Inverse Sword God

Chapter 2697: Canglong body!

Also, hum, it depends if they can hold it down! Many people sneered.

Sure enough, Lin Xuan and others are very dangerous.

When Lin Xuan left Xiandian and appeared outside, he was immediately hit.

Are you Lin Xuan?

Ahead, the endless aura tumbles and turns into a dragon, rolling in,

Above the Phantom of the Dragon, stood a figure.

A young man in a yellow robe raving the world.

I am the nine emperor of the Divine Wind dynasty. The youth's voice is cold and his eyes are sharp like a sky knife.

Give me the title of your emperor, and tell the world,

I can't kill you.

He was very arrogant and proud, carrying his hands, never looking at Lin Xuan.

Who do you think you are? Dare to use the title of Emperor! This title belongs only to our royal family!

For your royalty? Really ridiculous! This emperor is not the emperor of the royal family, but the emperor of three emperors and five emperors!

Can you use it, royal family? Lin Xuan was unmoved at all.

He was ready to meet the challenges of the world's heroes, how could he easily give up the title of emperor.

Give you a chance to survive, go!

Dare to stop my way, be careful to kill you!

Lin Xuan's voice was cold.

The nine princes of the Kamikaze dynasty are also angry. It seems that you really do not know how to live or die!

Yeah, I won the title of Emperor!

The ninth prince hummed, stepped out, and immediately came to Lin Xuan.

He waved his palm and patted Lin Xuan.

This palm is really terrible. It breaks the void and makes people feel hopeless.

The nine princes of the Divine Wind is a terrible arrogance.

His strength is very strong, not weaker than the Son, even in the arrogance of the Son's level, also belongs to the top existence.

In addition, he has one of the biggest reliance, which is his blood power.

As we all know, the royal people have the power of blood, but the power of the nine princes is very powerful.

He relied on the power of his strong blood, and he developed a peerless supernatural power, a magical wind dragon body.

This is an extremely terrible physique, so powerful that it is unpredictable, so the random slap of the nine princes of the Divine Wind is shocking

The Emperor Shenfeng Nine did not come by himself. Of course, he did not bring other princes, but when he was traveling, he was riding a ghostly shadow.

Although it was formed by the breath of Dragon Road, it was not a real dragon, but the scene was so spectacular that it attracted the attention of countless people along the way.

Everyone learned that this was the nine emperor of the Divine Wind, and knew that his purpose was to challenge Lin Xuan.

Countless warriors followed, and they did not want to miss this shocking war.

Therefore, when Emperor Shenfeng Jiu took a palm, all those warriors in the distance were stunned.

very scary!

This kamikaze prince is so horrible,

Yes! The Zhongzhou dynasty is full of talents and everyone should not be underestimated. The Emperor Shenfeng was not very famous before.

I didn't expect it to be so scary,

I feel that the ranking this time will cause a lot of hidden evils.

That's for sure, wait, the storm is about to sweep!

I do n’t know how many challenges Lin Xuan can compete with?

How do I feel, he can't resist this time.

You look down on him too much, Jiuyang Deity, but extremely terrifying body, not weaker than the Holy Body, so I still like Lin Xuan very much,

Moreover, his Kendo is the real horror. You have n’t experienced it firsthand, but I have seen his swordsmanship with my own eyes.

At that time, you will know.

Everyone talked a lot, many people supported the Prince of Threes and Nine, but more people also supported Lin Xuan.

Facing the shocking palm of the nine princes of the wind, Lin Xuan fascinated his eyes, he felt a hint of threat,

It's really a generation of geniuses. A nine prince turned out to be so powerful.

But how about that.

He snorted. In the next moment, the Jiuyang deity opened, and all kinds of light bloomed. Like the golden **** of war, he stood in the void, grasped his fist in his hand, and blasted out with one punch.

The Great Clan of the Clan clan fights the Heavenly God Fist, and displays it in his hand. This fist, with a force that has never gone forward to the sun, seems to be able to destroy the world.

Bang Bang ~

The fists collided, the sky shattered, and the surrounding space quickly cracked.

not good! Rewind!

Those who watched in the distance shattered the void directly, fled quickly, and pushed tens of thousands of miles away.

It was just a random blow from the two that created such a terrifying sight.

This Lin Xuan and the nine sons of Shenfeng are really terrible.

Look at my Royal God Fist!

The prince of Divine Wind Nine roared, and the terrible fist spread out, destroying the sky and permeating the air for my solemnity.

At this moment, he really looks like an invincible emperor, God blocks the God, and the Buddha blocks the Buddha.

This momentum calmed the warriors watching in the distance.

Lin Xuan snorted, relying on you, still want to get the title of emperor? Too bad!

He fisted forward.

During the retreat for more than a year, he used Tiancaidibao again to make the Jiuyang deity progress again, reaching the first stage of the fifth stage.

At this moment, his physique has grown up compared to before, so the aftermath of these energies, he will not be afraid at all.

Bang Bang Bang ~

His fist, as if the sun was shining in all directions, terrible strength tore all the palms.

Is this your means? But that's it.

Lin Xuan whispered coldly, punching out like a dragon, making a loud dragon yelling, and punching back the nine goddess Shenfeng with a punch.

The blood of the nine emperor Shenzhuang tumbling in his body, constantly breaking the void.

Really strong! No wonder someone named you emperor. But today, I want to make this title!

Let me see you, my kamikaze dragon body!

Bang Bang Bang ~

Emperor Shenfeng Jiu stepped on the dragon, black hair fluttered, the yellow robe on his body kept shaking, and he drank with anger, and dragon patterns appeared on him.

The shadow of the dragon at the foot also roared, directly wrapping the body of the nine emperor.

The next moment, the 9th Emperor of the Divine Wind made an amazing change.

He even had dragon prints on his body, and his physique became blue. An extremely terrifying force burst from his body.

As if at this moment ~ ~ The nine emperor of the Wind of God turned into a human-shaped tyrannosaurus.

One punch punched Chu, breaking the sky's sun fist, and then, the Emperor Shenfeng Jiu looked at Lin Xuan.

Boy, let me die!

So terrible, what kind of body is this?

Divine Wind Canglong Body!

Cangtian he practiced to become a peerless supernatural power of the Divine Wind dynasty.

It is said that it was the supernatural power left by the founding monarch of the Kamikaze Dynasty.

What, the supernatural power left by the founding monarch! Hearing this, everyone's eyes leaped wildly,

I don't know who is better than Jiuyang Deity.

It's really hard to say, after all, Jiuyang Deity has disappeared for tens of thousands of years. We only heard about it in the rumors.

There was fierce discussion and great expectations.

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