Xia showed signs of losing, he would run away decisively.

"I hope he's not a troublesome guy..."

The old man packed up his small package and put it on his back, squinting his eyes and staring straight ahead.

As everyone approached, a large and vibrant tree first came into view.

It was a fruit tree with branches covered with fruit, rooted on an earth and stone platform halfway up the mountain.

At first, because they were far enough away and interfered by the fog, everyone could not see the actual condition of the fruit of the tree clearly. But after getting closer, I saw that the pink fruits of the tree suddenly changed color one by one.

A Li and Zi Zhi's mother even covered her mouth.

"What's going on with those fruits?"

"Why does it look like there are human faces carved on it? It's so disgusting."

A big tree about ten meters high, with fist-sized fruits with human faces hanging on it densely, looking at it through a thinning layer of mist, it's scary to look at.

Looking at those faces makes me feel uncomfortable.

When the mountain breeze blows, the leaves rustle, adding to the eerie feeling of this place.

"The breath of the dead comes from that tree. There is something wrong with this tree."

InuYasha narrowed his eyes.

Mica also sneezed, not liking the "fruity smell" of ripe fruits coming over there.

"It's the human-faced fruit tree, and those fruits are human-faced fruits."

Grandpa Mingjia was well-informed and recognized the origin of the fruit tree at a glance.

"Human Face Fruit Tree? What is that?"

"The human-faced fruit tree is a kind of monster tree that feeds on humans. The roots of the tree will eat human bones, and then it will bear fruit with a human face on the tree. That is the human-faced fruit."

"Grandpa Mingjia, is the human-faced fruit very helpful to monsters? Why does this monster here hunt a large number of humans to use as fertilizer for the human-faced fruit tree?"

Looking at Kazuki's human face fruit, Li Xia, who also frowned slightly, suppressed the physical and mental discomfort.

His tone seemed relaxed, but his heart was quite heavy.

He already knew where this was.

That was the "Taoyuan Township" chapter with the highest click-through rate among the anime plots of that year!

Don't ask why this chapter has the highest click-through rate. The question is that A Li is so charming in this section.

"According to legend, the human face fruit can be used to make medicinal wine. Although this medicinal wine cannot increase demonic power, it can extend people's life. It also has a good healing effect and can quickly recover the consumed energy."

In terms of efficacy alone, it is indeed outstanding.

And if it is replaced by a human mage with a high level of cultivation as fertilizer, the effect will be even better.

If you use human immortals as fertilizer, you can even grow the best human face fruit that can be used to refine the elixir of life.

Speaking of which, when the master was seriously injured back then, if he had used the medicinal wine brewed from the human face fruit to help heal his injuries, he would certainly not have died so easily.

What a pity, what a pity.

"Huh? Strange! How could such a huge human-faced fruit tree grow in this deep mountain forest?

How many human beings will suffer from this tree full of human face fruits? "

Mr. Mingjia frowned.

Inuyasha didn't pay much attention:

"It's not surprising. In this era, disputes are breaking out everywhere, between humans and humans, humans and monsters. It is normal for the human-faced fruit tree to have no shortage of fertilizer."

"Indeed, in this era of raging wars and raging demons, human life is worthless."

Li Xia also nodded slightly sadly.

"No, something's wrong!

It's not that simple.

This is an inaccessible deep mountain and old forest.

If you want the human-faced fruit tree in front of you to grow so lushly, you must capture humans from the outside; those who can do such a thing are definitely not kind. Therefore, it is probably the work of some monsters. But Master Inuyasha, have you smelled a trace of evil spirit so far? "

Ming Jia asked, staring at a small group of stone houses gradually revealing their outlines in the mist.

"Evil spirit?"

After being reminded by Mr. Mingjia, everyone suddenly came to their senses.

That's right, until now, they haven't felt the slightest trace of evil in this area.

But if it wasn't caused by monsters, what could exist in this kind of tree?

The answer is actually already in the hearts of Inuyasha, Li Xia, and Grandpa Mingjia.

"Ali, where are the four soul fragments?"

They were almost reaching the platform halfway up the mountain, where Inuyasha became more alert and asked in a deep voice.

"Among the stone houses leaning against the mountain wall."

The girl responded a little nervously.

"Inuyasha, Natsu-kun, should we force our way in or call the people inside?"

"Don't worry! The other party might not have noticed us yet!"

After Li Xia pondered for a moment, he quickly called Inuyasha who was planning to go straight to Huanglong.

It is worth mentioning that at this time, he had taken back the poisonous dragon and replaced it with a one-wheeled hot wheel. The fire-tip gun with extremely cool three-color patterns was taken back and replaced with the demon sword and half of the blue gun tip of the fire-tip gun that Tsukiyomaru wore before his death. As for him, he doesn't want to be the one in the limelight to attract fire.

It would be nice to leave the limelight to the thick-skinned Inuyasha...

After all, coming to Taoyuan Township more than a month ahead of the original timeline is definitely not a good thing!

"Qibao, Ah Ba, take your aunt and stay away from Zi Zhi..."

"A Li, prepare the Demon-Breaking Arrow, then find a hidden corner with Coral to hide, and pay attention to the exit of the stone house. I will let you launch an attack later, so don't hesitate at all."

"A guy who can grow a human-faced fruit tree is definitely not a good guy, so don't be soft-hearted."

Li Xia was worried that these two people would not be willing to kill after seeing some immortal old man or a harmless young man, so he emphasized this before the battle.

"Inuyasha, You and I chose to be on the left and right sides of the stone house respectively. When we saw the target, we launched a direct attack and chopped down the opponent."

Up close, he and Inuyasha.

In the medium and long distance, Coral and Ali.

"And me?"

Miroku asked.

"Go to the roof. If our attack doesn't go well, you'll have to use the wind cave to influence his counterattack. Be careful not to cause accidental damage."

After a set of combos, there is a back-up move, which shows how seriously Li Xia attaches importance to the target.

And the reason why he can make everyone else listen to his arrangements is of course inseparable from his recent performance. Whether it was the rescue of the Demon Slayer Village or the subsequent development of the seaside fishing village, he had shown far more foresight than the others.

Before that, in the spider head incident, he followed the clues to see through the monster's plan to invite you into the urn.

These are undoubtedly plus points in everyone's mind.

By the way, is Li Xia so careful?

If the owner of this place was just a five-star great demon of Ohgamaru's level, he wouldn't even "make a sneak attack and use the full strength of the entire lineup."

But what they faced this time was most likely an immortal.

Dealing with immortals and dealing with monsters are completely different concepts.

Every immortal basically has magical means that are hard to guard against.

"Hopefully today isn't a bad day..."

ps: There are three chapters first, and there will be two more chapters today.

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