Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 109: Did you know that copper conducts electricity [First update! 】

Chapter 109 Did you know... Copper is conductive [First update! 】

 “Come again!”

“I want to see how many times you can dodge!”

After standing up again, Liu Tongshan's eyes flashed with a sharp look, and he looked like a cheetah and pounced towards Lin Yuan!

 However, it turns out.

Lin Yuan was really able to dodge...many times.

Under the effect of the Three Magatama Sharingan, unless the opponent's strength and speed can completely suppress Lin Yuan.

if not.

 He can easily see through the opponent's movements.

 And dodge perfectly.

 In short, Lin Yuan is invincible in a duel at the same level!

 The more Liu Tongshan attacked, the more frightened he became!

He clearly felt that the opponent's dodge was not subtle, or even unorganized.

 But unfortunately, every time, he was able to avoid his attacks by narrow margins!


Just when Liu Tongshan was slightly shaken.

Lin Yuan reached out his hand and slapped him abruptly.

  Loud and crisp.

 For a moment, the whole place fell silent.

In battles between warriors, there is such a move as slapping someone? !

 What kind of warrior is this? This is simply a street gangster!

This slap stunned Liu Tongshan.

 Don't say he was confused, even Lin Yuan himself was slightly dazed.

 To be honest, he didn’t even know why he slapped the other person suddenly.

 Although the other party provoked him verbally, he was not humiliated.

Lin Yuan just subconsciously stretched out his hand and slapped him.

Perhaps this is because...slapping someone in the face has become a habit.

 After finishing smoking, Lin Yuan said rather embarrassedly: "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it..."

 As for whether Liu Tongshan can listen to it, that depends on fate.

"I am going to kill you!"

Liu Tongshan's eyes were red, and he looked like a furious lion.

A low roar broke out from his mouth, and his whole body glowed with a bronze sheen!

This kind of luster is the luster of real metal!

 This is...Liu Tongshan's own special ability, copper transformation!

Lin Yuan’s eyes were slightly sharp.

This guy’s superpowers are similar to those of the original ‘Demon Rock’ Hong Dingtian.

 It’s just that one is lithified and the other is copperized!

 “Come die!”

 After activating the ability.

 Liu Tongshan's strength has been greatly improved, and his explosive power has even improved!

 Correspondingly, his offensive became more and more violent.

Lin Yuan frowned slightly. Under Liu Tongshan's almost crazy offensive, even though he had the blessing of Sharingan, he was still in a situation that he was tired of coping with.

 "Liu Lieutenant, come on! Beat that boy Mowu to death!"

 “Don’t let him have any room to breathe, beat him to death!”

“Vice Liu will win! Tianlin will win!”

Many people in the seats at Tianlin Wuhan University stood up and began to cheer for Liu Tongshan by waving flags and cheering.

 It was as if Liu Tongshan was facing a powerful opponent rather than some magical substitute.

"You really **** me off. If you don't choose to admit defeat, I will make you seriously injured!"

Liu Tongshan said sarcastically while attacking.

 In his opinion, Lin Yuan has completely fallen into decline. As long as you work harder, you can easily defeat your opponent!

 As a substitute, you should have the awareness to be a substitute!

Even if you are a substitute for Mowu, you should sit on the bench and stay there!

This should be the battlefield for talented people like them.

This is not a stage for you substitutes to show yourselves!

However, at this moment, Lin Yuan suddenly raised his head and asked calmly: "Do you know something?"

 Liu Tongshan frowned, obviously not knowing what Lin Yuan wanted to express.

 The next second, Lin Yuan grinned: "Did you know...that copper is conductive?"

 “Besides, it’s also a good conductor?”

 “This is none of my business!”

Liu Tongshan’s frown deepened. Of course he knew this common sense that even primary school students knew!

 But the key point is, what does this have to do with his current situation?

 “Of course it’s none of your business!”

Lin Yuan smiled and pushed out with a palm, hitting Liu Tongshan directly in the abdomen!

Liu Tongshan looked horrified at first, because even he himself didn't notice that he had revealed such a flaw inadvertently!

However, Lin Yuan's palm didn't use even half of the strength, it was as gentle as a feather.

 Liu Tongshan almost laughed out loud!

Who can be hurt by such a light palm?

 But soon, he stopped laughing.

Because endless thunder surged out from Lin Yuan's palm like a flood, and in an instant, it was transmitted to his body!

 The power of thunder suddenly spread along Liu Tongshan’s copper-coated skin and spread throughout his body!

 He has finally reacted now.

 What did Lin Yuan mean by what he said before?

 Unfortunately, it’s too late!

 The violent power of thunder caused Liu Tongshan to fall into a coma the moment it was transmitted.

 The situation was reversed in an instant.

Everyone present was stunned.

They obviously didn’t expect that Mowu’s substitute would have such a rare elemental power, and it was also a thunder power!

Let alone them, even Wang Zhanlin's face showed a bit of strange color.

This guy also has thunder powers? !

 How come I haven’t seen him use it before?

 Is it hidden so deeply? That’s pretty good!

Wang Zhanlin narrowed his eyes slightly. It seems that this kid has many secrets!

If you have a chance, you must dig into it!

 After a brief shock, bursts of applause finally erupted from the audience!

Then, the host also reacted, walked to the stage, and announced loudly: "The winner of this game is... Lin Yuan, a first-year freshman from Wudu University in Shanghai!"

Facing the applause of the crowd, Lin Yuan smiled at the audience to express his gratitude.

Liu Tongshan, who fainted, was quickly carried off the stage.

The second player from Tianlin Wuhan University also stepped onto the competitive stage.

This young man is about the same height as Lin Yuan, and his face looks extremely fair.

He slightly cupped his hands and said, "He Yuelin, a formal member of Tianlin Martial Arts University!"

 “Modu Wuhan University, substitute player, Lin Yuan.”

Lin Yuan did not get carried away because he won a game, but returned the gift very humbly.

 However, what he didn't expect was.

 At this moment, the selection system was triggered again!

 【Option 1: Win three games in a row on the arena! Reward: 5000 points of vitality and 3000 points of mental power! 】

 【Option 2: Win four games in a row in the arena! Reward: 8000 points of vitality and 5000 points of mental power! 】

 【Option 3: Win five games in a row in the arena! Reward: 10,000 blood points, 6,000 mental power, random intermediate power card! 】

  Three updates today, but they will be a little later, probably until the early morning! Please vote for recommendation!



 (End of this chapter)

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