Chapter 961

Three hours later, Lin Shuyi drove the aircraft back to Sanqing City.

“Senior, stop outside the city.” Su Yi greeted.

[Smart Chariot] At this time, he should be waiting for him outside the city, so I don’t plan to enter the city.


Lin Shuyi didn’t say much, driving the aircraft and landed in an open space outside the city.

“Senior Sister Yuan, three seniors, if you have time, you go to the Death Forbidden Area and I will not enter the city with you.” Su Yi said.

“We must go if we have time.” Niu Feibai chuckled.

Su Yi opened the hatch, and just got off the aircraft with Jin Hongxuan, but saw the [smart chariot] galloping over.

“Su Yi, go back to the Death Forbidden Area, there is a problem.”

[Smart Chariot] Coming to the front, said anxiously.

“What’s the matter?” Su Yi’s expression changed.

[Intelligent Chariot] quickly said: “In the last few days, a group of strong people have entered the Death Forbidden Area. Those who saw us started to do it. The barbarians and alien beasts have been killed a lot.”

Su Yi’s expression condensed, “Aren’t the barbarians and alien beasts teaming up? How could it be possible to suffer such losses?”

The barbarians and alien beasts are expelling outsiders in the Death forbidden area, but their numbers are quite large, and their overall strength is extremely strong. Who can kill them?

“The opponent used sneak attack tactics, which caused losses to the barbarians and alien beasts.” [Smart Chariot] explained.

“Sneak attack?”

Su Yi frowned.

The sneak attack tactics are indeed very insidious, and they can indeed cause damage to the barbarians and alien beasts.

But who did it?

Su Yi pondered for a moment and asked, “Have you caught those people?”

“None was caught.”

[Intelligent Chariot] said: “The opponent is not only strong in individual combat effectiveness, but also very cautious. After the sneak attack, he never greedy merits and fled directly in the aircraft.”

“I want to see who you are?”

A cold light flashed in Su Yi’s eyes.

If these people continue to remain, it will cause great panic to the rear base and seriously affect the construction speed of the rear base, so they must be eliminated as soon as possible.

Su Yi was not delaying, and greeted Lin Shuyi and others, got on the [smart chariot] and left here quickly.

An hour later, the [Smart Chariot] flew into the Death Forbidden Area.

Su Yi ordered: “No. 2, open the probe and see if you can find the group of people.”

Although the opponent is riding in an aircraft, the speed is incomparable with the [smart chariot]. As long as the target is locked, it will never escape his palm.


[Smart Chariot] Start searching immediately.

However, the area of ​​Death Forbidden Area is too large, and its exploration range is only 200 kilometers.

It is not easy to find the whereabouts of the other party.


An hour later, [Smart Chariot] said: “Su Yi, shall we continue to search or return to the camp?”

After searching for an hour, he still couldn’t find the whereabouts of the sneak attacker. He wondered if the opponent had left the Death forbidden area.

Su Yi thought for a moment and said, “Are there any of us nearby?”

Since the opponent came for the murder, most of them will continue to attack.

As long as they show up, there is a chance.

“More than a hundred kilometers away, there is a barbarian team, and Li Rushuang is among them.” [Smart Chariot] immediately replied.

“Go to the barbarian team.” Su Yi gave the order.

[Smart Chariot] Without a word, it flies in one direction.

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