Inverse Sword God

Chapter 3578: Zhang 9 machine!

[Book Title: Inverse Sword God Chapter 3579. Chapter 3577 Zhang Jiuji! Author: fresh sword]

The latest chapter of "Inverse Sword God" pro ~ This site's domain name: \ "166 小说 \" is a shorthand homonym, very easy to remember! Good-looking novels are highly recommended: the legend of the dragon king, the sacred ruins of the martial arts peak, the eternal heart of the true martial arts, the ancient martial arts, the martial arts world, the heavens and the sky, and the black mountains floated to Lin Xuan, blooming her great sacred power, but it was not useful, it was true Strength, Montenegro can't scare each other.

He said, boy, come up with the big tower,

Lin Xuan had no choice but to take out the big tower and cover his body.

With a loud sound, the Great Santa Tower was endlessly impacted,

Make a sound of all kinds.

But in the end, Lin Xuan breathed a sigh of relief, his eyes looking out.

Just then, a faint voice sounded between heaven and earth,

The Tao has one life, two life, two life three, and three life. Everything is negative and embraces the sun. Qiqi thinks that harmony is for Tai Chi.

The voice was ancient, low, and desolate, making people's soul tremble. Even Montenegro was thrilled. He widened his eyes.

Lin Xuan also withdrew the big tower and appeared again.

He noticed the yin and yang map in front, the speed gradually slowed down, and finally quieted again.

what is the problem? Lin Xuan was surprised, and Montenegro next to him said, boy, this may be an opportunity, you can learn the secrets of Tai Chi.

See the secrets of Tai Chi? Lin Xuan was very surprised.

Sure enough, he saw the Taiji picture in front of him and changed again. There were countless black mists in the place where the overcast fish was.

Those are the mists of death, exuding a cold air. Suddenly, Lin Xuan stood up all over his body.

Involuntarily, he took two steps back.

Why so much death! What the **** is going on? Lin Xuan frowned,

Montenegro was also stunned. He took a closer look and I finally knew.

What do you know

Montenegro said, look at the Taiji map, which is also formed by yin and yang fish.

Yinyu represents the power of the yin, while Yangyu represents the power of the sun. The power of the yin allows the other party to use the fog of death instead.

Is it just the power of the sun that the other side is vacant? This also shows that if you can make up for it, you can see through the secrets of Taijitu left by the other side.

With that said, he looked towards Lin Xuan again, and you guys are so good at it, right?

How to say? Lin Xuan asked,

Now even me, I ca n’t force this secret, because only you can do it,

To make up for the power of the sun, it must be the power of Zhigang Zhiyang. I am a ghost, a cold force,

If I want to take it forcibly, I will be instantly enveloped in the mist of death, and I will be seriously injured even if I do n’t die.

But you disagree, Jiuyang Deity is the body of Zhigang Zhiyang.

So even if other people see this Taiji picture, they ca n’t take it. Only you can take it.

Boy, would you like to take a chance?

Lin Xuan's eyes flickered. He knew that Montenegro was right, but there were still huge risks in it.

Can his Jiuyang **** body resist the power of Taiyin? That's the power of the fog of death!

However, he was unwilling to leave. This is the secret of Tai Chi. Once he masters it, he can master the power of Yin and Yang.

The yin and yang two qi are originally the breath of heaven and earth,

If he can comprehend, it will definitely be a huge improvement for his strength.

And maybe he could stand against the fog of death.

So after thinking about it, he gritted his teeth and said, fight!

He walked towards the sunfish. The next moment, he felt the power of the mist of death contaminating him.


He bloomed the gods to the extreme!

Come on, I will not fear you! On Lin Xuan's body, Jiuyang Shenhuo was burning.

The endless flames spread, and on the other side, the death fog was surging, and he was gradually wrapped in the death fog.

Stop me! He gritted his teeth and roared, constantly moving his body.

Lin Xuan felt that his vitality was taken away instantly, which made him stand up all over his hair, but he did not flinch, but screamed, went mad, desperate to run.

In this way, seven or seven forty-nine days passed.

Suddenly, the yin and yang blended together, and the Taiji figure at the foot rotated again, carrying the power of the fog of death and the magical fire of the nine suns, constantly turning,

Finally entered Lin Xuan's body and disappeared.

Lin Xuan was completely shrouded in yin and yang, and a tai chi picture appeared behind him.

Did you make it? Seeing this scene in Montenegro was extremely tense.

He knows that this is a terrible bet. If he wins, the benefits are endless, but if he loses, he is likely to be drained and turned into a pile of bones.

In such an intense wait, the Taiji figure slowly rotated and eventually disappeared completely.

Lin Xuan didn't open his eyes, but sat down with his knees crossed again. There was more information in his mind.

This is a great magical power that combines the power of yin and yang to cultivate and is called Tai Chi Jue.

At the same time, there was an old voice sounding, echoing in his mind, a destiny, remember my name.

Zhang Jiuji.

Promote Tai Chi!

Lin Xuan was shocked. It turned out to be the Taiji map left by Zhang Jiuji.

The Taiji tactic is also Zhang Jiuji. According to the original Taiji map, a magical power created.

I don't know who this Zhang Jiuji is, and where did he get the Taiji map?

How powerful is this Tai Chi formula? How horrible the real Tai Chi is.

Taiji is a pair of yin and yang fish pictures, but everyone will have different understandings and perceptions when watching it. The magical martial arts created by them are also different ~ ~ Zhang Jiuji created Taiji The trick is what Lin Xuan is practicing now.

After practicing for a month, Lin Xuan opened his eyes and he stood up and exhaled slowly.

Successful, I have started to practice Tai Chi, but the power, I do n’t know yet, I need to try it.

Having said that, he walked outside,

The black door opened and walked out, and he glanced up at the black palace.

There is nothing worth exploring here, the biggest secret is Tai Chi, which has been given by him.

And as far as he knows, this palace was created by Zhang Jiuji. From here he used the mist of death as the power of Tai Yin, and then studied the secret of Tai Chi.

Those skins outside are all powerful saints.

At that time, due to various reasons, he came to this world of death and was caught by Zhang Jiuji. He became an experimental mouse and performed various experiments.

I don't know how many saints have been sacrificed before finally creating Taiji decision.

Now Lin Xuan is about to test the power of Taijijue.

He flew all the way and left this dead world directly,

Montenegro jumped. I'm back, boy, what are you doing? He quickly returned to the crescent pendant and asked quickly.

Lin Xuan didn't say anything, but fell into the mist of death.

I'm relying on it, the kid is stupid and wants to commit suicide? Montenegro was surprised, but soon he found something wrong.

Lin Xuan didn't die at all in the mist of death, but just like a fish getting water, shuttled quickly inside.

Soon the selection rushed out and returned to the world of death again,

He looked at his body, then laughed, great, it was a success!

Tai Chi is so mysterious that he can use the power of the fog of death! 166 novel reading network

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