Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7889: Magic! The art of small deprivation!

Want to run.

Lin Xuan let out a cold snort when he saw this scene, and he quickly chased after him.

In the sword aura, the power of the Thunder Rune was once again integrated, and it was almost at its extreme.

Stopped the way of the Saintess Chaos.

Get out of me.

The chaotic goddess roared wildly, she was really mad.

The scroll behind her turned, and various terrifying visions emerged.

There are giants of chaos, god-opening axes, and swords of chaos.

These heaven and earth visions all have the power to open up the world, and can cut through the ages and sweep the world.

However, it didn't work.

Lin Xuan quickly killed the past, and battled with those heaven and earth visions.

In Lin Xuan's swordsmanship, these visions of heaven and earth continued to collapse.

The chaotic goddess was beaten again, vomiting blood, and she roared angrily.

Two rays of light suddenly burst into her eyes.

This is the light of the primordial spirit, turned into a chaotic ancient lamp, blooming in the heavens and the earth.

When this ancient lamp appeared, the people of the Ancient Soul Race were shocked.

Their souls shook.

What a terrible power!

Unexpectedly, this Chaos Goddess still has such a hole card.

With a click,

A crack appeared on Lin Xuan's eyebrows.

This blow was really sudden.


Seeing Lin Xuan was injured, the Goddess of Chaos finally breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems that this mad **** also has weaknesses.

She frantically urged the ancient lantern of Chaos to suppress the opponent's soul.

No, the mad **** is in danger.

The people in Dragon Palace became nervous.

Lin Xuan let out a cold snort. The attack just now unexpectedly caused him a loss.

However, if he wanted to suppress his soul, the other party could not do it.

He used the power of the Eye of Heaven to match the monstrous Dragon Dao breath.

It turned into a white dragon and went straight into the sky.

This white dragon phantom is really terrifying.

The power with the pupil technique instantly fell on the ancient lantern of Chaos.

The two forces collided, bursting out a bright and strange light.

The soul of all people, like a boat swaying in the wind, swayed quickly.

It seems to go out at any time.

After one blow, the ancient lantern of Chaos shattered.

Lin Xuan seized the opportunity and slashed at the chaos goddess with another sword.

The chaotic goddess flew out, blood-staining the sky.

The chaos goddess seemed to be in desperation, and the chaos **** race was extremely nervous.

Is it possible that their goddess will lose? They cannot accept it.

The Goddess of Chaos stopped, she turned around abruptly, gritted her teeth and said: Boy, I'm fighting with you.

Obviously, she still has no means to use.

The next moment, her palms condensed, forming an ancient mark.

Her body suddenly burst out with an extremely bright light.

These chaotic lights all converged towards her palm.

Turned into one, ancient and bright rune.

An icy voice rang from heaven and earth.

small! peel! Win! It! Surgery!

As this voice sounded, everyone saw the ancient rune flying out from the palm of the goddess.

Floating towards Lin Xuan.

It's like going back in time.

Everyone saw it, an incredible scene.

The towering trees quickly became smaller, and finally turned into a pile of fallen leaves.

The mountain of ten thousand feet collapsed quickly and turned into a pile of waste rocks.

Even the runes on the surrounding formations dimmed quickly, as if the power had disappeared.

Those who watched the battle also trembled.

They feel that their strength seems to be passing, they seem to be weakening.

Scared them back crazy,

What is this method? It's too scary.

Even the goddess Xuanbing, **** son of Tianyang and others were shocked.

Their faces became extremely ugly,

And those half-step **** kings exclaimed.


She actually mastered the magic arts, it was incredible.

Although only a part of the power was used, it could not be called a complete magic.

But still terrifying,

Divine art, that is the power that the **** king can control.

Now, it was really shocked to be displayed by the Goddess of Chaos.

The people around were shocked when they heard this.

what? Is there a magical technique that a **** king can perform? No wonder it's so scary!

Some people even said: This magical technique, I seem to have heard of it, called the technique of deprivation.

I remember when I was in Tongtianhe.

The Chaos God King killed Lin Wudi with the technique of deprivation.

what? It turned out to be such a thing!

Countless people were shocked,

They knew that Lin Wudi had fallen.

But they don't know the specific circumstances of the fall.

Unexpectedly, Lin Wudi would have fallen to the hands of Deprivation Technique.

Now this deprivation technique appears again, killing the mad god.

Is it possible that this mad **** will also fall?

The people in the Dragon Palace are very nervous,

Jun asked them, even more pale.

Who can imagine that Chaos Goddess has such a killer move.

It's impossible.

Jun Wushuang shook his head frantically: This is the power of the **** king. Even if she has the blood of the **** king, she can't display it.

She didn't even reach the realm of the peak true god.

However, the ancestors of the dragon clan were talking about: divine art is mysterious.

People under the God King can indeed perform, but the conditions are too harsh.

Even the half-step **** king, he may not be able to control it.

What the goddess of chaos used at this moment, to be precise, should be called the technique of small deprivation.

Have a trace of power of magic.

But even so, it is already very against the sky.

I am afraid that the mad **** is very difficult to resist.

No matter it is the martial **** body or the peerless swordsmanship, they can't match the divine arts.

It looks like we are going to shoot.

The ancestor of the Dragon Race took a deep breath and prepared to save the mad god.


The people on the side of the Chaos Protoss also smiled.

The mad **** is indeed very strong, but the ultimate victory must be them.

Lin Xuan also frowned. This was the second time he faced the deprivation technique.

The last time it was in Tongtianhe, he was unable to resist.

But now, he is not what he used to be,

His strength is much stronger than before.

Chaos Goddess is not the real God King, and it is impossible for the other party to kill him.

The next moment, he rushed forward.

After seeing Lin Xuan's reaction, the people around were all blindsided.

what's the situation?

In the face of such a terrible little deprivation, shouldn't you run away?

Even if you can't escape, you should resist it with all your strength. Where can you rush to it?

However, Lin Xuan really rushed forward.

What does this crazy **** want to do?

Hahahaha, is this guy here to die?

The people of the Chaos Protoss all smiled.

Stupid things, he knew nothing about the power of magic. Tianyang Godzi, when he saw this scene, he gave a cold snort.

Even he, facing the small deprivation technique, I am afraid he has to go all out.

Even the fire of God must be used to resist it.

It's too bloated. Long Tingshui frowned.

Although this crazy **** can create peerless swordsmanship, he is unparalleled in talent.

But no matter how strong it is, it can't compete with the power of divine art.

More importantly, this mad **** is too weak,

Mad God doesn't even have 20 million Shinto texts.

If the opponent's cultivation base is stronger, maybe he can really resist it.

But definitely not now.

In the next moment, Lin Xuan and the small deprivation technique collided.

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