Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7357: magic! (two)

There is absolutely nothing wrong with it.

Lin Xuan, they were really shocked: Xu Tianding actually entered the mural, what happened?

Damn it, let it go.

Xuantian chopped the spirit sword, and even roared, one sword chopped the mural.

With his strength, he can definitely cut the mural in half easily.

In their view, the mural should be a cage, and Xu Tianding should have been trapped inside it before.

Just by breaking the murals, they can rescue Xing Tianding.

This sword, extremely powerful, was chopped on the first mural in an instant.

However, it was not as simple as imagined, and the roar rang.

I saw this sword, as if chopped in the void, forming countless lights.

Xuantian cut the spirit sword and flew directly to the first mural, and he disappeared.

And above the first mural, a sword appeared.

What's the matter?

When Wan Yaoxi saw this scene, he was crazy, and he scared back.

What kind of artifact is Xuantian's sword? He was clear, the power was quite terrible.

But is he even sealed now? It's incredible.

What kind of magic does this mural have?

Even Lin Xuan was startled, and he did not dare to act lightly.

He began to study the mural carefully, but he failed.

In the end, he was so horrified and said: If you want to crack, you can only enter it.

I'm going to see what kind of seal is it?

I'll go as well.

Wan Yaoxian also exerted his strength, and together, they killed the first mural.

Soon, their figures disappeared, and they seemed to be swallowed by murals.

When Lin Xuan's figure emerged, he looked around and was stunned: where is this place?

Have they come to the painting? Not the same as imagined.

This is not a cage or a seal, but a vast and incomparable world.

Around, there are endless flames, extremely hot, as if they can destroy everything,

Above the earth, there are countless flames beating.

The power of this flame cannot be resisted by ordinary land fairies.

Perhaps only the true God can stop it.

One flower and one world, it seems that this painting also becomes a world.

Lao Xu and Xuan Tian cut the spirit sword, should also come here.

Wan Yao looked around and began to shout.

In the distance, two rays of light flew over, namely Xingtian Ding and Xuantian Cutting Spirit Sword.

Are you okay?


Did you come in too?

Damn, what the **** is this? We seem to be unable to get out.

After Lin Xuan and others converged, they asked each other, and soon they got several messages.

There is no danger here for a while, like a world of flames.

After they came in, they couldn't go out, which was also equivalent to being sealed here.

Damn, what's going on? Is this a world cage?

Wan Yao yelled and yelled.

Lin Xuan frowned, he recalled carefully, he said: Do you remember, what is painted on this picture?

I remember the whole painting painted a lot of things, with countless flames, and many figures worshipped.

By the way, they are kneeling down, a **** tree flying in the flames.

That's right.

Lin Xuan nodded, that **** tree should be the center of this world.

When we go to that place, maybe we can find a way to leave.

Several people have been flying forward, and they have been flying for several days,

Finally, they stopped.

Ahead of it, there is a heavenly **** tree, which is a golden **** tree.

It stood there, with a terrible flame above it, beating.

Each leaf seemed to be a magical fire, united into one, really shocking.

When they saw this scene, even Xu Tianding was startled.

This sacred tree is so terrible, and feels that the power is endless.

Even Lin Xuan was surprised.

The magical fire above this golden **** tree is more terrible than his nine-yang magical fire.

If he can absorb it, his deity can also ascend.

When thinking of this place, Lin Xuan was so excited, his figure fluttered, he rushed forward towards him.

Appeared on him, one after another golden runes, spinning quickly, trying to absorb the flames of each other.

The golden **** tree in front of it shook slightly, and endless gold flames flew over, covering the sky.

Lin Xuan shrouded in an instant.

There was a crack in Lin Xuan's body, and it seemed that he could not bear this power at all.

Lin Xuan yelled, his sword swept across, and turned into one blue whale after another.

With the power of Kun Peng, swept the Quartet.

He shattered the flames and began to absorb slowly.

The golden **** tree, obviously did not expect that the coming person is so terrible,

It seemed a little angry, those leaves were shaking constantly.

The flame above is even more condensed and tumbled,

Turned into one after another, rushing over.

These turned out to be Jinwu.

Isn't this the sun **** tree?

When he saw this phantom, Wan Wanhou in the back exclaimed.

Legend has it that Jinwu lived on the sun **** tree.

A huge phantom of the golden black flying over, spreading his wings and flying, with a mighty power, fixed all those blue whales.

The endless flames fell, and those blue whales started to break, turned into countless fragments, and scattered all over the place.

The huge Jinwu started to kill Lin Xuan.

Not only that, with the shaking of the golden **** tree, Jinwu was condensed from head to head, killing them all over the front.

It's not just Lin Xuan ~ ~ Even Xuantian Chop Lingjian, Xu Tianding and others have been attacked.

Looking around, the sky full of Jinwu flew over.

Ready to get started.

This golden **** tree is really terrible.

Destroy him and we should be able to leave.

Wan Yaohao roared, rushed over quickly, and the war broke out instantly.

Among them, the most powerful is the Xuantian Sword of Soul.

He has one sword,

In the blink of an eye, dozens of Jinwu were cut off by him.

I have to say that this artifact is extremely terrible.

However, the golden **** tree seemed to be infinitely powerful. The fire above beaten, condensing one head after another, and quickly killed him.

In a blink of an eye, hundreds of heads of Jinwu turned Xuantian into a sword and shrouded it.

Even, it formed a terrible formation, and wanted to completely stop Xuantian's cutting sword.

On the other side, Lin Xuan was also attacked. He was facing a huge Jinwu with a length of kilometers.

Just like a sun,

Its wings danced, and the overwhelming fire of flames flew over.

Lin Xuan waved his long sword and flew the willow into the wind, turning it into countless willow leaves, which swept beside him.

Resist all flames.

He performed the whale sword again, and this sword was cut out, and only 99 whale rushed over.

With terrible power, as if to break the world.

There is also an immense breath of the sea, swallowed forward.

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