Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 1624: Wang Sinan came

When several people talked, Huang Xiaolong came to another mountain range and met a group of **** beasts shaped like a one-horned rhinoceros.

This hellish beast, which looks like a one-horned rhinoceros, is ten meters high, a curved dark one-corner, red eyes, and a faint cyan wind ensemble wrapped around the body.

This is the **** horns.

A very fast **** beast, and the one-horned horn is extremely poisonous, extremely sharp. If it is stabbed by its one-horn, even if it is scratched, Tianjun is hard to live.

Looking at the spurred horns of the horns, Huang Xiaolong suddenly appeared a sword, and the sword was bursting, like the fireworks bursting out, the splendid and splendid, these swords, they instantly fell into those horns. In the body of the wind cow, then, from the other side of the body of these poisonous horns.

These spurred poisonous horns have stopped.

Then, the whole body split and turned into pieces.

When Huang Xiaolong was in shape, when he came to these poisonous horns, the six or seven hundred horned horns had all turned into pieces.

"Good and fierce sword!" Fan Hui, the demon king, praised.

"It’s more fierce!" Jin Yuan, the king of Shura, also praised: "His swordsmanship has reached a very high level, such a realm, even if it is a kendo genius, it will take millions of years to realize!"

"But his bones are less than a thousand!"

"So his understanding is as terrifying as his talent!"


One day, it passed quickly.

Huang Xiaolong stopped in the valley somewhere, and the gods swept through the assessment tokens. I saw the words above the assessment token, and there were several lines of words and numbers.

"The seventh king of the king of God, thirty-two thousand three hundred and twelve."

"The eighth king of the king, 12,213."

"The king of the king is nine steps, three thousand one hundred and twenty-four."

"The king of God is ten steps, six hundred and twenty-eight."

This is the situation of the **** beast that Huang Xiaolong killed on the first day.

More than 48,200 heads!

This figure, if it is now spread out, is enough to cause the entire three hells to slam.

Pluto assessment. On average, one hundred killing hells of the same level can be passed, but Huang Xiaolong kills the gods of the ninth order above the hell. It has reached an astonishing 3,700 heads!

More than thirty times!

Rao is the giant of the wild, Taiyue, the king of Shura, Jin Yuan, four people have seen countless assessments of Pluto's enchanting genius record, but also surprised.

"On the first day, he killed three thousand seven hundred and fifty-two gods and nine hundredth-order **** beasts!" Fan Hui, the demon king, complexly said: "Let's go on like this, one month. Can he kill 100,000 heads?" the above?!"

Three thousand heads, thirty times only 90,000!

100,000 heads, that is more than thirty times!

This is definitely the most awkward record and the most shocking record since the establishment of Pluto!

At that time, Huang Xiaolong can make a condition to the Pluto organization! Unprecedented any condition!

The golden lion man shook his head in the sky: "It’s only the first day. The performance of this little guy on the first day, although shocking, but with his divine power and the power of the gods, will go backwards. The next day, the third Heaven, the **** of the killing will continue to drop, I think he should not reach thirty times!"

The hunter giant Taiyue sang: "Yes, the enchanting genius of the past assessment of Pluto was the first day of performance, but in the future, the **** beast will be reduced, and some will kill 10,000 on the first day. Head Hell Beast. But in the twentieth day, I can only kill 3,000!"

Jin Yuan, the king of Shura, did not speak. It is the default of Wan Yutian and Taiyue.

Soon, the next day passed the exam.

The next day passed. On the assessment token of Huang Xiaolong, the situation of the **** beast killed is.

"The seventh king of the king of God, seven thousand three hundred and twenty-two."

"The eighth king of the king, twenty-five thousand four hundred and sixty-one."

"The king of the king is nine steps, seven thousand two hundred and thirty-four."

"The king of the gods is ten steps, one thousand five hundred and fifty-eight."

Two days. Kill a total of more than 105,000 beasts!

Among them, the gods of the nine or more levels of the **** beast, there are 8,729 heads!

Regardless of the total number of **** beasts killed, or the number of gods above the ninth order, Huang Xiaolong killed more than the first day!

When the next day passed, the wild giant Taiyue, the demon king Fan Hui, the golden lion man Wan Yutian, and the king of Shura, Jin Yuan, all chose silence.

However, the four people, his face, is difficult to conceal his heart.

Huang Xiaolong killed the **** beast on the second day, even more than the first day!

"This kid, his Yuanlong body, can automatically restore the power and strength?!" For a long time, the demon king Fan Hui throat moved and opened.

Two days later, they found this situation.

According to the assessment regulations, in the month of assessment, Lingdan could not be swallowed to restore divine power, but they found that Huang Xiaolong has been in a state of full prosperity.

"Some special gods can automatically restore their power and strength. It is not surprising, but the recovery speed of this kid is too horrible." King of Shura, Jin Yuan smiled bitterly.

"According to this way, can this kid reach 40 times?!" said the giant Taiyue Taiyue.

The four face each other.

Forty times!

Thinking of this number, the four people feel scary.

On the third day of Huang Xiaolong's assessment, there was a huge spaceship over the Naiman City of Wuyuan God. On the spacecraft, two "Pluto" fonts exuded a burst of power.

Then, the ship's ship door opened and walked out of a group of people. The head of the spacecraft was a great deacon, Wang Sinan and the ancient elders.

Behind them, there is a 100,000 Guardian army.

Wang Sinan came out of the spaceship and looked at the direction of the division of Pluto. His face was cold and cold, and then he flew away with the ancients, and came directly to the branch. The 100,000 guards behind him followed closely.

Because Wang Sinan, Gu Cheng, and the 100,000 Guardian army did not hide their breath, when Wang Sinan and others appeared, they suddenly alerted all the family powers in Naiman City.

In Wang Sinan, under the guise of the two high-ranking powers of the heavenly kings, everyone, the chest seems to be pressing a mountain.

"It is an adult of Wang Sinan!"

"There are also ancient elders, ancient predecessors!"

"They actually came in person!"

"Ancient is the only disciple of the ancient generation. It is rumored that the two are in love with the father and son. The ancients are being killed. He will definitely come, and the Shura royal family will definitely die very badly!"

"It’s not the Shura royal family. Jia Yuan’s refuge in the Shura royal family is definitely not going to end!”

On the streets of Naiman City, some family powers watched Wang Sinan flying over the sky, Gu Cheng and others, all of them were talking and their eyes were frightened.

In the hall of the Pluto Division of the Pluto, Jia Yuan soon got the news that Wang Shinan and Gu Cheng and others came to Naiman City. (To be continued.)

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