Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 344: Instantly kill the king! Form a battle formation!

Chapter 344: Kill the King instantly! Form a battle formation!

However, the thoughts of everyone in the Ji family did not make Ji Lan realize his mistake, but instead made him feel even more angry.

 An abandoned son of the Ji family who had never been in his eyes has now become the biggest threat to the Ji family.

 The sense of disparity made Ji Lan feel extremely annoyed.

 Only by killing Ji Xuanye with his own hands can the hatred in his heart be relieved!

Thinking of this, Ji Lan jumped into the air and shouted sternly: "Everyone, today... follow me to fight against foreign enemies!"

With Ji Lan taking the lead to set an example, figures followed closely behind, rising into the sky with a momentum that could shake the world.

Lin Longshou raised his head and glanced at Ji Lan. He also rose into the air and looked into the distance.

 A vague figure has appeared in the dark night sky.

Ji Xuanye is finally here.

 “Everyone, stay safe.”

As the familiar figure continued to approach, a chuckle slowly sounded.

“You traitor, you still have the nerve to set foot in the Ji family?!”

After Ji Xuanye appeared, a king behind Ji Lan took a step forward and shouted sharply.

Ji Xuanye narrowed his eyes slightly at first, glanced at the other party, and then said with a smile: "Who was I thinking was making such a noise? It turns out to be Uncle Ji Huo."

"I really didn't expect that I have been away from the Ji family for so long, and you still haven't changed your bad habit of talking like a woman."

Ji Xuanye's words were like sharp silver needles, cutting to the point without leaving any mercy to the other party.

Under Ji Xuanye's sarcasm, Ji Huo's face turned blue and white, and he laughed angrily: "You kid, you really don't know the heights of the world. Do you really think that no one can cure you?!"

Compared to the furious Ji Huo, Ji Xuanye was not annoyed at all. Instead, he smiled faintly and said, "I don't know if others can cure me, but uncle... I'm afraid you don't have the strength."

 “Because in my eyes, you are a waste.”

 “Without the protection of the Ji family, even the king of heaven would not be able to become a waste.”

Ji Xuanye’s tone was calm, but every word was sonorous.

"you wanna die!"

 Under Ji Xuanye's provocation, Ji Huo was finally completely angered. He left the formation and forcibly killed the abandoned son of the Ji family in front of him!

 “What an unwise choice.”

Ji Xuanye chuckled and shook his head, with a hint of inexplicable contempt and coldness in his words.

In the next moment, the power of countless souls condensed into black snakes from behind Ji Xuanye, and rushed towards Ji Huo at an almost lightning speed!

In just an instant, Ji Huo's chest was pierced by hundreds of black snakes!

 The vitality in his eyes passed quickly like quicksand blown away by the wind.

 Perished along with it, was his soul.

Until the moment of his death, Ji Huo still had his eyes wide open, filled with disbelief.

He obviously did not expect that his life would be taken away so easily in this flash of lightning. In fact, before that, they had learned about Ji Xuanye’s slaughter of the great kings.

 It’s just that human nature is ultimately stupid.

Ji Huo was completely dismissive of Ji Xuanye's deeds, insisting that the Human Council and the Chinese Military Ministry had excessively demonized Ji Xuanye.

His vision is too shallow and he simply does not believe that Ji Xuanye has the strength to instantly kill the King of Heaven.

The reason why Ji Huo dared to be the first to kill Ji Xuanye was of course not because he was angered by the latter's few words, but to leave a good impression in Ji Lan's eyes and show his loyalty.

Furthermore, Ji Huo knows that once the war begins, Ji Lan and the others will come to support them as soon as possible. This is where his confidence lies.

 But now, Ji Huo paid the price for his contempt.

After more than ten years of wandering, the Ji Xuanye in front of him was no longer the abandoned son of the Ji family before, but a vengeful demon crawling out of hell!

 Anyone who tries to stand in his way will die!

Ji Huo was killed too quickly. Ji Lan's expression changed, he took a step forward and shouted angrily: "You dare to kill him?!"

Ji Xuanye smiled and shrugged: "It's just a Ji family dog. If you kill it, just kill it. It's not a big deal anyway. Father, you don't need to be so pretentious."

He deliberately emphasized the words "Father" very hard, as if it contained extremely cold sarcasm.

Ji Lan gave him a cold look, then turned around and asked with a frown: "Mr. Lin, you clearly had the chance to save Ji Huo just now, why didn't you save him?"

Lin Longshou turned around and asked calmly: "Then why don't you save me?"


Ji Lan was speechless for a moment. Of course he wanted to save Ji Huo, but the incident happened so suddenly that he had no time to make a judgment!

Subsequently, Lin Longshou said coldly: "Even if I save the person who hit his head on the edge of the knife, what's the point?"

"You'd better remember that I'm here to help your Ji family, not to be a nanny for your Ji family. I don't want this kind of stupid thing to happen again. Otherwise, even if your Ji family is destroyed today, I will Never give it a second look.”

“Anyone who disturbs the situation of the battle on the battlefield in accordance with the discipline of the military department shall be beheaded.”

Ji Lan gritted her teeth and finally said nothing.

This matter is indeed their fault, and Lin Longshou does not need to pay the bill.

Furthermore, Lin Longshou was right. Only with his help could the Ji family survive the current difficulties.

"I'm really sorry, Mr. Lin. It's because I didn't think well enough and didn't restrain the Ji family members. However, now that we are facing a powerful enemy, I hope that you and I will work together to deal with the enemy and solve the scourge of Ji Xuanye as soon as possible!"

Ji Lan, as the head of the Ji family, is naturally someone who takes the overall situation into consideration and is able to bend and stretch.

He knew very well that the urgent delay at the moment was to encircle and suppress Ji Xuanye.

As for Ji Huo, this idiot, if he dies, he will die, it’s no big deal!

 “Well, let’s do it.”

Lin Longshou nodded, and a golden seal appeared from behind him. He was obviously ready to take action!

After Lin Longshou nodded, Ji Lan did not dare to show any further neglect. He turned around and said loudly: "All the children of the Ji family, listen to my order and form a battle formation!"

As soon as Ji Lan finished speaking, all the kings of the Ji family moved in response and found their respective positions, as neatly as chess pieces on a chessboard!

Judging from the execution ability and tacit understanding of these Ji family kings, their battle formation has been practiced hundreds of thousands of times!

 (End of this chapter)

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