Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7893: The heroes join forces to fight Lin Xuan!

"Give up?"

Lin Xuan laughed after hearing this: "What do you think this is? Do you want to discuss it?"

"This is a life-and-death battle. It's a battle for nature. What if you give up?"

If Lin Xuan was weak, these people would definitely not let him go.

It will definitely hurt the killer.

Therefore, Lin Xuan would not be soft.

He stepped on it again, and the man from the Tianyang Protoss was completely enveloped.

The man yelled: "Our Tianyang Protoss will not spare you."

"Crazy God, you will definitely die."

With a bang, the blood mist filled,

This strong man of the Tianyang God Race has fallen.

The people behind were all stupid when they saw this scene.

This guy is too strong, right?

Actually killed a strong man of the Protoss.

This mad **** is so terrifying.

Fortunately, I didn't do anything to him before, otherwise, it would be a miserable ending now.

Those of the Dragon Race were extremely happy.

It seems that the mad **** is also in the first echelon and is also eligible to compete for the sword **** flower.

They saw hope.

After solving the people of the Tianyang Protoss, Lin Xuan continued to walk forward.

The remaining few people in front are joining forces to fight Dragon Swallowing and Mofei.

These people are not the younger generation, they are all protoss, or old monsters of the ancient race.

They want to suppress the young Tianjiao.

And the two young Tianjiao also temporarily joined forces to contend with these older powerhouses.

Although the other party has lived for endless years, everyone's cultivation base is similar.

They are not afraid.

But at this moment, they felt that an elder strong man had fallen behind.

And the one who shot it turned out to be a young man,

This shocked them.

Is a young Tianjiao coming again? Moreover, he is from the Dragon Palace.

Lin Xuan's speed was very fast, and he came near a few people.

He didn't make a move, but rushed directly towards the scabbard.

Are you looking for death?

These people are angry,

They played for so long without getting into the scabbard.

They will never let each other succeed.

Swallowing a tiger turned out a black tiger head, blocking the opponent's way.

Lin Xuan stuck out his palm and turned into the claws of the Heavenly Dragon, grabbing the black tiger head directly.

Then, tear it into pieces.

He looked at Gulping Tiger and said, "I will forgive you once, and if I dare to shoot at me, I will let you go to dust."

Gulping in shock,

Did the other party break his magical powers so easily?

It's incredible.

It looks like a peerless enemy,

But so what?

He hasn't been afraid of anyone yet.

He snorted coldly: "I won't let you in."

Lin Xuan looked at these people and said, "You are not my opponent, go away."

"Sword God Flower I have to decide."

He was so arrogant that he didn't seem to pay attention to these people.

This time, it wasn't just gulping angry.

Mo Fei, as well as the others, old-brand powerhouses, also darkened their expressions.

Is this not putting them in the eye?

"Young man, you are arrogant."

The old man from the ancient tribe snorted coldly.

He is also a swordsman, and what he displays is a huge sword, very thick.

Cut out with one sword, as if thousands of sacred mountains had fallen down.

Lin Xuan shot out thousands of sacred mountains with one palm.

In the palm of his hand, a sharp aura also emerged, slapped on the giant sword.

With a sound, the giant sword was shaken and withdrew.

The strong man of the ancient tribe also took five steps back and crushed the void.

His arms are split,

His face was full of shock.

What a terrible power, what a strong body,

Can actually fight his artifact with bare hands.

Also has the upper hand.

What kind of body is it?

A few other veteran powerhouses stopped making moves, and they all stopped.

All eyes fell on Lin Xuan.

Those who rushed from behind were also shocked, and they also stopped.

At this moment, Lin Xuan was eye-catching.

Mo Fei said: "You should be a Martial God Body, right? Long Dao Martial God Art is really strong enough."

"It's just that you dare to practice the same magic trick with Long Tatian, you really don't know how to live or die."

"Nothing to do with you."

Mad God said coldly.

The others were also shocked after hearing this.

Long Dao Wu Shen Jue, Wu Shen body, this is the unique knowledge of the dragon clan.

In ancient times, it was famous, no wonder it was so strong.

The strong man from the ancient tribe came over and said, "Let's solve this kid first."

"His martial arts body is very defensive. Once we let him in, we probably won't have a chance."

"Yes, kill this kid first."

Swallowing Tiger also gritted his teeth, and this time, they even joined forces.

We must deal with Lin Xuan together.

Those people behind were also blinded, and they were all worried for Lin Xuan.

Some people even sneered: This kid is too mad, he doesn't know how high the world is.

That is, who does he think he is? Even if he cultivated the Martial God Body, what?

He is not Long Tatian, he is just an ordinary Dacheng God.

How can he compete with so many people?

Is he going against the sky?

He certainly can't do it.

People in Taixu Dragon Palace are even more worried.

So many people joined forces. They are extremely worried,

They said: "The mad son, it's really impossible, let's go."

Yes, I'm not afraid that I won't have firewood if I leave the green hills.

But at this moment, Mo Fei shook his body and left the battlefield directly.

He said: "You fight, I won't fight."

Obviously, he wants to retain his strength,

This made several other people look ugly.

Swallowing Tiger said: "We joined forces to destroy the mad **** first, and then deal with Mofei."

"The rest, let's fight again, what do you think?"

Several older strong men nodded, and they said: OK, first solve the mad god.

With a roar, the sacred fire on his body swept across the world, and the terrible blood of psychic powers flew out.

The entire void was trembling, and the people around him backed away in fright.

Even the sword-qi monsters did not make any more moves, they let out an uneasy roar.

"Everyone join forces, don't give this kid a chance."

Swallowing Tiger sneered, they wanted to sweep each other with the power of thunder.

Swallowing Tiger waved his hand, the black whirlpool turned into a black tiger, and rushed over.

It's like a **** tiger descending the mountain.

This is his fascinating supernatural powers, capable of swallowing the true **** of Dacheng in an instant.

The other two people also shot.

The true **** of the giant sword, rising to the sky and roaring,

The sword in his hand became more terrifying.

It seemed to be transformed into a universe, falling quickly.

The heavy strength makes everyone desperate.

As for the last person, it was an old man of the Ice God He condensed into four worlds of ice and snow.

From four directions, he killed Lin Xuan, trying to freeze him completely.

Everyone knew that Lin Xuan was about to lose.

The other party couldn't resist it at all.

Those in the Dragon Palace also roared, "Despicable."

They want to rush over,

However, he was stopped by the Devouring God Race,

They can only watch.

Lin Xuan sneered, "Cooperate? So what?"

"Do you think that together can suppress me? It's naive."

"Today, let you see the martial arts body, the real power."

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