Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 188: Show your power, Susanoo! 【First update! 】

Chapter 188 Show your power, Susanoo! 【First update! 】

 “Go with all your strength! Stop delaying!”

Seeing that they could not attack for a long time, Wu Kuishan seemed a little anxious and spoke sharply.

Although Lin Yuan's strength is average, his toughness is extremely strong. He can turn his body into the element of thunder at any time, which allows him to evade many of their attacks!

Although Pang Longxuan was equally anxious, he had a broken arm after all and the strength he could exert was limited.

 Now the only one who truly has the ability to resolve the war situation is Old Snake!

 Under the situation in front of him, he did not dare to hide his clumsiness anymore, and said in a deep voice: "Wu Kuishan, hold that kid for ten seconds for me, and I will deal with him!"


 After receiving Snake Lao's promise, Wu Kuishan's eyes suddenly flashed with a fierce light.

The energy and blood all over his body exploded, and he forced himself on him, obviously wanting to entangle Lin Yuan at all costs!

 Are you finally ready to kill me?

Lin Yuan frowned and his brain started working rapidly, thinking about solutions.

 The time left for him was only ten seconds, or even less!

 If you can't deal with it, you will definitely die!

"It's now this time, and you're still distracted? Just go and die!"

Wu Kuishan let out a low roar, and punched with both fists violently. Each punch was heavier than the last, and the sound was extremely terrifying!


While Lin Yuan was distracted, Wu Kuishan finally seized the opportunity and punched him hard in the chest!

Lin Yuan took a few steps back. He felt the blood in his chest surge, and he couldn't help but cough up a mouthful of blood.

 At this moment, Snake Lao, who had been quietly accumulating mental strength, finally completed the preparations for the attack!

 “Go to hell!”

 A look of violence flashed across Old Snake's sinister face.

 In front of him, a gray-black long sword that was as winding as a python was condensed!

Although it is made of spiritual power, this long sword does not appear false at all, as if it is extremely solid, and the sword edge is cold and glowing!

 This is his killer move!

 The gray-black long sword of Snake Veteran is named ‘Venomous Snake’s Fang’!

 Because this sword is like the sharp teeth of a poisonous snake. If you touch it, you will die!


With the old snake's thoughts, the fangs of the poisonous snake suddenly cut through the air, followed by a burst of sound, and flew towards the forest abyss in front of him!

The attack speed of the poisonous snake's fangs was so fast that Lin Yuan had no time to dodge, and even to activate his divine power, it was too late!

 After all, distorting space also takes time!

Everyone present stared at the scene in front of them in a daze, waiting for Lin Yuan's body to be penetrated by the 'venomous snake's fang' sacrificed by Snake Lao!

However, at this last moment... Lin Yuan finally chose to reveal his last trump card!


Lin Yuan drank in a low voice.

 The Mangekyō Sharingan in his eyes was suddenly activated to the extreme!

The next second, a purple skeletal arm appeared beside Lin Yuan out of thin air, protecting him within his arms!    This is the ability of ‘Susanoh’!

Be able to use the power of the Mangekyou Sharingan to transform a physical energy body into a human form and surround the caster!

 According to the introduction of the system, the so-called "Susanoh" is the third power that can only be unlocked after both eyes have activated the Mangekyō Sharingan ability. It possesses extremely terrifying destructive power!

However, in fact, 'Susanoh' is a technique that has both offense and defense. In addition to attacking, it can also protect the caster independently and block most attacks!

But this pupil technique, like Amaterasu and Kamui, has corresponding side effects. It is not only the 'patron saint' of the user, but also the 'god of death' that swallows the user's life. It is a powerful double-edged sword. .

 Only after opening the Mangekyō Sharingan can you be immune to its influence!

Although Lin Yuan is now able to activate Susanoo, the Susanoo he transformed is only the original Susanoo.

 In this initial form, Susanoo could only transform into arms and ribs, and had not yet formed a complete human form.

However, even Susanoo in his initial form is more than enough to deal with the three people in front of him!

The 'venomous snake's fang' offered by Snake Old Man was directly blocked by Susanoo's dark purple hand, and could not get any closer to Lin Yuan's body!

"How can it be?!"

 Lao Snake's face changed drastically, and his face was full of disbelief.

You know, Serpent's Fang is his ultimate move, how could it be blocked so easily? !

He was unwilling to give in, and once again activated his mental power, controlling the venomous snake's fangs to stab Lin Yuan!

 However, Lin Yuan's face revealed a contemptuous sneer.

Susanoo directly opened his purple palm, and grabbed the old snake's fangs with his backhand!

 The next second, his palms suddenly closed together, and with an almost terrifying force, they instantly squeezed towards the poisonous snake's fangs!


Old Snake found in disbelief that his fangs of poisonous snakes actually cracked under Susanoo's huge force!


With the poisonous snake's fangs completely shattered, Snake Lao himself also suffered a backlash. His face was as pale as gold paper, and he raised his head and spit out a large mouthful of blood!

 “Next, it’s your turn!”

After taking care of Snake Lao, Lin Yuan turned around and directly chose Pang Longxuan as his next target!

 After all, among the three, this guy is the weakest!

 Since he is the weakest, let’s kill him first!


Lin Yuan was merciless and struck like lightning. Susanoo's big purple hand instantly clenched into a fist and hit the opponent hard!

"no no!"

Pang Longxuan's eyes widened, he turned around and wanted to run away!

Unfortunately, Lin Yuan didn't want to give him a chance to escape. His huge purple fist fell heavily, directly knocking him to the ground.

The sound of bones exploding is like the cracking of bamboo.

Lin Yuan silently estimated that Susanoo's strength was at least twice as strong as his own!

 Under this punch, at least half of the bones in Pang Longxuan's body were broken, and even his internal organs were probably exploded, completely cutting off the possibility of survival.

After killing Pang Longxuan first, Lin Yuan turned his head again and his cold eyes fell on Wu Kuishan: "Do you have any last words? If not, you should be on your way."

Wu Kuishan's face was extremely pale, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

Facing Susanoo's almost crushing power, he simply didn't have the courage to continue fighting.

Driven by the fear in his heart, Wu Kuishan turned around and ran away without hesitation!

 (End of this chapter)

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