Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7374: Convergence! Tiandiquan! (One)

In a forest, Murong poured them out, waiting anxiously.

They have got the news that Lin Xuan is coming.

Great, Brother Xuan is not in danger.

Murong poured them all in a sigh of relief,

To be honest, they were really nervous before because they heard a lot of legends.

Legend has it that Tianyuan was sealed.

They don't know what happened inside? All worried about Lin Xuan.

Now, they are relieved to learn that Lin Xuan is back.

Even Zhou Tianshi was excited: I do n’t know Lin Xuan, did you see Baili ask God?

Finally, a figure flew forward, extremely fast,

In an instant, they came to them.

This is a sword qi, very stingy, capable of shattering the world.

Out of the sword spirit, came out a man.

Brother Xuan.

Murong ran away with a smile.

Ye Wudao and Gu Santong were also relieved. They all walked over and said: Are you okay?

Come back.

What happened in Abyss? Was it successful?

They asked eagerly.

Lin Xuan said: Many things happened in Tianyuan.


Detailed things, I will tell you slowly.

Lin Xuan said as he looked forward, he said, "Senior, I saw Baili ask the sky and got the way.

Baili asked the sky and said that if we can kill the core, he will help us in person.

Hearing this, Zhou Tianshi also laughed: as long as he got the method, it was good.

He patted Lin Xuan on the shoulder and said: Little guy, it's really hard for you this time.

However, it seems that you have learned a lot. Congratulations on becoming a true god.

Hearing those words, those around him were shocked.

Before that, they just excited Lin Xuan to return, but had no time to explore Lin Xuan's cultivation.

Is Lin Xuan now a true god?

Is this impossible? Someone roared beside, unacceptable.

Zhou Tianshi not only brought Murong and others to the city.

They also brought the Star Goddess, the Indus True God, the Lotus True God, the Meteor Pavilion Master and others.

At this moment, exclaimed is the goddess of the stars,

Star Goddess is unimaginable.

The other party left, although it was a long time, but it was not a few years, and it became a true god?

Just kidding.

How can you become a true **** without hundreds of thousands of years?

What kind of fortune did the boy get in that heaven?

Star Goddess, jealous eyes are red.

Those other people are also shocked,

People like the Indus True God and others have shocks in their eyes.

This guy is really too bad!

Are they not rivals now?

Thinking of this, they sighed.

Murong Qingcheng and others were extremely pleased: Great, Xuan Ge's strength has been enhanced.

None of them knew that Lin Xuan not only became a true god, but also gained more powerful power.

Now Lin Xuan ’s strength completely exceeds the imagination of these people,

Even, he can kill these true gods in seconds.

Of course, he didn't say all of this now.

Lin Xuanwang approached Zhou Tianshi and said: Seniors, how are you preparing?

Zhou Tianshi said: During the period when you entered Tianyuan, we were not idle, we were already preparing.

Just wait for you to come out and we'll do it.

it is good.

Lin Xuan nodded and said: Then I will tell you the way to crack the matrix method,

It's a bit complicated and takes a while.

Lin Xuan accepted it for several days before accepting it.

Now it is passed to Zhou Tianshi, I am afraid it will take several days.

Zhou Tianshi nodded, playing a matrix, covering two people, and then he began to receive information.

Those other people are talking,

The Meteor Pavilion owner said: I don't know what Prince Lin, what strength has he reached now?

Lin Xuan was very strong in the past. He could fight against them and compete with them. Now, maybe he can defeat them?

The Goddess of the Stars gritted her teeth: Hum, he was just lucky, wait, I will soon become a true god.

The seven true gods next to him, although not saying anything, also frowned slightly.

He knew that it was not time to target Lin Xuan, and they had to join forces before they could leave.

Because there are too many strong players here, they are not alone.

To leave, you can only rely on Lin Xuan and that powerful heavenly master.

The True God of the Seven Stars sends a voice to the Goddess of the Star, allowing her to temporarily temper her temper, in case she really angers the other party.

That's not good.

The star goddess snorted coldly and said nothing, however, she still had no sympathy in her eyes.

This day has passed.

Lin Xuan and Zhou Tianshi were still in the formation and did not show up.

It looks like it will take a day or two, everyone is waiting patiently.

But at this time, a terrible force came from afar, like a mighty army, rushing over.

When they felt this power, Murong turned them all, their faces changed.

No, was it discovered?

Are those people chasing again?

In the years when Lin Xuan entered Tianyuan, they laid out their means and prepared to attack the matrix while avoiding the pursuit of those people.

These are the strongmen of the Shengsheng camp and the Royal Nine Realms. They have not given up and searched for Zhou Tianshi.

Unexpectedly, these people are here again.

Everyone is ready to start.

Ye Wudao came over, and he took a deep breath: he must not let these people affect Lin Xuan and Zhou Tianshi.

The true God of Lotus, Qingling and others, nodded,

The Meteor Pavilion Master, the Indus True God, took a deep breath.

They are ready to shoot.

Sure enough, there were people who died in the camp, and the number was beyond imagination.

When these people came, their eyes glowed with maggots,

Found the target.

As they passed on the news, they drew a terrible sky map and fell overwhelmingly.

Get out of me.

Ye Wudao gave a cold drink and there was a fairy king behind him for 09 days.

Terrible phantom, hands open to the sky, shattering everything.

Murong are city, ancient three links, they also shot.

Without a few true gods, they can sweep everything.

However, this time, the people who went to the camp had red eyes, and they would never let go of each other.

Ren Tianyue is back with news of failure.

The elders ordered them to stop them even if they were born again.

They will never let the other party leave before the real strongmen arrive.

Attack and directly exert the power of destruction.

Among these strong men, an old man came out, holding a cane, and a fascination appeared in his eyes.

Hearing these words, the warriors around nodded and rushed over.

It's up to you, you can't beat it, get some weighty people.

Ye Wudao sneered ~ ~ During this time, his strength also made rapid progress.

Although they are not comparable to Lin Xuan, they have become true gods, but their cultivation and strength have improved, far surpassing before.

Faced with these attacks, he was not afraid, and punched him in one punch.

Tiandiquan is extremely vast.

Can shatter everything between heaven and earth,

However, this time they face different opponents.

The dozen or so figures who rushed over the first could raise a disdainful smile at the corners of his mouth.

The next moment, their bodies cracked, like glass fragments, scattered around.

With it came a destructive force.

More than a dozen powers of destruction joined together, and they flew into the sky in an instant, all rushing towards Ye Wudao.

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