Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7877: God King inheritance!

"These are the things possessed in the treasure house of the God King."

Jian Ling said: "It has been turned on several times before."

"There are some treasures that have been given away and taken away."

"Now there are only 108 treasures left in the treasure house."

"But, for you, it's enough."

"Any baby, for you, is a great luck."

"Also, the most important treasure is still there, and that is the inheritance of the Colorful God King."

"Seven swords inheritance."

As the sword spirit's voice fell, the scene in the sky changed again.

For the other pills, the furnace became smaller.

And at the forefront, there are seven divine swords appearing between heaven and earth.

Like a rainbow, flying between heaven and earth.

This is the colorful kendo of the colorful **** king, and it is the inheritance of the **** king level.

Everyone looked up, their eyes were red.

Even Lin Xuan was shocked: the inheritance of the **** king level is extremely precious.

At present, Xuanyuan, the supreme and others are leaving, the strongest among the heavens and the realms is the **** king.

And the inheritance of the **** king rank is definitely the most precious.

"This armor is also good. It is the armor of the **** king, and it can withstand the attacks of the **** king."

The sword spirit danced again,

The phantom of the battle armor appeared between heaven and earth.

Everyone saw the ancient extreme of the battle armor, with mysterious lines on it, connected into one piece.

Even if they look at a phantom, they can feel the extraordinary of this armor.

If they have this armor, they will be able to sweep everything,

People under the king of God, don't want to hurt them.

Even if it is a **** king, I am afraid it can only temporarily trap them.

"By the way, there are some other things."

"Did you see this pill furnace?"

"This is the pill that the **** king personally refined back then, but it hasn't started yet."

"This piece of sacred iron comes from the depths of the Jiuyou land, and is called the sacred iron."

"On this piece of pricelessness, it can build a weapon of the **** king level."

"Of course, there is only such a small piece left at the moment. This piece is the size of a fist."

"It is estimated that it is impossible to build a complete God King weapon."

"However, it is still invaluable."

These things, let alone their warriors of the Protoss, even if the God King saw it, they all got jealous.

In addition, there are some other treasures, a total of 108 large and small.

Each one is invaluable,

Everyone looked up, dumbfounded.

They are also the gods Tianjiao, one of the strong.

Some control countless stars, and some have swallowed all kinds of **** pill and elixir since childhood.

However, in front of these 108 treasures, they are like people who have never seen the world.

It was really shocked.

"Senior, you mean, it is possible for us to get these treasures?"

The person on the Tianyang Protoss side asked.

"Yes, you all have a chance."

Sword Spirit smiled.

Hearing this, everyone went crazy,

Young Master Tian Ming and others also clenched their fists.

They have imitation golden mirrors and they have the best chance.

"What should I do?" The powerhouse of the Demon God Race also asked quickly.

Proof test? Or are there other conditions?

"The conditions are actually very simple." Jian Ling laughed.

He continued to dance his sword aura, and the scenes in the sky changed again.

Behind everything, there are some new changes.

Lin Xuan and others looked carefully,

Then, they were stunned.

"Inheritance of the Seven Swords, the exchange conditions require 7 million Sword God Flowers."

"God-king-class armor, 5 million sword **** flowers."

"The fist of the **** iron, 3 million sword **** flowers."

"God King Pill Furnace, 3 million Sword God Flowers."

There are marks on the back of each weapon.

"Sword God Flower, what is it?"

Everyone was stunned.

Sword Spirit said: "It's a kind of flower, it looks like this."

He condenses again, an illusion.

Everyone found that a flower appeared in the void, and the leaf petals were all like flying flowers.

And the shape of the whole flower is like the same divine sword, with an extremely terrifying aura.

Everyone looked at it and felt their bodies trembling, as if this flower could split everything.

Sword Spirit said: "The sword **** flower grows in this colorful world."

"What you have to do is get the Sword God Flower, and then come over and swap with me."

"Of course, you have to get enough quantity."

Everyone took a look and found that the most precious Seven Sword Inheritance needed 7 million Sword God Flowers.

And the cheapest, the last weapon, also needs 60,000 Sword God flowers.

Are there so many sword **** flowers in this world?

Sword Spirit said: "I don't know, the last time it was opened, many people came over and exchanged things."

But that was already, a long time ago,

Whatever happened, many ten thousand years have passed.

I think those sword **** flowers should grow back again.

"Well, little guys, if you want the treasure of the **** king, go find the sword **** flower."

"I am here waiting for you."

Everyone is crazy,

The world is boiling.

The disciples and geniuses of the Protoss, their eyes are red,

Go find the Sword God Flower.

Sword God Flower, in this world, we want to seize the opportunity, I want to get the inheritance of the seven swords.

In the eyes of Young Master Tian Ming, confidence was restored again.

There are many people here, and they have powerful golden mirrors.

They have the strongest advantage.

Those other protoss people were also very excited.

Although they couldn't beat the Tianyang Protoss, it didn't matter.

The world is so vast, they can go to other places to search for the sword **** flower.

A group of figures flew to the distance,

Everyone is crazy.

The people at Dragon Palace also said: Let’s take Lin Xuan once again flew into the distance,

He still acts alone.

He was also very excited,

I thought there was no chance, but I didn't expect it to turn around.

108 treasures, don't know, how many can he get?

Lin Xuan was looking forward to it.

Of course, he also had some doubts.

This king-level magic weapon is so powerful, if you want the sword **** flower, you can collect it yourself.

The other party has been in this world for endless years. I'm afraid I have collected as many Sword God Flowers as I want?

Unless this is really the King of God, the test left.

Of course, there is another possibility,

For some reason, this king-level magic weapon could not make a move.

Shaking his head, Lin Xuan stopped thinking about it.

These things have nothing to do with him,

He should collect it first, the sword **** flower.

Those other people also have doubts,

They are not fools.

However, they don’t care.

All they want is treasure.

Before these people, crazy collecting **** crystals, ignoring the sword **** flower.

It seems that I haven't found the trace of the Sword God Flower. It seems that it is not easy to find it.

However, they will not give up.

After Lin Xuan left the Dragon Palace, he immediately used the power of kendo.

He was originally a peerless sword god, and his kendo was extremely terrifying.

At this moment, he used the power of kendo to sense the existence of the sword **** flower.

Sure enough, he sensed that there was some kendo power ahead.

Just like stars, scattered in different places.

Based on this feeling, Lin Xuan quickly searched.

A few days later, he really found the Sword God Flower.

It seems that this method is feasible,

In the next half month, Lin Xuan collected wildly.

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