Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7979: Emperor! In charge of eternity!

Can a mad **** sweep the star gods? What a big tone.

The people on the dragon side were shocked.

Even the Star God Race frowned.

I have never seen such a person who does not know the height of the sky.

Zhen Qianjue looked ugly on the side of the True Dragon.

He said: "No, absolutely not, let the mad **** take action."

"Things to turn the tide must be done by our true dragon."

"Shaoyu, you can do it."

"Elder rest assured."

Zhen Shaoyu stood up, and he walked forward.

He stared at Greed Wolf and said, "Your good luck ends here."

"Next, if I take the shot, you will definitely lose."

"You deserve my all-out effort."

Greedy wolf expression also became solemn.

He also knew that the other party was a top-level arrogant and could not be careless.

The night sky above his head burst into light, and purple stars fell.

The purple flame swept through everything, and he slew forward.

In his hands, two short swords appeared, and with a light swing, they could split everything in the world.

Zhen Shaoyu roared up to the sky, what he displayed was the Azure Dragon Fighting Sky Art.

This is one of Dragon Palace's eight great magic tactics, with infinite power.

It is really terrifying to be performed by him at this moment.

A real dragon phantom surrounded him, and he seemed to be able to fight through the world.

The two battle together, like dragons and tigers.

Every move, every time, brings infinite power.

The disciples around were exclaiming again and again.

Too strong, worthy of being among the top three.

This is the existence they look up to. If they play, they probably won't be able to stop even one move.

Jun Wushuang, Shui and them are also nervous.

They asked: "Crazy God, who do you think can win?"

Before, the mad **** was right twice in a row, shocking them.

They feel that the mad **** definitely has a unique vision.

Lin Xuan looked at the battle ahead, his eyes flickering.

I have to say that there are indeed many geniuses of the true dragon family.

However, it is not easy to defeat Greed Wolf.

He said: "In this battle, I'm afraid it's hard to tell the winner."

The other elders were also talking about it.

To be honest, even they couldn't guess the result.

People from the true dragon line vowed to say, "We must win."

The two battled 500 strokes and ended in a tie.

Both are injured, and no one can do anything.

When seeing this scene, countless people exclaimed: Is it even tied?

The people of the Dragon race were shocked: This crazy god, guessed right again.

Zhen Shaoyu's face was a little ugly, and he was not very satisfied with this result.

He said: "We can continue, and I will definitely beat you."

Greedy Wolf said: "No, we two are of equal strength. If we fight again, it will be a tie."

"However, your dragon clan is still a bit worse."

"What do you mean?"

The disciples of the Dragon Race were all angry.

It's just a tie. Everyone is evenly matched. Why are we behind?

The people of the dragon clan were not convinced.

Greedy Wolf said: "Zhen Shaoyu is ranked third and I am ranked fourth."

"I'm tied with him, who do you say has the advantage?"

"What? Are you really fourth?"

The people of the dragon clan roared frantically.

Even Zhen Shaoyu was stunned.

Are you kidding me? He actually lost to fourth place.

He is not satisfied!

The green dragon stepped into the sky.

Zhen Shaoyu killed the past again, and the two battled another 100 moves, and it was still a tie.

As a referee, Xiao Tianlei can only end this battle.

It doesn't make sense to fight any more.

After Zhen Shaoyu was off, Zhen Shaoyang walked out.

He is currently No. 1 and he can't stand it anymore.

He is going to do it himself.

He stared at Xinghu and said, "You should be the first genius of the Star God Clan."

"Come on, you and I have a showdown."

Although they lost a lot of games on the dragon side.

However, as long as he beats the first place, then they can save everything!

This number one battle is the most important.

The people on the dragon side were also excited.

However, Xinghu shook his head and smiled: "I am not the first, I am only the second."

"First, there is someone else."

Who is the first person of the Star God Clan?

The people of the Dragon Race were shocked, and countless people's eyes widened.

Star Tiger said: "Emperor, there is someone calling you to challenge you, you should come out to fight."

A young man with an ordinary face stood behind him.

When he heard this, the young man walked forward.

As he stepped in the void, the aura on his body also changed.

The normal face became extremely handsome.

And on his head, a starry crown appeared.

Behind him, there is an endless starry sky.

And in the starry sky, there is a throne.

As if sitting on it, you will be able to take charge of eternity.

What a terrible momentum! What a terrifying blood!

After the emperor showed his power, the bodies of the dragon clan trembled.

They felt that both the bloodline and the original **** had been suppressed.

This person is so strong, is he the first genius of the Star God Clan?

Sure enough, it was terrible.

Even Lin Xuan's eyes lit up. He stared at the figure in front, shocked in his heart.

This person's blood is very terrifying, and it is almost reaching the level of a **** child.

This battle, I am afraid Zhen Shaoyang, will be very difficult.

Zhen Shaoyang's expression also became solemn, he was full of confidence before.

But with the appearance of the emperor, he felt a huge pressure, rushing toward his face.

To be honest, his own strength is very strong, he has already crossed the second watershed.

His cultivation base is stronger than Long Han before.

The number of Shendao lines in his body reached 23 million.

It can be said to be terrifying.

However, at this moment, the young man before him is like an enemy.

He guessed that this emperor would not be the **** child of the Star God Race?

No matter who he is? I can't lose in this battle.

Zhen Shaoyang roared up to the sky, and boundless flames emerged from his body.

Behind it, a solar phantom appeared,

Huang Huang Tianwei descended in the air.

The hot breath is enough to sweep everything.

Even the elders of the Fire Dragon clan exclaimed: "What a terrible flame."

Is this shamisen real fire?

Has Zhen Shaoyang condensed this kind of flame?

He is going against the sky!

Sanwei real fire, a kind of sacred fire in the legend, but it is very difficult to cultivate it.

This is the fire fighter, the flame that he dreams of.

Unexpectedly, now Zhen Shaoyang has cultivated.

The disciples of the Dragon Clan were all excited when they heard this.

It seems that this time, they have a great chance of winning!

The real fire of shamisen danced between the heavens and the earth, moving forward, and slayed fiercely.

The emperor was expressionless and seemed not afraid.

He waited until the real fire of Sanwei came to his side before he shot.

With a wave of his hand, the vast starry sky behind him burst out, the light of the starry sky.

Swept over.

Beside him, a galaxy formed, blocking the real fire of shamisen.

The two battle together.

This time the battle was far more terrifying than the previous battles between Greed Wolf and others.

Even those strong at the elder level still sucked in cold air.

These two people are too bad.

When Lin Xuan felt this power law, his eyes also burst out with a biting light.

A terrifying roar of dragons sounded from his body.

His dragon's blood boiled.

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