Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 132: One man is in charge and he is invincible! 【First update! beg

Chapter 132: One man is in charge, invincible! 【First update! Please subscribe! 】

The person speaking in front of me is none other than Tong Hu, an official member of Jingwu!

No one expected that under such circumstances, reinforcements from Jingwu would arrive, and... they were not just one or two people!

Are these guys crazy? !

 If they don't show up.

In Jingwu, only Song Wenhui was defeated!

 Others still have a chance to win rankings for Yanjing Wuhan University!

 But now, once they lose, their Jingwu will be completely defeated!

These people, can’t they understand this? !

Tong Hu held his head high and said in a deep voice: "I, Yanjing Wuhan University, will never let anyone bully me, and I will never let anyone take advantage of me!"

 “And never...give up any of your companions!”

“Since you want to fight, then have one!”

Obviously there were fewer people on the Jingwu side, but when they stood side by side, they showed an even more amazing momentum!

 Jingwu is never afraid of any setbacks and challenges.

have nothing to say.

 If you want to fight, then fight!

 They want everyone to know.

Jingwu, there is no such thing as a coward!

Even Song Wenhui was slightly stunned: "You..."

Tang Di Ape on the side said with a smile: "Captain, don't worry, as long as we are here, these people can't touch you!"

After finishing speaking, Tangdi Ape spat on the ground: "I really want to bully the few with more, but I want to show these brats what it means to truly win with less!"

Another Jingwu team member smiled and said: "It's a pity that we arrived a little late in order to gather all the Jingwu people here, which made these brats arrogant for a while."

"Hahaha, that's right! I don't know where Vice Captain Fang died. With his temperament, he shouldn't have stopped coming."

 “Who knows, I guess it has been eliminated!”


These new warriors of the Jingwu University are like those heroic generals who drank the blood of the Huns in ancient times.

Even if the army is overwhelming and the enemy is approaching, they can still talk and laugh!

Since there was no one to take the lead, no warrior in the martial arts alliance dared to take the lead.

The two sides fell into an inexplicable stalemate.

 “What? No one wants to make the first move?”

 Tong Hu grinned and showed a bright smile.

To everyone, his smile seemed provocative and mocking!

"Since you are not willing to take action first...then we will not be polite!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Tong Hu and the few people around him rushed towards the people in front of him like hungry wolves rushing into a herd of sheep!

 They actually turned against the guest and launched an attack under such circumstances!

This is the martial arts spirit of Jingwu. Even if you are in adversity, you still have to choose to fight!

  But what I have to say is that the overall strength of Yanjing Wuhan University is really strong!

Within Jingwu’s team, the number of sixth-level new warriors is the largest!

 Nearly all the official team members have reached the sixth level of martial arts!

Even among the substitutes, there is a strange creature like Tangdipithecus!

 When Tong Hu led the Jingwu people to launch a counterattack, the two sides soon fell into a close-quarters situation!

 The scene has become increasingly chaotic!

 The alliances formed by other Wuhan universities are always just temporary and loose alliances. Many parties fight on their own, and there is basically no tacit cooperation.

Under such circumstances, Jingwu was able to withstand the offensive of the Wuhan Alliance with only eight people!

“Everyone, if you really can’t hold on, please take off the distress button!”

"If you still have the strength to fight, let me keep fighting! No matter how many you can eliminate, show no mercy!"

 “Jingwu, ten thousand victories!”

Tong Hu roared loudly and punched out again, sending a warrior from the Tianlin Martial Arts University beside him violently flying away!

 “Jingwu, ten thousand victories!”

All the members of the Jingwu team were roaring along with Tong Hu! They fight for themselves and for the glory of Jingwu!

 Only Song Wenhui stood calmly on the spot. Speaking of which, he was a little uncomfortable with the situation in front of him.

 Because he has a lone wolf personality.

 Fight alone and fight until death.

However, one has to admit that the emotions of these people really affected him.

Song Wenhui, who only pursues the ultimate level of martial arts, also feels the feeling of his companions and the glory of Wuhan University!

 It's just that he didn't know how to express it.

At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded behind Song Wenhui.

“Captain, everyone is fighting hard, don’t be in a daze here!”

Song Wenhui turned his head and quickly recognized the speaker.

Jingwu’s substitute, Lin Yanji!

The next second, Lin Yanji directly activated his own power.

The power of Qi and blood, burning like a flame, directly blessed Song Wenhui's body, making the latter like a **** of war enveloped in flames.

With the blessing of this superpower, Song Wenhui became more powerful and seemed to have a strength close to that of a martial arts master!

 Song Wenhui now.

Only then can it be called the true peak state!

 The unrivaled peak!

 After activating the superpower, Lin Yanji's face turned slightly pale.

 Obviously, in order to give Song Wenhui a stronger increase, he tried his best!

Lin Yanji grinned and said: "Captain, I don't have combat-type powers. With my strength, if I fight them, I guess there are only a few opponents I can defeat."

 “There’s only so much I can do.”

Song Wenhui was slightly startled, and then said softly: "That's enough."

 After saying that, he turned around and walked towards the crowd!

 He is a person who is not good at expressing himself.

 So, the only thing he can do is to fight.

  Can't let down the trust that Jingwu and all of Jingwu's companions have placed in him!

 Song Wenhui stepped forward, as powerful as a tiger coming out of the forest!


Yanjing Wuhan University, monitoring room.

 Everyone was secretly amazed in their hearts.

Jingwu is really too powerful!

 Solid foundation, tenacious spirit, and perseverance!

Under the joint siege of various martial arts universities, the new martial artists of Yanjing Martial Arts University actually withstood the heavy pressure, and even had a vague tendency to launch a counterattack!

Li Tianchou’s old face was almost bursting with laughter.

 He wanted to show off to everyone directly.

did you see it? This is the style of our Jingwu students!

However, almost no one cares about this old guy.

 Because everyone’s eyes are focused on Song Wenhui!

I have to say that this Jingwu student is too outstanding and too dazzling!

 Song Wenhui, fighting among the crowd, was like a **** of war.

 One man is in charge and he is invincible!

 Today’s guaranteed five updates! Please subscribe!



 (End of this chapter)

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