Chapter 264 To kill you!

Xu Tianwu asked: "How long will it take until the human parliament passes the proposal?"

 Xu Ying replied in a deep voice: "At least a month."

 “Then we still have time.”

Xu Tianwu rubbed his swollen temples and said, "Unfortunately, things are not as simple as you think."

“If Lin Yuan stays in Zhenhai City during this month and never leaves, there will be nothing we can do against him.”

 In China, it is a taboo for warriors to take action within the safe zone!

Those who dare to kill people in the safe zone will be punished by law without exception.

If Lin Yuan was just a martial arts master now, then Xu Tianwu could still find a way to send someone to assassinate him.

 But the key is that Lin Yuan now has the strength of an eighth-level venerable!

How difficult is it to assassinate an eighth-level venerable?

Even a strong man at the level of a king cannot guarantee that he can forcibly assassinate an eighth-level venerable person silently.

Even if they forcibly killed Lin Yuan in Zhenhai City and successfully captured the Heart of the Abyss, they would surely bear the wrath of the Chinese Military Department!

 At that time, things will not be that simple.

However, at this moment, Xu Ying spoke again: "Master, don't worry too much. It's not like I haven't considered these issues."

“However, in the secret realm of Yuanjie, I overheard the conversation between Lin Yuan and Feng Tianrong.”

“In seven days, the Yanjing Military Department will hold a meeting to discuss matters related to the secret realm of the Abyss.”

“At that time, Lin Yuan, as the holder of the Heart of the Abyss, must be present.”

After hearing the news, Xu Tianwu's eyes flickered slightly: "Do you mean to forcibly intercept and kill Lin Yuan on his way to Yanjing?"

 Xu Ying nodded: "This is our only chance."

Xu Tianwu touched his chin and began to think silently.

If the information Xu Ying received is not wrong, then this is indeed a great opportunity for the Xu family.

There are only two roads before him now.

Or, just watch Lin Yuan be included in the list of protectors, be protected by the human parliament, grow up step by step, and finally suppress the Xu family.

 Or, choose to intercept Lin Yuan in the middle and seize the Heart of the Abyss from him!

If it succeeds, then the Xu family will be equivalent to having a bargaining chip with the Ministry of Military Affairs.

Just like Xu Ying said, they can use this opportunity to become the top force in China!

 It is no exaggeration to say that the future of the Xu family depends on Xu Tianwu's decision.

"In that case...then go down and get ready."

Xu Tianwu raised his head, a look of determination flashed in his eyes: "In seven days, we will ambush and kill Lin Yuan!"



A roar that shook the sky, exploded like thunder in a wasteland.

In front of Lin Yuan's eyes, Hydra finally successfully completed its evolution!

 On its nine heads, corresponding lines appeared out of thin air.

 The poison attribute head has dark green lines.

On the head of the fire attribute, there are red lines.

 On the head of the wind attribute, there are light white lines.


 Nine heads, nine different attribute patterns.

After Lin Yuan’s careful cultivation in the past few days, coupled with the energy provided by the Heart of the Abyss Realm, Hydra finally successfully broke through to the ninth level!

  “Not bad.”    Looking at the terrifying Final Hydra in front of him, Lin Yuan nodded with satisfaction.

 Six days of seven days have passed.

In other words, tomorrow is the day when Lin Yuan leaves Zhenhai City.

If he guessed correctly, Xu Tianwu should have set up spies on the road he must pass and was ready to ambush him.

 Xu Tianwu could not have expected that the ambush he carefully prepared would be a trap set by Lin Yuan to plot against him!


After the final Hydra broke through to the ninth level, Xiaoyou in the pet space seemed to have sensed something, and flew out directly.

And after Xiaoyou appeared, the momentum of the Hydra was finally suppressed to a certain extent!

I have to say that Xiaoyou's bloodline is really unexpectedly powerful, and can even suppress the momentum of a ninth-level abyssal beast.

 The materials that Lin Yuan asked people to buy for upgrading the strange beasts were basically not used on Xiaoyou.

 Although the use of these materials can indeed greatly improve the strength of alien beasts in a short period of time, it will also overuse their growth potential.

Like the Final Hydra, level nine may already be the upper limit of its strength.

But Xiaoyou is different. It has the bloodline of the Ice Demon Armored Dragon, and has absorbed mysterious crystals and beast spirit crystals one after another. It has unlimited potential.

Therefore, Lin Yuan is not in a hurry to quickly improve Xiaoyou's strength and let it grow naturally. On the contrary, it would be better.

 “Be good, let’s go back to eat.”

Lin Yuan stretched out his hand, rubbed Xiaoyou's head, turned around and walked in the direction of Zhenhai City.


On the second day, Lin Yuan said a simple goodbye to his parents and left Zhenhai City alone.

 From Zhenhai City to Yanjing, it is at least more than 1,200 kilometers.

For an eighth-level venerable, this journey can be easily completed by flying in the air for a day and a night.

Lin Yuan's figure was like a wild goose, flying through the sky among the clouds.

 After flying in the air for several hours, the sky gradually became gloomy.

"If the information sent back by Xu Ying is correct, the mountain range in front should be the place where Xu Tianwu ambushed."

Lin Yuan slowed down slightly and began to look around.

Under the dome, there is a continuous mountain range like a dragon's spine, and the roars and roars of several strange beasts can be faintly heard.

At this moment, a cold voice suddenly sounded slowly in Lin Yuan's ears.

“I didn’t expect that your vigilance is really strong enough to be able to detect our presence.”

 A familiar figure slowly floated up and appeared in front of Lin Yuan.

He looked at Lin Yuan indifferently, with a faint smile hanging on the corner of his mouth.

The person in front of me was the one who tried every means to kill Lin Yuan...

 The head of the Xu family, Xu Tianwu!

"How will you be here?!"

Lin Yuan frowned and asked pretending to be surprised.

 “How come I’m here?”

Xu Tianwu slowly suppressed the smile on his face, and his voice suddenly turned cold: "Do you still need to ask? I came here... of course to kill you!"

 (End of this chapter)

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