Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 1592: Younger brother

Everyone looked at the ancestors of Hongmeng Palace.

Didn’t Han Qing hear Liu Rui’s order to meet Huang Meng’s command to meet Huang Xiaolong? Since I heard it, I still dare to ask Huang Xiaolong not? !

However, it seems that Han Qing said that it is correct. Indeed, no one dared to injure the disciples of Hongmeng Palace in the Hongmeng Palace for more than a hundred million years!

Now, Huang Xiaolong is still the elder of the Hongmeng Palace!

Liu Rui was also quite surprised. He looked at Han Qing with a deep eye and said: "Han Qing's ancestors mean, should we take Huang Xiaolong to ask for sin?"

Han Qing’s heart sighed and smiled lightly: “The emperor said, laughing, Huang Xiaolong is the guest of our Hongmeng emperor. How dare I take Huang Xiaolong’s guilty? I mean, since it’s not entirely Wu Tianhe’s fault, then should we Wu Tianhe was lightly disposed of? After all, Wu Tianhe did not know that Huang Xiaolong was the guest of our great emperor! Moreover, Wu Tianhe did not disclose the news of the earth and beast, and listened to the hand suggested by the elders below, and it is forgiven."

Liu Rui brows slightly wrinkled, then turned to the first, respectfully asked Huang Xiaolong: "I don't know what you mean?"

Huang Xiaolong's face is light: "Wu Tianhe, they are your Hongmeng Palace, how to deal with it is the event of Hongmeng Palace."

Liu Rui heard the words, a loose heart.

"Then we are going to see your master now?" Huang Xiaolong asked a turn.

Liu Ruiyi, respectfully said: "Okay."

Therefore, Liu Rui led Huang Xiaolong, Li Wei, Yao Chi and others to fly to the palace of Hongmeng Palace.

Looking at the figure of Liu Rui, Huang Xiaolong and others, Wu Tianhe breathed a sigh of relief and felt the rest of his life. Although Liu Rui did not say how to punish him, he wanted to come to Han Qing’s ancestors for his grievances. Will not be too penalized.

With Liu Rui, Huang Xiaolong and others leaving, the great emperor's palace powerhouse was blown up.

"What is the relationship between Huang Xiaolong and Hongmeng?" Even our emperor came. It is difficult to see Hongmeng, not to mention letting his disciples come out to meet!"

"It will not be that Hongmeng Emperor has taken a fancy to the talent of Huang Xiaolong's Supreme King, so I also want to accept Huang Xiaolong as a pro-disciple. Although Huang Xiaolong had worshipped Zhao Lei as a teacher, it is not impossible."

"I don't think so. I think this Huang Xiaolong may be the illegitimate son of Hongmeng! Or how could he let his pro-disciples come out to meet?"

"Birth!? It is really possible. There were rumors in the past. It is said that Hongmeng and a mysterious woman are in love with each other. This Huang Xiaolong may be the illegitimate son of the two! It is no wonder that this Huang Xiaolong talent is so amazing that he is the illegitimate son of Hongmeng! ,No wonder!"

Some emperor strongmen guessed.

Almost all the Emperor of the Emperor agreed with this speculation.

After all, there is only this reason to explain why Emperor Hongmen asked him to send his disciples to meet Huang Xiaolong.

Listening to the speculations of these imperial powerhouses, Zhang Renjie and Han Qing face each other.

illegitimate child?

Han Qing's eyes flashed. Is this Huang Xiaolong really the illegitimate son of Hongmeng?

Although she felt that it was hard to believe, she also felt that it was impossible.

Because she knows. In those days, they were indeed better than a mysterious woman.

Huang Xiaolong is afraid that it may be that they are illegitimate!

However, Wu Tianhe, originally a loose heart, heard that Huang Xiaolong might be the illegitimate son of their great emperor, his face suddenly bitter.

If this is the case, then he is afraid of being miserable.

At this time, Huang Xiaolong naturally did not know the arguments and speculations of these imperial palace powerhouses, or else he was afraid of fainting.

In Liu Rui, Huang Xiaolong, Li Wei, and Yao Chi flew to the Inner Palace of Hongmeng Palace. Li Wei and his two women were next to Huang Xiaolong, and their brains were a paste. The two women did not even think that Huang Xiaolong’s visit to the Hongmeng Palace would be the first person in the world of God.

What I didn’t expect was that Emperor Hongmen had let his pro-disciples come to meet Huang Xiaolong? !


Li Wei, Yao Chi’s heart is not as shocking as Wu Tianhe and others.

Looking at Huang Xiaolong. Li Wei, Yao Chi and two women opened Zhangkou, and wanted to ask Huang Xiaolong and Hong Meng the Great about the relationship, but finally they endured.

Huang Xiaolong looked at the two women and smiled. "You want to ask me what is the relationship with Hongmeng?"

The two women nodded resolutely and looked at Huang Xiaolong tightly.

Liu Rui also listened attentively.

but. Huang Xiaolong smiled and said: "When you meet Hongmeng, you will know."

The two women were stunned, and the apricot eyes glanced at Huang Xiaolong.

Liu Rui is speechless.

Everyone flies all the way.

On the road, the two women did not ask this question again, and watched the scenery around the Hongmeng Palace.

I saw along the road, countless rare Lingshu Lingji spirit beasts, Lingquan condensed waterfalls, strange mountains and peaks, people are lingering.

The two women saw the beauty change.

When Liu Rui and Huang Xiaolong came to the palace of Hongmeng Palace, the two women were still intoxicated by the beautiful scenery along the road.

After coming to the inner palace, Liu Rui continued to fly with Huang Xiaolong and others to the inner palace of Hongmeng Palace. Finally, he stopped in front of a palace that looked no different from other palaces.

This is the palace where the brother Jiang Hong practiced living? Huang Xiaolong and others have some accidents.

"Master is waiting for us, let's go in." Liu Rui told Huang Xiaolong, and he asked Huang Xiaolong to walk into the palace gate, but at this moment, suddenly, a burst of laughter sounded: "Teacher, you are here!" I saw one The handsome and unpretentious appearance of the middle-aged beautiful man came out, it is the Hongmeng Emperor Jiang Hong!

Liu Rui saw his father come out, and what was it called?


He trembled fiercely, and Huoran turned his head and looked at Huang Xiaolong with a shocked look. His face was incredible.

The younger brother, Huang Xiaolong turned out to be his master's younger brother!

Doesn't that mean that Huang Xiaolong is the second disciple of his master Wang Hongmeng? !

This, how is this going to happen? !

And Li Wei, Yao Chi is even more open-minded, looking at Huang Xiaolong and Jiang Hong, is also incredible.

"Blue cattle predecessors!" At this time, Hongmeng Emperor Jiang Hong came to the front of the Golden Horn Mavericks, calling the Golden Horn Mavericks, and his attitude was respectful.

Liu Rui only felt the brains crashing, his eyes staring blankly at the Golden Horn Mavericks.

Although Li Wei and Yao Chi have also seen the bulls of the Golden Horn Mavericks, it is also shocking to hear that Hongmeng Emperor Jiang Hong respectfully called his Qingniu predecessors.

"Good fragrance!" The Golden Horn calf is a sniffing nose, and his eyes are happy: "Hong Meng kid, this is Linglu?!"

Hongmeng Emperor Jiang Hong smiled: "I know that Qingniu's predecessors like to drink Linglu, so I know that the younger brother and the younger cows are coming, I prepared early."

(Welcome to everyone to see God see Sina Weibo "Zhanjiang God see" and add attention, thank you) (to be continued.)

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