Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 150: Devil Fruit, upgrade! 【First update! 】

Chapter 150 Devil Fruit, upgrade! 【First update! 】

 What about the friendship of comrades fighting side by side? !

This script is wrong!

Yu Fan and others looked confused.

Lin Yuan was still sparing no effort to drive them away: "Hurry up, there are many ants and beasts over there, go and kill them, don't fight for monsters with me here."


Who the **** is here to grab monsters from you!

 We are obviously here to help you!

Aren't you a little too ignorant?

 In fact, what they didn't know was that Lin Yuan would never drive them away if it was normal times.

But the key now is that the selection system has just issued a task to Lin Yuan, requiring him to kill five thousand gold-eating ants!

In Lin Yuan's eyes, these are not gold-eating ants, this is clearly the blood that comes to the door!

If someone wants to steal his blood, Lin Yuan will definitely not do it!

It is precisely because of this that Yu Fan and the others were driven away by Lin Yuan as monster snatchers.

As for the problem that Yu Fan and the others were worried about that Lin Yuan would run out of energy and blood, for the latter, it was not a big problem at all.

 After all, as long as he kills 5,000 gold-eating ants, Lin Yuan will be able to obtain the three fairy beans as a mission reward!

As long as he takes one, his own qi and blood will instantly return to full value!

This is where Lin Yuan dares to go so deep into the ant tide!

 Seeing that Lin Yuan did not need help, everyone simply dispersed.

Under Lin Yuan's crazy slaughter, the number of gold-eating ants he killed soon reached three thousand!

 In this way, Lin Yuan has completely completed the first three selection tasks!

 The accumulated mission rewards are as high as 6,000 points of vitality and 4,500 Hz of mental power!

Lin Yuan's energy and blood finally broke through the 90,000 mark and reached a huge level of 94,000 points!

Lin Yuan is now only one step away from becoming a seventh-level martial arts master!

If he increases his energy and blood by another 6,000 points, he will be able to successfully break through to become a seventh-level master!

 “There are two thousand more…”

Lin Yuan murmured in a low voice, with murderous intent flashing in his eyes. He continued to hold the sword and attack the ant colony in front of him!

His only disadvantage is that he does not have group-damaging moves.

If he could do what Li Fenyou did, he could kill an entire swarm of gold-eating ants instantly with just a few movements of his hands. There would be no need to work so hard to chop them down one by one with the alloy sword in his hand.

Lin Yuan glanced at the alloy sword in his hand and found that the blade had begun to curl a little, and even the blade had obvious traces of corrosion from formic acid.

 After all, he has already killed three thousand gold-eating ants with this sword.

 “It’s too slow to cut with this knife!”

Lin Yuan smiled and directly threw away the alloy sword in his hand.

 It’s better not to use a curled knife!

 The next second, lightning surged in Lin Yuan's palm.

He relied on the ability of the Thunder Fruit to directly condense a thunder blade made of lightning!

 “Come on!”

Lin Yuan held the thunder blade in his hand, and a violent thunder light suddenly appeared on the blade!

Once struck by the thunder blade, the body of the gold-eating ant will suddenly explode and completely cut off its life!

After the battle with the condensed thunder blade, although the physical consumption was quite intense, Lin Yuan's killing efficiency was much higher than before!

 …     Twelve minutes later.

The number of gold-eating ants that died in Lin Yuan's hands finally exceeded 5,000!

The system's prompt tone finally rang in Lin Yuan's ears.

“Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully completing the mission. As a reward, you will receive an intermediate power card, three fairy beans, and three devil fruit upgrade cards!”

Finally finished!

Lin Yuan let out a sigh of relief.

 Then, he swallowed a fairy bean without hesitation.

 Suddenly, his own qi and blood condition climbed to its peak again in an instant!

This feeling of relaxation is like falling asleep for a whole day and a night after staying up all night.

 After his own energy and blood recovered, Lin Yuan slashed forward directly!

 Thunder and chaos!

The violent and turbulent thunder exploded along the blade and swept in all directions!

All the gold-eating ants swept by the lightning died, just like a small boat swept by the wave.

This is a move developed by Lin Yuan himself. It is just a matter of pouring the power of thunder into the thunder blade, and then slashing it out!

  Although the momentum seems astonishing, it also consumes a lot of physical strength.

However, using this move to clear the field is extremely useful!

At this moment, a large gap has been cleared around Lin Yuan!

Before the gold-eating ants gathered around him, Lin Yuan turned around, stuffed a fairy bean into Chu Yu's hand, and said: "This is a fairy bean, it can quickly restore physical strength and injuries, leaving it intact." Here you go, to save your life.”


Chu Yu was slightly startled, and then quickly took the fairy bean.

Although she didn’t know where Lin Yuan got it from, she chose to believe the latter unconditionally!

 Moreover, Chu Yu was still a little moved in his heart.

With such a precious thing, Lin Yuan immediately thought of giving it to her to save her life.

There were three fairy beans in total. Lin Yuan took one and gave one to Chu Yu. The last remaining one was temporarily stored in the system space by Lin Yuan for emergencies.

 After distributing the fairy beans, Lin Yuan turned his attention to the [Devil Fruit Upgrade Card]!

So far, Lin Yuan's Thunder Fruit is only at the first level.

 Each level up of a Devil Fruit requires 10 experience points!

 Absorbing an intermediate power can only provide it with five experience points!

 These three upgrade cards should be able to directly upgrade the Thunder Fruit to level four!

  Converted, it is at least equal to the experience value provided by six intermediate abilities!

Thinking of this, Lin Yuan did not hesitate and directly chose to use it!

 The three upgrade cards suddenly turned into streams of light and merged into his body.

 The attribute panel of Devil Fruit has also undergone corresponding changes!

 Devil Fruit: Thunder Fruit Lv4

 Experience value: 0/10

 Level required for awakening: Lv10

After the level of the Devil Fruit increased, Lin Yuan directly stretched out his right hand and condensed a solid thunder light in the palm of his hand.

 Subsequently, Lin Yuan casually threw the lightning out!

The thunderbolt traveled nearly 1,200 meters, and finally exploded suddenly, turning several gold-eating ants around it into charcoal!

After the Thunder Fruit was upgraded, its power became even stronger. Under Lin Yuan's induction, it was at least nearly 30% stronger than before!

 Secondly, the distance that can be controlled is also further!

Lin Yuan has done experiments before. Once the lightning is six to seven hundred meters away from the body, it becomes somewhat uncontrollable.

 Now, this distance is directly equivalent to doubling!

Just when Lin Yuan wanted to experiment with the upgraded fruit's ability, Chu Yu's exclamation suddenly exploded in his ears: "Lin Yuan, be careful!"

Just as Chu Yu finished speaking, a huge gold-eating ant that looked like a fortress suddenly jumped out of the ground and rushed toward Lin Yuan!

 (End of this chapter)

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