Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 300: Power: Gravity Vortex!

Chapter 300 Super Power: Gravity Vortex!

With the arrival of the aura of the Heavenly King, three figures also wearing masks appeared in front of Lin Yuan one after another.

 “Little brother, lend me your life.”

Under one of the Yaksha masks, a numb and charming female voice soon reached Lin Yuan's ears.

The next second, Yaksha Girl's figure suddenly turned into a burst of black mist, shrouding Lin Yuan.

 Lin Yuan chuckled softly: "If you want to lend me your life, it depends on whether you can borrow it or not."

As soon as he finished speaking, the thunder domain was suddenly expanded to the extreme by Lin Yuan!

Nearly endless thunder surged out from around Lin Yuan and spread into a dazzling sea of ​​thunder!

 The expressions of these three heavenly kings all changed slightly.

 Although they have already received the information.

But when they witnessed Lin Yuan displaying a domain unique to the King of Heaven, they still felt a sense of surprise and palpitations from the bottom of their hearts.

 Such a young king.

 This really a monster!

 Fortunately, this monster, who even they find terrifying, is about to die in their hands!

With the three of them joining forces, Lin Yuan can be killed in less than a minute!

 And in such a short period of time, it is absolutely impossible for Nan Yunjing and Wang Zhanlin to make it back!

 “If you want to kill him, you must first get past me.”

 After the three heavenly kings appeared, Li Tianchou swung the long knife in his hand and immediately stopped in front of Lin Yuan.

“Yaksha, stop him, White Wolf and I will kill this kid!”

The skull mask said coldly, with murderous intent in his tone.

 “It seems that my sister can’t play with you anymore, you’d better ask for your own blessings.”

Yaksha Girl giggled a few times at Lin Yuan, and then the black mist transformed by her body suddenly wrapped around in the direction of Li Tianchou!

 “Witch, you are seeking death!”

Li Tianchou shouted coldly, and the Love-Destroying Knife in his hand suddenly slashed forward and struck the black mist in front of him!

The light of the sword turned from one to a thousand, instantly forming a dense net of sword light, shrouding the Yaksha girl!

Almost in an instant, the black mist transformed by the Yasha girl was cut into countless pieces by the dense sword light!

 However, before Li Tianchou had time to be happy, the black mist that was chopped up by the light of the sword condensed again, transformed into the figure of a yaksha woman, and appeared behind him!

 “Old guy, go to hell!”

Yakshanu's voice was extremely sharp, she turned her hand to condense a black mist dagger, raised her hand and stabbed Li Tianchou viciously!

 The latter was unprepared and was directly stabbed in the waist by the dagger in the hand of the Yasha woman.

Li Tianchou groaned, and the wound was bleeding profusely.

However, this injury is not fatal enough.

Li Tianchou endured the pain, and struck out with another knife with his backhand, heading towards the opponent to kill him!

However, what he chopped with his sword was still a mass of black mist, which made Li Tianchou feel very angry.

 In terms of strength, the opponent may not be able to match him.

 However, this woman’s methods were extremely cunning. Without understanding the characteristics of the other party, Li Tianchou had no way of making a move!

And just as Li Tianchou was entangled by the Yaksha Girl, the other two kings of the Dark Parliament also officially launched an offensive against Lin Yuan!


 “Become an animal!”

White Wolf Mask roared, and countless white wolf hairs suddenly grew around his body, and even sharp fangs grew out of his mouth, which looked extremely terrifying!

Lin Yuan narrowed his eyes slightly. The superpower of the king in front of him was somewhat similar to that of Shen Xiao! However, when the opponent started to launch an offensive, Lin Yuan's expression became solemn again.

 Because the opponent's explosive power... is really too amazing!

After completing the beast transformation, the white wolf roared and pounced directly towards Lin Yuan, so fast that it only left a series of afterimages on the spot!

Even the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan can only capture the rough outline of the opponent's movements!

Lin Yuan only now realized the difference between the white wolf and the shadow.

Shadow is good at assassination. Once the Shadow Domain is opened, almost no one can escape his pursuit. This is why the Dark Council sent him to deal with Lin Yuan.

But in contrast, his ability to fight head-on is relatively inferior to that of the ordinary king.

It is precisely because of this that Lin Yuan, who had just stepped into the Heavenly King Realm, was able to press his shadow on the ground and rub it so easily.

 But the white wolf in front of him was obviously different from the shadow.

 The difference is that White an aggressive king!


Lin Yuan had a keen insight into the trajectory of the White Wolf's attack, and directly summoned the giant thunder bird, forcefully blasting towards it!

“A realm with thunder attributes? It’s quite interesting.”

“It’s just...don’t show off your little skills in front of me!”

As soon as he finished speaking, the white wolf suddenly chose to take action. His wolf claws grew several times in an instant, and with just one blow, he tore the thunderbird apart!

 So strong!

Lin Yuan's heart was shocked. Before he could react, his body suddenly began to feel heavy!

 “Boy, how does my ‘gravity vortex’ feel?”

 A joking voice sounded from Lin Yuan's ears.

The person who spoke was none other than the third Heavenly King who appeared together with the White Wolf and the Yaksha Girl, that is, the man wearing the skull mask!

 Unexpectedly...this guy's superpower is to control gravity!

 In a one-on-one situation, this ability can only be used to assist in combat at best.

 But as far as the current situation is concerned, the gravity vortex used by the opponent is a fatal move to Lin Yuan!

 Because, under dozens of times the gravity, Lin Yuan's speed will be greatly restricted.

 In this way, Lin Yuan will not be able to avoid the White Wolf's offensive!

After the gravity vortex took shape, a ferocious look suddenly flashed through Bai Lang's eyes.

His figure suddenly turned into an afterimage, and his sharp claws were like sharp blades, slashing towards Lin Yuan!

 Three claws to kill!

The white wolf's sharp claws transformed into three phantoms out of thin air, almost blocking all Lin Yuan's escape routes!

 Before it changed, Lin Yuan might have been able to use the speed advantage given by the Thunder Domain to forcefully avoid the opponent's attack.

 But in the gravity vortex, Lin Yuan's figure seemed to be as heavy as ten thousand pounds!

   “A trapped beast trapped in the mud, but also want to escape the pursuit of the beast?”

Following the white wolf's sneer, the shadow of his sharp claws struck Lin Yuan's body forcefully!


The claws of the beast penetrated into the flesh, and three blood marks deep into the bone were cut out on Lin Yuan's chest!

 (End of this chapter)

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