Inverse Sword God

Chapter 2429: Gold Eater?

However, the wind chimes were completely sealed.

Lin Xuan took the flower bell and put it in the black soil. It is not suitable for use now.

It looks like this is the hand bones of the saints, and they can't bear it yet.

However, it should be good to use as a hole card.

This is really a great harvest! Get a big killer! Moreover, a lot of earth spirits were also obtained.

Go and go and Yidao, Peacock they meet. Lin Xuan waved, and they flew forward quickly.

They are fast, flying fast inside the passage.

However, not long after, Lin Xuan and others frowned. Because they found that there were fighting and screaming again in front.

What happened and what happened?

Is it possible to have another baby? Lin Xuan was puzzled. They guessed that it was because of the battle for the baby.

Go, speed up!

Thinking of this, they were excited and flew again fast. But when they arrived, they frowned.

Even the pupils shrank.

Because they found that this was not the case. Not what they think,

Ahead, people in the holy places are attacking the sky bugs.

At the moment in the cave in front, the ground wall was covered with black bugs, the small ones had bowl mouths, and the large ones were equivalent to washbasins.

It is extremely dark, with weird patterns on it.

Click! Click!

These worms have sharp teeth and can even bite the sword and sword directly. This is so shocking!

You should know that the treasures in these people's hands are at least high-level treasures, and even many of them are top-level treasures.

However, it broke so easily! What kind of bugs are these?


A disciple of Yunyanmen screamed. He was surrounded by countless bugs, and his armor was broken instantly.

The worms began to eat his flesh and blood, and in the end most of his body was rotten, fell to the ground, and kept twitching.

Think of things like this happening everywhere.

damn it! Get me out!

A warrior in the Great Yan Shrine, wielding a giant sword, swept across the square. All these bugs were blown out.

But soon, he shuddered the soil and crawled over again.

Damn, how could it be! How could it be all right? These people are crazy, and their attack to break the void is not a problem.

But now, they can't kill these bugs.

This makes them unbelievable.

When Lin Xuan and others saw this scene, they took a breath.

At first they thought it was a baby, but now it seems that it is dangerous.

Sure enough, when they came to the cave, the insects around them were rushing crazy.


Xingtian Leng hummed, his fist waved, and immediately blasted the black insects around.

However, he looked ugly.

Because he found that those bugs were okay.

how is this possible! His fist can easily kill the power with one punch, but these bugs are more terrible than power.

If that's the case, what else is there to fight.

The worms everywhere, if they attack together, it is estimated that all of them have to finish.

Elder Li also waved his palm, a big palm of light, grabbed a few bugs and wrapped them in an instant.

Then, pull in front and watch carefully.

Lin Xuan and others all looked,


They found that the big palms of spiritual power did not work at all.

These bugs were included, and at the beginning, madly devoured the spiritual palms of the week.

The palm was bitten out of many tears and then dissipated.


The bugs rushed out again.

I go!

how is this possible!

The dark red dragon is shocked. What kind of bug is this Nima? Why hasn't he heard of it?

Could it be a gold worm? He thought for a long time, thinking of a name.

Hearing this name, Xing Tian and Elder Li both flickered.

No, that kind of thing has disappeared long ago, how could it appear here?

Gold eater, what is that? Lin Xuan frowned and asked, he propped up the dragon sword field, isolated the surrounding area, and formed a vacuum zone.

A legendary worm is now extinct.

It was a terrible existence at the time. This gold worm, it is said that it eats metal, without what they cannot bite.

Moreover, because of swallowing metal, their bodies are also very hard and difficult to break.

What you said is very similar to the bugs in front of you. It seems that they should be gold worms.

No, that's not the case. Elder Li shook his head quickly.

The gold eater was a disaster in ancient times. If it is such a large area of ​​the gold worm, we may have to finish playing.

And more importantly, even in ancient times, there were not so many gold worms, at most five or six.

Haven't heard of it, where are so many gold eaters!

This ancient tomb is really too evil. First, there was something like a flower guard bell, and now there are bugs similar to the gold bite.

What exactly is this saint's tomb? It's too scary! Xing Tian is also dignified.

Lin Xuan took a deep breath, and I saw the peacocks.

it is good.

Elder Li and others walked forward.

On the other side, in the first cave, the fighting was getting fiercer.

Only the last two guards are left, so no one wants to give up.

The battle between Ye Wudao and the Twin Kings of Zhongzhou is really terrifying. Both were peerless and arrogant, and the means were terrible.

Fighting at this moment is difficult to solve.

Everyone around them saw this scene and was shocked.

Cangtian, this leafless way is really terrible. Obviously it is a dozen or two, but it does not fall into the wind.

That is of course. The power of the Eucharist has been passed down since ancient times. Ye Wudao's future achievements are limitless.

Once he grew into a great sanctified body, that was the existence of the emperor.

The Ye family is also very lucky. It is estimated that they will not worry about the next 10,000 years.

The Eucharist of Dacheng, coupled with the extreme weapons, it is estimated that no one can compete with them unless the real emperor is born.

It's too early to say that when Ye Wudao really grows up.

Someone sneered secretly.

After hearing this, many people have scalp numbness and don't want to live? Say this!

Aren't you afraid of being killed by the Ye family?

Sure enough, ~ After hearing such a word, several elders of the Ye family snorted coldly, their eyes swept across the square.

A breath of terror came from them. Many people were pale.

Don't say that this leaf is no longer true, the twin kings are also horrible, and the future is absolutely supreme.

It seems that there is no suspense to become an invincible king, saying that if he is not good, he can still sell into the realm of saints.

Many people talked.

On the other hand, the battle of the Holy Light is also terrible.

The Son of Five Elements and the Son of Wan Lei joined hands, but they couldn't help him, which is really unbelievable

This stunner is too horrible, unfathomable,

It is said that no one can let him show his full strength,

I estimate that his strength should exceed the average sage, reaching the level of Ye Wudao, the twin king of Zhongzhou.

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