Inverse Sword God

Chapter 8050: Enter the ruins of the king of gods! 1 fist blasted the prince!

The mad **** is too famous and is the number one in the Protoss ranking of this generation.

Is a top genius.

However, no matter how talented you are, you are only a young man.

This is the relic of the **** king, can you go in casually?

Stop it for me.

A strong man of the Ice God Clan walked out and gave a cold shout.

He raised his hand and shot it out, and the sky full of ice turned into a world of ice and snow.

Want to freeze Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan's speed didn't decrease at all, and he quickly killed him.

Stupid enough.

The people around shook their heads and sighed.

The old man who shot is also a prince.

It's just that he was injured in the relics of the **** king before.

This time he didn't go in, but it was more than enough to deal with the crazy god.

Now, this crazy **** dares to resist, I am afraid it will end badly.

Get out of me.

Lin Xuan snorted coldly, and raised his hand as a punch.

Destroy the world black dragon fist.

The destructive power turned into a black dragon and slew towards the ice and snow world ahead.

The world of ice and snow, the frozen world, once entered, it will immediately be frozen into ice sculptures.

However, the Destroying Black Dragon Fist is even more terrifying and can destroy everything in the world.

When this black dragon slayed into the world of ice and snow.

The entire ice world was instantly shattered and wiped out.

The prince of the Ice Protoss was also flew out by this boxing, blood staining the sky!

what's the situation?

Everyone was dumbfounded,

They are all stupid.

Mad God, fisted the prince.

It's incredible.

Could it be that the mad **** is also a prince?

This news is really shocking.

Before, the news that Lin Xuan became a prince was only from the Dragon Palace, I got it.

It hasn't come out yet.

And now? I'm afraid it will spread all over the world in an instant.

After flying the prince, Lin Xuan did not do anything.

He took Xu Changsheng and the others, and instantly killed him, inside the relics of the God King.

After he entered, the people around him exclaimed.

There was shock in their eyes.

Someone said: It deserves to be the first in the Protoss ranking.

This talent is really against the sky.

Some people were surprised: it's impossible.

To be a prince, just having talent is not enough.

It seems that this kid still has great opportunities.

Some people said: So what?

Princes are also divided into strengths and weaknesses, and our **** son has become a prince.

After he enters, if he meets our **** son of Tianyang, he will undoubtedly lose.

Lin Xuan did not know what these people were talking about.

At this moment, he rushed into the ruins of the **** king.

As soon as he entered, he felt an ancient and tyrannical breath.

The whole ruins are like a world.

The pressure in this world is very great.

Falling on them is like an eternal mountain.

I am afraid that people under the **** king are not qualified to come in.


Lin Xuan displayed a martial arts body, and a bright light burst out from his body. To resist this pressure.

Xu Changsheng and others next to each other took action.

A vast breath swept out.

They looked around, extremely excited.

They feel that in the depths of this world, there is a strong aura.

That is the breath left by the **** king.

Let's go.

They rushed forward quickly.

Not long after flying, they saw that the mountain range in front of them suddenly shook.

The earth cracked.

The huge mountain range actually flew towards the distance.

what is this?

Xie Xiaoyu was surprised.

Huang Wuchen exclaimed: Monster Beast, this is not a mountain range, this is a Monster Beast.

In Lin Xuan's eyes, there was a bitter light blooming.

He discovered that this was indeed a monster.

This is a giant python, it is too big and too terrible.

Lin Xuan and the others did not take action, they took a detour.

Next, they met several monsters.

Every monster beast is a giant, and has survived endless years.

It's extremely scary.

It is indeed a relic of the **** king, it is really scary.

Huh, it's a magic medicine.

Xie Xiaoyu exclaimed.

She found that there was a magic medicine beside the waterfall below.

She rushed over quickly and took away the magical medicine.

Next, Lin Xuan and others discovered a few magical medicines.

This makes them extremely happy.

This place is really amazing.

This magical medicine is very precious, and when taken out, it is enough to make the strong jealous crazy.

When they picked the sixth magical medicine, they met, a powerful guardian beast.

This is a lightning monster, also a prince, very terrifying.

Lin Xuan and the four teamed up, and none of them defeated each other.

This lightning monster chased them madly.

Lin Xuan and the others fled quickly.

After playing a variety of hole cards, they were able to escape.

Is it too dangerous?

Xie Xiaoyu's face was pale.

Fortunately, their cards are strong enough, otherwise, they will definitely fall here.

I dare say that this lightning monster is almost approaching the realm of the **** king.

Desolateness is also a lingering fear.

Lin Xuan smiled and said: A good harvest.

This time, what they took away was a string of Lightning Bodhi.


Next, they began to allocate.

Lin Xuan contributed the most and was divided into two.

He directly swallowed this Lightning Bodhi.

In the next moment, a thunderous sound rang from his body.

Rays of lightning appeared on him to temper his physique.

At the same time, Lin Xuan felt that his speed had improved a bit.

You guy, too crazy.

Xie Xiaoyu sighed.

They dare not take it directly like Lin Xuan.

They should take it back, find a place to practice in retreat, and take these treasures again.

Let's go, keep going.

They continue on the road.

Before long, they heard the sound of fighting in the distance.

It was earth-shattering,

Obviously, it was a battle of the prince class.

Take a detour.

Huang Wuchen said.

Right now, they just want to collect more magical medicine and fruit.

Not in the mood to participate in other people's battles.

Xie Xiaoyu and they agreed.

Lin Xuan looked into the distance, then he was taken aback.

The next moment, a mysterious light appeared in his eyes.

He said: Come with me, UU reading www.uukanshu. com I met an acquaintance.

He rushed over quickly.

Xie Xiaoyu and the others said: Go, go and take a look.

The four were fast and rushed forward.

A war really broke out ahead,

4 people are fighting.

However, the fighting situation is one-sided.

Three of them were besieging one person.

The man fleeing and fighting, the blood on his body fell, dyeing the world red.

Cracks appeared in the void.


With a roar, the injured person turned into a cloud dragon.

He rushed out of the encirclement in an instant.

But soon, he was caught up again.

Those people behind roared: Xiaoyaohou, leave things behind.

Otherwise, you will definitely die.

The injured person is the Xiaoyaohou of Taixulong Palace.

At this moment, his face was pale and his body was stained with blood.

However, he snorted coldly: Want something? dream!

Toast not to eat, eat fine wine.

We are thinking that it is not easy for you to cultivate to this point, and want to let you go.

However, if you are looking for death, it is no wonder that we are.

The three people behind joined forces and killed them.

These three people are also princes,

Moreover, they are all princes of the Protoss.

One is from the Sky-Swallowing God Race, and the other two are from the Xuanbing God Race.

The three of them had a murderous heart and performed their utmost knowledge.

The terrifying power fell overwhelmingly, and immediately enveloped Xiaoyaohou.

Xiaoyao Hou, with a trace of despair in his eyes.

Are you going to fall here? Not reconciled.

Fight with them!

There is a trace of madness in his eyes, and the clouds on his body are misty and square.

He was going to work hard,

But at this moment, a sword light fell from the sky, like a flying fairy outside the sky.

Killed into the battlefield.

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