Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7377: 1 page sutra! (One)

The figure in front of him is not tall. He looks like a weak scholar,

However, his eyes were brilliant.

He stood there, like a god, enough to suppress everything.

The whole world, because of his arrival, the wind and clouds are rising,

The 99 phantoms of the martial arts kept shaking.

Seems to be shaking.

The goddess of the stars, the true **** of lotus, and others were stunned.

Looking at the figure ahead, they felt a deadly crisis.

Where is this sacred? It's too strong for them to resist.

Lin Xuan frowned.

His expression became extremely dignified, and he was indeed a super master, even more terrible than Ren Tianyue.

Is this the peerless powerhouse of the death camp?

Zhou Tianshi next to him said: He is the person who died in the hall of death, known as the Supreme Master.

Leave first and proceed with our plan.

After that, he continued to urge the space array, and the figures of the crowd slowly disappeared.

No one can leave in front of me.

The Holy God said lightly.

When his voice fell, it became countless runes of avenues.

It seems that the words follow the law.

The endless sacred rays of light are sweeping in all directions. These rays penetrate the heavens and the earth and illuminate the sky.

Where the light passes, the void is imprisoned and cannot be teleported away.

No, we seem to be trapped here.

Star Goddess them, when they saw this scene, their faces changed greatly.

They are all crazy, if stopped, they will die.

Zhou Tianshi raised a brow, and his palm was printed.

Valkyrie Fusion.

With his voice falling, the 99 phantoms of the martial arts quickly gathered together, and then merged together.

Become the only Valkyrie.

This voice became extremely mysterious. His body was tall, his black hair was flying, and his eyes were like lightning, which cut through the void.

He waved his fist, as if the peerless Valkyrie was revived, and his fist shattered the world.

The sky's light seemed to be blocked, and it became dim.

The next moment, Zhou Tianshi and others entered the space matrix and disappeared.

It was really a surprise that I was able to escape from me.

It is worthy of being able to defeat Ren Tianyue.

The holy innocent God raised a brow, a look of surprise appeared in his eyes,

However, he was not so worried.

He looked at the phantom of the Valkyrie, and said coldly: I solved you first.

He waved his finger and drew a mysterious trajectory in the air, as if writing a word.


As the word appeared, the whole world quickly moved, and the endless void vanished into chaos.

Those around him trembled, and the word alone can destroy eternity.

This is the strength of the Holy God.

The warrior in front of it also shakes violently, and cracks appear on it.

However, there is no dripping of God's blood, it is only formed by the formation of matrix.

Although cracked, there are endless runes of warfare on his body, absorbing the power of the heavens and earth, and quickly repairing the cracks.

A strange picture appeared, the Valkyrie's figure kept growing, like a magnificent mountain, blocking the Holy God.

The body of the Valkyrie was constantly broken and cracked, and then it absorbed the power of heaven and earth and recovered quickly.



When they saw this scene, those around them were stunned: they had a strong recovery power.

With this method, they can do it only if they get the true God in the camp.

Unexpectedly, an outsider can now create such a formation.

The holy innocence of God's brow also wrinkled tightly, and the opponent's tactics were beyond his expectation.

It is worthy of being able to come out from the heavenly eyes array.

This can't help him, just for a moment, he saw through the weakness of this martial art formation.

This martial arts formation, although it can continuously absorb the power of heaven and earth, keeps recovering.

However, as long as the source of strength of the opponent is cut off, this phantom is not at all fearful.

Thinking of this, a wave of the Holy Innocent God's sleeve robe, a golden light emerged, in front of him, coalesced into a page of scriptures.

He pointed at the scriptures, and one page of the script kept rotating, zooming in quickly, covering the whole area.

Wherever he shrouded, he directly imprisoned the forces of heaven and earth.

The Holy God, looking at the phantom of the Valkyrie ahead, said lightly: Without the source of strength, how do I recover?

He shot again and waved


The surrounding void shattered again, the phantom of the Valkyrie in front, the body cracked,

This time, the other party cannot recover.

When they saw this scene, those around them laughed: Great, it really is not the opponent of Supreme.

Those people are dead, they can't escape.

The Holy God has withdrawn his palm, and he has broken the opponent's formation.

Next, go find those people and suppress them.

With a wave of his hand, a page of scriptures in the sky flew into his body and disappeared.

He turned to leave.

However, just after turning around, the broken phantom phantom in the rear suddenly rushed over and came behind him.

The phantom of Valkyrie cracked and turned into a sword of Valkyrie, which directly struck the body of the Holy Innocent God.

This scene directly shocked those around.

The martial arts soldiers who went to the camp were so scared that they fell to their knees: how could this be? The phantom of this martial art has not disappeared.

He unexpectedly attacked the Supreme!

The body of the Holy God is also a while.

Looking down at the body he was pierced through, his eyes gradually cooled.

His body was broken, and the golden blood in it was spinning, but it did not drip.

With a cold hum, the sword of Valkyrie was shattered, broken into pieces, and scattered around, and his broken body recovered quickly.

The golden blood of God, with a powerful life force, instantly recovered from his injury.

How can it hurt me?

The Holy God did not care about God. He rose to the sky, flew into the distance, and disappeared.

Has Supreme One left?

Those around me were relieved when they saw this scene.

Great ~ ~ The injury of Supreme Master was soon recovered.

It seems that the strength of the Supreme Master far exceeds the average true god, reaching an incredible level.

The old man with a cane smiled. He knew Ren Tianyue was defeated.

Although Ren Tianyue is a little-realized god, he has just made a breakthrough just a short while ago, and he cannot be compared with the Supreme.

In the realm of true God, even if it is the same practice, the gap is very large.

For example, you are a newly formed true **** who has just become a true god.

How can it be compared with the true God who has cultivated for hundreds of thousands of years?

The Supreme Being is the true **** who has cultivated endless years. Their strength is called against the sky, and their resilience is even more terrible.

On the other side, in the vast void, the space flickered constantly, and it was Zhou Tianshi, Lin Xuan and others.

At this moment, Zhou Tianshi frowned slightly.

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