Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7636: Hundred yuan mirror supernatural power! Sweep through the ages!

   The other party is really too strong, far more than Lin Wudi,

  On this move, he was seriously injured.

  You must know that he is wearing an ancient armor.

   Before Lin Wudi's sword energy fell on the armor, he couldn't hurt him, only he could get some minor injuries.

   But now, his body is split,

   can only say that this ghost devil is really terrible.

   A roar, Ghost Demon Kun, swallowed the true God of Dragon Slash.

  The real **** who cuts the dragon wants to escape, but the ghost spirits seem to have the power of heaven to seal him completely.

  His figure disappeared.

   The strong people around the Chaos Protoss were dumbfounded when they saw this scene.

  You must know that the true **** of the dragon is cut, but the true **** is great,

   is one of the most powerful among them.

  Can't even the other party resist?

   Is a great true **** going to fall?

   Their desperate faces.

  At this time, the chaotic old man said: Start, start the mixed element mirror and kill this guy.

   Rescue the true God who cut the dragon.

   This old man is also a great deity.

   Hearing his words, everyone took a deep breath.

   Now, they have no time to think about it, dealing with Lin invincible,

   had to first resolve the immediate crisis.

  Okay, start the mixed element mirror.

   These people are fully controlling the ancient mirror, shining forward.

   Soon, on the mirror surface, the portrait of Lin Xuan disappeared and replaced by the portrait of Nether Magic Kun.

   This time, they started very fast, because the Nether Devil Kun, right in front of them, did not need to locate at all.

  In an instant, on the Hunyuan mirror, a complete portrait of the other party appeared.

  A peerless force emerged, a chaotic light appeared between heaven and earth.

   This moment, the world changed, shocked forever,

   That huge force made Tongtianhe roll over quickly.

   Nether Demon Kun, when he felt this power, was equally shocked, and he made an uneasy roar.

   He actually felt that a trace of fatal crisis, these people, could actually threaten him.

   is incredible!

  You must know how terrible his bloodline is. It seems that he can only fight against the edge.

   His huge body turned around and flew towards the Tongtian River below.

   Old Chaos sneered: Now you want to escape, don't you think it's late?

  Dare to be an enemy of our Chaos Protoss, even if you are a ghost devil?

   Today you will be wiped out.

   Peerless chaotic light flew out of the mirror surface, and penetrated the world,

  In an instant, he hit the ghost ghost Kun.

   Nether Demon Kun, the huge body, made an angry roar.

  The above-mentioned ghost gas quickly rotates, forming one after another, ancient lines, connected together.


   The light of chaos fell on these ghostly breaths, making a tremendous sound.

   The extremely powerful ghost power cannot be resisted at all,

   That huge body was penetrated in an instant.

   This body is unparalleled in defense, and becomes a true god, and it is difficult to hurt,

  'S previous dragon-cutting sword, chopped on it, could not form a crack.

   But at the moment, in front of Hunyuan Mirror, it was so vulnerable that it was torn in an instant.


   Chaos Demon Kun screamed, his face full of horror, his body kept breaking, as if he was going to die.

  In the broken body, a figure fell, it was the true God who cut the dragon.

   At this moment, the true **** of dragon slashing, incomparably embarrassed,

   He had more cracks in the armor.

  To tell the truth, to slash the true **** of the dragon, I was really desperate before.

   He was swallowed, and the ghost power in the opponent's body, with Kunpeng's blood veins, kept pounding.

   wants to refine him.

   Fortunately, he wore a deserted armor.

   But even so, he couldn’t resist,

   One day later, he will completely disappear.

   But at this time, the other person's body was split,

  The real God who cut the dragon was saved.

   This should be, use the mixed element mirror, right?

   This is originally aimed at Lin invincible power, but at the moment it is used on Nether Magic Kun.

   How could this ghost ghost Kunkun resist it?

   The other person's huge body kept breaking, and finally, only a small half of the body fled into the distance.

   Slashed the Dragon God and flew out of the Tongtian River, saying: Don’t chase, there are many strange animals in the Tongtian River.

   pursue, we will have a lot of trouble.

   spare his life.

   Old Chaos snorted, and then his eyes looked far away.

   He sighed: Lin invincible could not be found, he should hide it.

  Cut the true **** of the dragon also gritted his teeth: a pity, almost.

   was almost there, and he was able to kill Lin Invincible. That Lin Invincible could be stronger, but it could not be stronger than this ghost.

   Nether Devil Kun can't resist, that Lin is invincible, certainly can't resist.

   Inside the Tianhe River, there were originally many powerful monsters, and they made roars.

   But now, they all fled to the depths of Tongtian River, and none of them dared to show up.

   This area that leads to the Tianhe River has become quiet and terrible.

   That Lin is invincible, should not just leave.

  Tongtianhe is very mysterious, what purpose should he be here?

  He should still be here, just hide it, we search patiently.

   This time, be sure to kill him.

   Also, you set up an additional formation to hide the breath,

   Until the last moment, don't release the power of Hunyuan Mirror.

  In case there are other monsters attacking That would be a problem

  Our current strength can only urge the mixed element mirror twice,

   Today, we only have one last chance.

   Never miss it again.

   Rest assured, we know.

  The old chaotic nodded, he said: This time, there will be no more mistakes.

  Just, can you find Lin Wudi?

   Rest assured, there is no problem, I also made a first-hand preparation.

   Before, when fighting Lin Wudi, I collected some information about him.

  As long as the Promise Butterfly is used, he can be found.

  After speaking, with a wave of his true hand, he took out a crystal bottle,

After    opened, a butterfly flew out of it.

   This butterfly is really fantastic, the whole body is black,

   has many mysterious patterns on it.

   Especially on the wings, countless patterns condensed, forming two eyes.

   This butterfly is called Promise Butterfly and has extremely mysterious blood veins,

One of   's skills is to be able to find the whereabouts of others.

  Just give him a specific warrior's breath.

  Destroy the true God of the dragon and come up with another thing.

   It was a ball of sword gas, only the size of a nail, but it was extremely sharp.

   This is Lin Xuan's sword spirit.

   During the previous battle, he secretly gave this group of sword qi to the seal. .

   Now, the Wuji Butterfly is given,

  After the invincible butterfly was absorbed, it spread its wings and flew away.

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