Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 328: The King of Vampires, Dracula!

Chapter 328 The King of Vampires, Dracula!

 “That’s exactly what I’m worried about.”

The Lord of Darkness said calmly: "The reason why I established the Dark Parliament on the earth and gave part of my power to Ji Xuanye is because of this consideration."

“Just to verify whether there are still forces hidden in the dark on this planet, forces that are not known to us.”

If it was just to conquer the earth, there would be no need to go to such trouble.

After all, according to the information he received, there is no strong person above the 'star level' on this planet.

In other words, with his stellar strength, he can completely kill all the powerful people on the earth by himself!

 Conquering a planet is actually far less difficult than imagined.

 As long as the top experts are killed one by one, the remaining ordinary people will naturally surrender obediently.

 “The master is really cautious.”

Angelou flattered him, then smiled and said: "However, this planet has not yet been registered in the Universe Alliance. In other words, until now, this planet is still an ownerless planet."

“No matter what weirdness he has behind his back, as long as we forcefully occupy the Earth and report it to the Universe Alliance as soon as possible, we can rest easy.”

“No matter how powerful the monk is, he must abide by the decrees promulgated by the Universe Alliance.”

The Lord of Darkness finally laughed: "Angelou, you really know me very well."

 “I am absolutely determined to win the earth.”

You must know that the value of a resource planet is absolutely immeasurable!

Even if this planet is sold directly to the Universe Alliance, it can be sold for tens of millions of star coins!

Even for a stellar monk, such a number of star coins is extremely tempting, and one can even take certain risks for it.


 North Pacific, Hawaii.

Before the outbreak of energy, this place was a famous resort.

 However, after the source energy broke out, this place was occupied by countless strange beasts and became a forbidden area for humans. No one dared to set foot there anymore.

It was dark at this time, and the coast was silent, except for the occasional roar of beasts.

However, on the beach on the coast, a handsome silver-haired man was lying on a lounge chair, drinking juice leisurely.

This silver-haired man is obviously no ordinary person.

It is impossible for ordinary warriors to enter this forbidden area full of strange beasts, let alone rest so leisurely and contentedly here.

Moreover, what is even more illustrative is that no strange beast dared to get close to this silver-haired man!

 Obviously, the aura he exuded inadvertently had already frightened the nearby strange beasts.

At this moment, a dark figure that seemed to blend into the night quietly came behind the silver-haired man.

However, before this figure made any move, the silver-haired man had already sensed his presence in advance.

“Your Excellency, I’m afraid it’s not a good idea to disturb other people’s rest, isn’t it?”

The silver-haired man's voice was lazily tinged with a hint of nobility, just like that of a noble nobleman in the Middle Ages.

“That’s really offensive, my dear Dracula.”

That dark figure is none other than Ji Xuanye.

 After thoroughly refining the energy from the blood of the dark god, he began to take action.

 And the silver-haired man in front of him was the first prey he targeted!

 But he was not in a hurry to take action. Instead, he stood silently behind the silver-haired man and spoke quietly.

Seeing that the other party did not seem to have any intention of announcing his home status, the silver-haired man finally stood up. His upper body was bare, and his muscles were as clear as fine iron.

 But the most strange thing is that his eyes turned out to be a rare scarlet color.

He stared lazily at the man in black robes in front of him, and said calmly: "Are you here to kill me?"

"If I remember correctly, I haven't made any enemies recently, right?"

Ji Xuanye smiled and said, "Yes, there is really no deep hatred between you and me."

"If there is anything wrong with me, it would be that you participated in the siege of the Dark Parliament."

The silver-haired man narrowed his eyes slightly and asked in a cold voice: "Are you from the Dark Council?" "Well, you guessed it right."

Ji Xuanye smiled: "But this is not why I killed you."

 “I will kill you just because I want to.”

The silver-haired man laughed dumbly: "You shameless guy, do you know who I am?"

Ji Xuanye nodded and said calmly: "Of course I know, you are the King of Vampires, the 'Immortal Dracula', one of the most powerful kings in the West. Your ability is to absorb the blood of others. To enhance one’s own strength and even achieve the effect of eternal youth.”

“If the information is correct, you are already sixty-one years old, but you are still young and handsome.”

 “ seems you know me very well.”

The silver-haired Dracula laughed heartily. The next second, the smile on his face suddenly faded and he put on a cold expression: "Since you already know who I am, why don't you get out of here?"

Under Dracula's stern scolding, Ji Xuanye did not take a step back, and did not even show the slightest fear on his face. He still stood there like a rock.

  "Ah... I really didn't expect that my name as Dracula would be so useless."

Dracula sneered: "Even the homeless dog of the Dark Parliament dares to stand in front of this king?"

Ji Xuanye ignored his provocation.

However, he finally moved.

His figure was suspended in the air, flying towards the sea in the distance, and he said calmly: "It would be too noisy to fight here. Let's go to the sea."

 “It doesn’t matter to you, you are choosing a burial place for yourself anyway.”

Dracula sneered, his tone full of disdain.

 Subsequently, his figure also floated into the air and followed Ji Xuanye.

As one of the most powerful kings in the West, Dracula has a strong ego.

 He will never allow anyone to leave alive after provoking him.


  An hour later.

 The black sea finally became calm again.

Ji Xuanye was injured all over his body, but his eyes were still fierce.

And in his right hand, he was carrying a scarred corpse, which was the arrogant Dracula from before!

“The vampire king’s fangs are a good souvenir.”

Ji Xuanye smiled, stretched out his hand, and broke off two of Dracula's fangs from his mouth.

 Subsequently, he let go of his hand and let Dracula's body fall into the boundless sea below very casually.

It has to be said that after completely absorbing the blood of the dark god, his own strength has indeed undergone earth-shaking changes.

In the past, he could only draw a draw with Dracula at best, and it was absolutely impossible to kill him in such a short time.

Ji Xuanye certainly knew that he was just a **** in the hands of the Dark Lord, but he still chose to believe in him without hesitation.

Because in his opinion, as long as he fulfills his duty as a chess piece and plays his due role, he can get the power he desires from the hands of the Dark Lord.

Ji Xuanye smiled silently.

 He raised his hand, and between his fingers, black energy lingered.

 Just killing Dracula is obviously not enough to satisfy him.

 After all, although Dracula is one of the strongest kings in the West, he is only an upper-level king after all.

“I don’t know…whether the power of the dark divine blood can give me the strength to fight against the Supreme King.”

Ji Xuanye’s eyes flashed with killing intent!

 (End of this chapter)

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