Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7894: Magic Tower vs God!

Lin Xuan was hit by the light of destiny, and everyone became nervous.

Can the other party be able to resist it?

Lin Xuan didn't care, he had changed his fate long ago.

The light of destiny is of no use to him.

The next moment, he walked out of the light of destiny, unharmed.

Everyone was dumbfounded when they saw this scene.

Is this over?

The other party walked out of the light of destiny so easily?

Are you kidding me?

Is this light of destiny fake? Is something wrong?

How could the other party come out so easily?

There were exclamations,

Long Xian'er couldn't believe it even more.

She shook her head frantically.

She said: Impossible, the Emperor probably hasn't made a full shot yet.

Let alone these young geniuses.

Even those peak true gods and half-step **** kings can't believe it.

Even they can't change their fate.

The demon **** child succeeded because of an unexpected attack.

Tianyang Shenzi succeeded because he possessed the legendary inextinguishable fire.

Speaking of which, the only thing that can resist the light of fate is the fire of God.

In their opinion, although the mad **** is strong, it is difficult to counter the light of fate.

There is even a chance of winning if you go all out.

But now,

The other party easily walked out of the light of fate.

This is really beyond their expectations,

It even shocked them.

On the ring, Lin Xuan said with a smile: Your power of destiny has indeed become stronger again.

But unfortunately, for me, it is still useless.

Sure enough, the emperor sighed

The power of destiny, although mysterious and terrible.

Once someone can contend for once. In the future, the power of destiny will have no effect on the opponent.

Lin Xuan easily blocked the power of fate last time.

Now this time, it can still be easily blocked.

Emperor Zuo put away the light of destiny, he said: Next, I will go all out.

On the law of the road, confront you.

I want to learn about your peerless swordsmanship.

it is good.

Lin Xuan nodded,

In the next moment, he shot and displayed a peerless sword technique.

The emperor fights with it.

After 30 moves, he was beaten out and a crack appeared on his body.

The Emperor smiled bitterly: I am defeated.

Shaking his head, he walked off the ring.

No way, the gap between him and Lin Xuan is really too big.

When the game was over, the people around were still at a loss.

They were so shocked.

They really didn't expect that Lin Xuan could block the light of fate so easily.

Could it be that such a mad **** would easily change his fate against the sky?

Countless people were shocked.

The goddess of Xuanbing, the goddess of chaos and others were dumbfounded.

Tianyang Shenzi's face is even more ugly.

He had tried desperately before to block the light of fate.

He looked too embarrassed compared to the mad god.

This made him more jealous, he must defeat the mad god.

Long Xian'er broke down even more,

She was hit again and again.

First, he lost to Lin Xuan, and then discovered that the sword technique he cultivated was actually created by Lin Xuan.

Now, she can't change her fate against the sky, but Lin Xuan can do it easily.

Everything made Long Xian'er desperate.

She found that the gap between her and Lin Xuan was getting bigger and bigger.

She can only look up to each other now.

It seemed that she was completely beaten down, which made her suffer.

For a while, she stayed there.

As for those half **** kings, they were shocked.

He can easily change his fate!

No wonder this mad god, without any strong blood, can reach this point.

The fate of the other party is indeed amazing, and I feel that the other party is the chosen one.

At this moment, many half-step God King's eyes fell on Lin Xuan, as if he wanted to see it through.

Lin Xuan kept his mind and his secrets.

If you want to come to these half-step gods, you won't do it easily.

Next, the game continues.

The Chaos Goddess also fought the Emperor.

The Goddess of Chaos is very strong and controls the magic.

But even so, she failed to escape the light of fate.

In other words, she did not have the ability to change her fate.

This shocked everyone again,

You can imagine how difficult it is to change your fate against the sky.

Now the only ones who have not failed are Tianyang Shenzi and Lin Xuan.

There must be a battle between the two.

In addition, there is a demon **** child.

The Demon God Child was only defeated by Lin Xuan, without a fight.

At that time, Lin Xuan only used one divine fruit to win the victory.

This makes everyone sigh.

In their view, the devil might not necessarily lose in a real fight.

Two days later, Mo Shenzi shot again,

This time, his opponent is Chaos Goddess.

In a big battle, he won the Chaos Goddess.

Everyone was shocked again.

It seems that the strength of the Demon God Child is really strong, and he is qualified to hit the top three.

Next, the demon **** child swept all the way.

He defeated Goddess Xuanbing and Long Xianer successively.

In addition to him, Tianyang Shenzi and Lin Xuan also made several shots.

They all won easily.

Finally, this day,

Tianyang Shenzi met Demon Godzi.

Both of them are sons of **** and possess extraordinary blood.

As soon as they came up, the two of them shot with all their strength, shaking the world.

All kinds of magic tricks and supernatural powers, one after another, shocked countless people.

After 300 strokes, the two used the blood of the **** king.

Behind the demon **** child, a demon shadow appeared, extremely mysterious.

Behind Tianyang Shenzi, UU Reading appeared a sun, as if sweeping across the wasteland.

The competition between the two bloodlines once again broke the ground.

However, it is still evenly matched.

Everyone was shocked: won't you end up with a tie?

The devil snorted coldly, and a mysterious rune appeared on his forehead.

The next moment, he changed from a bear kid to a handsome boy.

His strength unexpectedly improved again.

When those people around saw this scene, they exclaimed.

It seems that Xiongzi suppressed his strength before.

After showing true power, the demon **** child suppressed the Tianyang **** child.

This excites the people of the Demon Race,

However, they did not dare to be careless.

After all, God Child Tianyang controlled a trace of God's fire.

Tianyang Divine Child also frowned, unexpectedly the opponent's strength was so strong.

It looks like it can only be used, the last hole card,

He took out the fire of God.

A fire from the heavens swept across the world and rushed towards the demon **** child.

When the people around felt this breath, they trembled constantly.

Even the true gods at the peak have solemn expressions.

The demon **** child uses super strong blood to resist.

In his hands, a tower appeared.

A magic tower.

This tower has 9 floors, and the upper floors are illusory, like shadows.

However, it is extremely terrifying and can suppress everything,

This is the legendary nine-layer magic tower.

He fell on the fire of heaven, making a sound like the sky.

The fire of God was actually blocked,

This shocked everyone.

This is the legendary inextinguishable fire, and it can be blocked.

This demon son is really terrifying.

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