Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7942: Power after the breakthrough!

"They are crazy."

"Hands-on suppression."

The third uncle of the soul clan shouted coldly.

Together, these people suppressed Mo Tianji and the four elders.

Those strong men around, their faces are extremely ugly: What happened?

They looked at the dream.

However, Huan Meng has also joined the dragon people.

Before the dream, he almost went crazy and was injured.

At this moment, under the protection of the dragon clan strong, far away from here.

have they gone?

The people around were shocked,

The third uncle of the Soul Clan also gritted his teeth.

Soon he guessed it, some possibilities.

It should be related to the Dragon God Fruit, these people should have failed to capture the Dragon God Fruit.

The third uncle of the Soul Race directly read Mo Tianji's memory and got more accurate news.

He was shocked: It turned out that these people had been illusioned.

And this illusion is so real that these people can't wake up now.

It seems that these people have failed, and they have not been able to obtain the Dragon God Fruit.

No, it seems that among the people who entered, there is still one person who did not come out.

It seems to be that crazy god.

Is he still under test? Does he have a chance to come out?

Everyone didn't know, they were all waiting here.

The other side.

Lin Xuan also opened his eyes in the secret room.

There was a smile at the corner of his mouth.

Broke through.

He took the real dragon fruit, and finally broke through the bottleneck and reached the first watershed.

At this moment, the immortal Taoism in his body reached 16 million.

His strength has been greatly improved than before.

Feeling his own strength, Lin Xuan was shocked.

Between the hands and feet, it seems to have supreme power.

This time, the harvest was really great.

Lin Xuan felt that even if he was besieged by the people of the second watershed, he was still not afraid.

It's time to leave.

Lin Xuan shook his body and left the secret room. He appeared outside.

When he appeared, those around him all exclaimed: "Look, someone has come out."

Countless eyes looked over.

Lin Xuan frowned: Are there so many people outside?

"Who is this person? Do you want to do it?"

"Do you want to die? He is a mad god, but he killed the powerful existence of Young Master Tian Ming."

"The people in the second watershed are not his opponents."

"It turns out that he is so strong, did he get the Dragon Fruit?"

Countless exclamations sounded,

The third uncle of the Soul Race also looked over.

He asked in a deep voice, "Crazy God, have you passed the test?"

Lin Xuan squinted his eyes, and a smile rose from the corner of his mouth.

He just wanted to say something, but at this moment, he was taken aback.

He looked into the distance.

Those other people also felt it,

In the distance, there is a strong breath, flying in.

Several tanks flew over,

This chariot is a dragon walking chariot with powerful dragon power.

Those around them exclaimed: "No, it's the dragon people who are here."

"Damn it, Dragon Palace came too soon, right? We didn't even have a chance to make a move."

Originally, they thought that there were so many people that they could join hands to deal with the mad **** and take away the dragon **** fruit.

But now, the people of the dragon clan came, and their plan fell through.

Several dragon chariots stopped nearby and walked out of them, one after another.

From the first tank, a young man walked down.

A very handsome young man, his name is Long Hao.

Behind him, there were four old men, each of whom was extremely terrifying.

Both are the existence of the second watershed.

In the second chariot, some dragon masters came down again.

Among them are several young people, including Zhen Jiuzhong and Zhen Wu.

They followed Long Hao and the others.

A group of people rushed forward quickly.

Everyone around, one after another gave way.

When they arrived nearby, Zhen Jiuzhong and Zhen Wu said, "Master Long Hao, the former mad **** got the map, and he must have the whereabouts of the dragon **** fruit."

Long Hao looked at Lin Xuan and said coldly, "Crazy God, give you a chance."

"Tell me the whereabouts of the Dragon God Fruit, I can let you leave safely."

"Only you?"

Lin Xuan cast a glance at the opponent, with a look of disdain: "You are not my opponent."

Zhen Wu said: "Master Long Hao, he seems to be very strong."

Long Hao smiled and said, "How strong is it?"

He said to an old man next to him: "You do it, grab him."

"Break his limbs and let him kneel in front of me."

"Yes, master."

Behind him, an old man walked out,

This is the true **** of the second watershed.

After he walked out, with a big wave of his hand, a black dragon cauldron flew out.

It grows bigger between heaven and earth, like an eternal mountain, pressing towards Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan blasted out with a punch.

Valkyrie opens the sky.

Zhen Wu, Zhen Jiuzhong and others sneered: "This kid is too self-reliant."

This is the Black Dragon Cauldron, what a powerful artifact.

The elders of the second watershed will take action to suppress everything.

As soon as the voice fell, his eyes almost popped out, and the other people were also stunned.

They found that the Black Dragon Cauldron had been hit directly, and the light on it had become dim.

Even on the cauldron body, a clear fist mark appeared.

Everyone swallowed wildly, and even the powerful true gods had scalp tingling.

This punch almost pierced an artifact. What kind of power is this?

The old man who shot was also shocked and withdrew.

The blood of the old man rolled, and a mouthful of old blood spurted out.

For a while, the world is terribly quiet,

Those who wanted to shoot before, UU reading were extremely frightened.

Fortunately, they did not take action, otherwise, it is estimated that they will be wiped out.

They couldn't even stop a punch.

Long Hao's face also became ugly. He asked, "What's the matter?"

The old man said: "I'm careless, don't worry, I will suppress him now."

After speaking, he roared and rushed over again.

Being injured in public by a young man left his old face blank.

This time, even if he tried his life, he had to beat the opponent.

The dragon's aura on his body burned quickly, turning into a group of extremely powerful flames.

The old man turned into a flaming black dragon and rushed over in an instant.

The huge body shrouded the entire sky, spreading his teeth and dancing claws, and killed Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan sneered, and used the martial arts fist.

In an instant, hundreds of fist shadows were thrown out.

Every punch is terrifying and penetrates the world.

Hundreds of fist shadows hit the huge black dragon body, making a sound like the sky.

Many people's ears were bleeding.

And that huge black dragon figure was beaten out even more.

There were many places where they were beaten through, bones emerged, and dragon blood was spilled.

The huge black dragon was beaten into flight, like a black cloud, falling into the distance.

Countless people were stunned: Isn't it incredible?

Is a powerful dragon elder defeated?

Lost so embarrassed.

Lin Xuan withdrew his fist and felt very satisfied with his own strength.

It is indeed much stronger than before.

In the few punches just now, he just used the power of the Martial God Body.

He hasn't used Kendo yet.

He looked at Long Hao and said, "Is this your arrogant capital?"

"It's too weak to withstand a blow."

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