Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7866: Lin Xuan strikes back!

The elders of the dragon clan are mad: these people dare to threaten the mad god?

Are you looking for death?

They are really angry,

A vast breath swept all directions.

Many people trembled and looked desperate.

The half-step **** king, that is a high existence, they were angry and broke the sky and the earth.

Several people calm down.

The strong from other Protoss came out to discourage.

They said: No one dared to do it at this time, let's play the ranking first.

Whenever you dare to act on the mad god, you will endure the anger of my Dragon Palace. Two and a half-step God King said coldly.

Their gazes fell on everyone, like thousands of thunder.

At this moment, the world is terribly quiet.

The two and a half-step **** kings snorted and sat back again.

Zhen Qianjue said: The ancestors calm down, no one wants to kill the crazy god.

but! The stele of the Great Dragon Sword is really important.

It is about the future of our dragon race, let the mad **** hand it over!

Crazy God looked at Zhen Qianjue and said with a smile: If you want me to hand it over, you can.

You should all know the value of this stele.

As long as you put out enough resources for cultivation, I will naturally give you this stone tablet.

Zhen Qian will not speak anymore.

Are you kidding me?

They know how difficult it is to buy a stone tablet?

The price is staggering.

The Dragon Palace can afford it, but they really can't afford it because of their true dragon line.

Even if they were released, they did not want to spend such a large price to buy.

He said coldly: You are a member of the Dragon Palace, you don't need to buy your things at all.

Lin Xuan also laughed: You are also a member of Dragon Palace, and Long Xian'er, are you also a member of Dragon Palace.

I now like the fairy sword in her hand, and give me the Zixia fairy sword in her hand. My strength can absolutely happen, earth-shaking changes.

For Dragon Palace, hand it over obediently.

Also, Elder Thousand Jue, your armor is also good, so give it to me.

With it, my defense is absolutely unparalleled.

This is Lin Xuan's way of man, but also to rule his body.

Zhen Qianjue was so angry that her face turned green.

Long Xian'er also gritted his teeth and said: You are dreaming.

Lin Xuan smiled: You said it was for the Dragon Race. Why do you need to pay the price? You refused again?

Don’t you want to do it for the dragon?

Long Xian'er trembled with anger.

The other party was justified and stood on the commanding heights, she couldn't refute it.

Zhen Qianjue's face turned black.

His previous statements seemed perfect.

However, he lifted a rock and hit his own foot.

Really a witty kid.

He couldn't say that Lin Xuan could only look at the two ancestors.

The two ancestors looked at Lin Xuan again.

Lin Xuan said: If it is for Long Xian'er herself, let Long Xian'er come up with corresponding resources.

If it is for Dragon Palace, then I am naturally willing to take it out.

After waiting for the ranking match, this stone tablet was placed directly in the Dragon Palace.

Let all the disciples of the Dragon Clan realize.


The two ancestors were also extremely shocked: this is a big deal.

Sure enough, they didn't misunderstand the mad god, nor did they vain their previous efforts to defend the mad god.

Lin Xuan smiled and said: My husband, keep your promise.

To be honest, this stone tablet is extremely precious to others.

But to Lin Xuan, this is nothing at all.

Lin Xuan can create countless stone tablets in an instant.

He just saw Long Xian'er upset, but didn't want to give Long Xian'er insight.

As for the rest of the Dragon Clan, Lin Xuan did not have much hostility.

After all, the ancestors of the Dragon Palace before, also tried their best to maintain his safety.

Lin Xuan was also very moved by this.

Lin Xuan smiled and said: The two ancestors don't worry, the first place is definitely mine.

After speaking, Lin Xuan is not talking about anything,

He retracted his gaze and began to watch the battle.

The other disciples of the Dragon Race were extremely excited.

It's great, I will be able to feel the breath of the great dragon sword in the future.

Their combat effectiveness can definitely be greatly improved.

Look at Wushuang's changes, they will know.

Thinking of this possibility, their blood boiled over.

But Long Xian'er and others were gritted with anger.

What's the point after the ranking match?

But things are crazy, the ancestor is here.

In full view, they can't grab it directly!

Zhen Qianjue and other elders came over and said: Princess Xian'er, don't worry.

With your current strength, you have a good chance to enter the top three.

Besides, even now I get the stele. It is also unlikely that the combat effectiveness will undergo earth-shaking changes in a short period of time.

Perhaps, he would be distracted by the stele, leading to a backward ranking.

Now you don't want to think about anything, just go all out.

Long Tingshui also said: Yes, the swordsmanship you created before is very powerful.

Compared to Jun Wushuang, who had realized the stele, he was even stronger.

I think that even if those gods have realized the stone tablet, the power they have displayed will not surpass the sword technique you created.


Hearing this, Long Xian'er breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems that the sword technique she cultivated has an extraordinary origin.

Maybe it has something to do with Lin Wudi?

It is even possible that the mysterious master is a person from God's Domain.

Of course, this is a secret, and she won't tell if she is killed.

This is the sword technique she created, let others look up to her.

Thinking of this Xian'er snorted, she cast a glance at Lin Xuan.

She decided that when she met Lin Xuan in the future, she must be cruel.

Anyway, this ranked match relies on points, and the two sides will meet sooner or later.

Those people from other protoss are also talking about it.

Jun Wushuang is very strong, and he can never be careless if he meets him later.

Also, it is about the power of the mad god.

If the mad god, he also felt that kind of stone monument, how strong is the fighting power?

Even the goddess and goddess had to start paying attention to this problem.

Two days later, when Lin Xuan played again, countless people's eyes lit up.

Is this crazy **** going to make another move? Don't know who his opponent is?

At this moment, the runes under Zhen Shaoyang's feet flickered.

Everyone exclaimed: Is it the Dragon Race again?

They are extremely expecting.

Zhen Shaoyang is a genius of the true dragon family, and in the second echelon, they are all top-notch existences.

Although you can't make it into the top 10, you are definitely qualified to enter the top 20.

Such a person fighting against a mad **** is definitely fighting each other.

Maybe, with the help of this battle, you can thoroughly see how strong the mad god's combat effectiveness is.

The people from the real dragon clan were also surprised.

They looked at Zhen Shaoyang and said: Come on, you will do it.

Crazy God is just lucky, his current strength is definitely not as good as you.

You do your best, don't be careless, and you must step on him.

Hearing the words of the elders, Zhen Shaoyang nodded.

He said: Don't worry, I will never spare him.

Zhen Shaoyang's figure shook, like a sun dragon, rushing over quickly.

I came to the ring in an instant.

He looked at Lin Xuan and said: Boy, your good luck ends here.

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