Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 121: How could someone like me choose to admit defeat? 【First

Chapter 121 How could a person like me... choose to admit defeat? 【First update! 】

 The entire audience noticed this vision!

 Because the darkness of night directly enveloped the entire arena, like a dark cube.

 But the problem is...

Isn’t this guy’s superpower the element of thunder?!

 How come you can still display another kind of power now?!

From the front row of the audience, Li Tianchou frowned slightly: "Boy Wang, your Mowu actually recruited a boy with double powers? This is really rare."

Wang Zhanlin: “…”

 Don’t ask me!

  I didn’t even know he had such a power!

As a principal, it is really a failure for him to not even know the details of his own students.

However, this guy Lin Yuan has such a special ability.

Every time you think you have figured him out, he will pull out another trump card and throw it in front of you.


 On the arena.

Fang Nian frowned slightly.

 He really didn’t understand what the special function of Lin Yuan’s power was.

 In his opinion, although it looks magnificent, it feels flashy.

 After all, for warriors of their level, even if they are in darkness, their actions will not be affected in any way.

However, Lin Yuan's special ability is not used on himself or his opponents.

 His real Shen Xiao!

 “Thank you very much…”

Shen Xiao spoke softly and thanked him.

 The next second, a sudden change appeared on his body!

His figure suddenly became taller, and black and gray fur like wolf hair suddenly appeared around him!

 Shen Xiao's pupils also turned from indifferent to bloodthirsty, turning completely scarlet!

 This is his exclusive ability, Night Wolf!

 Under the catalysis of supernatural powers, Shen Xiao almost completely turned into a tall werewolf!

 This is the real Shen Xiao.

  Shen Xiao, known as the ‘Shura of Night’!

Relying on the increase brought by the superpower, Shen Xiao's energy and blood soared, and he forcibly broke through the shackles of the sixth-level warrior.

"let me help you!"

Chu Yu's mind was slightly focused, and he directly stretched out his arms like jade lotus roots.

 The next second, the mental power surged out like a tide, condensed into substance, and solidified on Shen Xiao's body like armor!

 Psychic armor!

 At the same time, Chu Yu raised his right hand again.

 Another burst of spiritual power was sent towards Tong Hu and Tangdi Yuan in awe!

Although Chu Yu's mental strength cannot completely frighten the two of them, it can more or less weaken their strength.

  It is constantly pouring out along with its own spiritual power.

 Chu Yu's forehead began to gradually seep with fine beads of sweat.

 Obviously, in order to win the team battle, she is also trying her best!

 Lin Yuan smiled and looked at Fang Nian with interest: "Now, do you still think Shen Xiao is not Tong Hu's opponent?"

“Now, do you still think that Chu Yu is just a vase?”

“Now that we are standing on this stage, everyone is a warrior, a warrior who only wants to win!”

"That's enough, shut up!" As Lin Yuan's voice became louder and louder, veins popped up on Fang Nian's forehead, and he finally couldn't help but shouted loudly, and forcibly interrupted the former!

“Why should a weakling like you come to teach me a lesson?!”

“You talk so much useless nonsense, as long as I deal with you first, then I can deal with those two people!”

 Fang Nian finally broke out!

 His attacks began to become more and more crazy and fierce!

This kind of madness does not refer to the kind of disorderly explosion, but to the comprehensive explosion of blood and spiritual power!

 Under this kind of explosion, Fang Nian still maintained quite precise control. Whether it was blood or mental strength, he could be controlled by this man with ease!

  Accuracy is the most important difference between surgery and slaughter.

 And Fang Nian seemed to have masterfully controlled every ounce of power in his own hands.

It is precisely because of this that when it breaks out in full force, the momentum is even more terrifying!

 This is...the really scary place!

Although Fang Nian is very arrogant, he does have the capital to be proud of!

 With his strength, even the Demonic War Captain Fang Tianji may not be able to match him.

 With its full outburst, even Lin Yuan felt the pressure on his shoulders doubled!

 Due to the constant need for elementalization of the body, Lin Yuan's physical strength began to be consumed rapidly.

Within half a minute, Lin Yuan began to breathe heavily.

 “What’s the matter? Aren’t you very arrogant?”

Fang Nian's lips curled up with a hint of sarcasm, and he said with a sneer: "Weak people without strength are like this. Apart from talking, they can't change any outcome."

Lin Yuan did not reply.

 While breathing heavily, he turned his gaze to Shen Xiao's side.

Even in the state of 'night wolf transformation', Shen Xiao is still difficult to compete with Tong Hu and Tang Diyuan.

 After all, these two people were originally talented warriors.

 Though they have known each other for a long time, the cooperation between Tong Hu and Tangdi Ape is extremely tacit.

Although Chu Yu can provide assistance from the side, the assistance effect that a fifth-level mental power user can provide is really limited.

 With the two men joining forces to fight, Shen Xiao has gradually begun to fall into decline!

 The current situation, for Lin Yuan and others, is completely a chronic death.

If you still think of a way to break the situation, there is really no other way!

"I said... fight me, but you still have the time to care about other people's lives?"

Fang Nian's voice, playful and frivolous, sounded in Lin Yuan's ears.

Then, a sound of piercing the air was heard, and an alloy flying knife instantly penetrated Lin Yuan's left shoulder, leaving a **** hole!

Fang Nian controlled the flying knife so fast that not even Lin Yuan could react!

  "I'm injured...Where is the elementalization you are proud of?"

 Blood slowly dripped down the tip of the alloy flying knife.

Fang Nian narrowed his eyes and looked at Lin Yuan in front of him with a faint smile.

 At this moment, the god-level selection system was triggered again!

  【Option 1: Choose to admit defeat immediately, reward: 5000 points of blood, 5000 points of mental power, title: Shame of the loser! 】

  【Option 2: Choose to counterattack in a desperate situation, defeat the opponent, and win the final victory in the team battle. Reward: 10,000 points of vitality, 5,000 mental power, and the Mangekyō Sharingan! 】

  【After completing the selection requirements, the rewards will be automatically distributed! 】

 Select... is it triggered again?

 It’s a pity that this time, even if you make a choice, you won’t be able to get the reward immediately.

  In other words, he still has to rely on his current strength to defeat Fang Nian!

 Thinking of this, Lin Yuan couldn't help but laugh.

Fang Nian frowned and said in surprise: "Why are you laughing?"

 Lin Yuan smiled and shook his head, and said calmly: "I was could a person like me choose to admit defeat?"

 (End of this chapter)

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