Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 1779: You won't have this opportunity

The Guangming Emperor Palace, the Lonely Emperor Palace, and the Kowloon Imperial Palace are all staring at Huang Xiaolong.

Huang Xiaolong is a look of indifference: "I only remember that I killed two hundred and forty-five disciples of the Emperor's Palace. As far as your disciples are not there, I don't know."

Killed two hundred and forty-five disciples of the Emperor's Palace!

Everyone took a breath of air.

This is too embarrassing.

Chen Wenqian, the ancestor of Guangming Emperor Palace, and Lan Tailong, the emperor, did not bother to spurt fire, as if they wanted to roast the yellow dragon and eat it.

"Yellow puppy, you!" Chen Wenqian is full of killing, a glimpse.

"Right, I think about it." Huang Xiaolong suddenly thought of something, said: "At that time, a disciple of Guangming Emperor Palace claimed that my master was Chen Wenqian, the ancestor of Guangming Emperor, but I don't know if it is true."

When Chen Wenqian heard it, he was even more violent and violent: "You mean, you know that he is my disciple, you still kill him?"

Huang Xiaolong said indifferently: "What is your disciple?"

"You! Why?!" Chen Wenqian glared at Huang Xiaolong.

Huang Xiaolong looked at Chen Wenqian with an idiot: "If you really want a reason, then okay, because, I see your Guangming Emperor's Palace is not good, it is your Guangming Emperor's Palace that made the idiot Yushi drive us out of No. 61. The house, of course, except for this reason, your disciple and the five disciples of the Hongmeng Palace have rewarded one million for the evil spirits palace. At that time, they were killing Peng Yu."

Everyone has a glimpse.

The meaning of Huang Xiaolong is that he even killed the disciples of the Hongmeng Palace. !

"You killed the disciple of Hongmeng Palace?!" Chen Wenqian was somewhat uncertain and could not believe to ask Huang Xiaolong.

The entries for this competition are the core disciples of the Hongmeng Imperial Palace, and most of them are the elders of the Hongmeng Palace, the pro-disciples of the lord and even the ancestors.

Even the Emperor of Heaven, I dare not say that I killed the disciple of Hongmeng Palace.

No matter who you are, you can kill the disciples of Hongmeng Palace. It is no exaggeration to say that it is a ruin.

At this time, not far away, the people of Hongmeng Palace, which had to leave, also stopped and looked over.

In this battle of heaven, the Hongmeng Palace led the team of eight ancestors, including Han Qing and Zhang Renjie.

Just when Han Qing and others looked at them with their eyes, Huang Xiaolong said indifferently: "Yes, the two are called Chen Ming, Zhao Xiaodan's disciple of Hongmeng Palace is killing me."

Everyone looked at Huang Xiaolong with a strange look.

Suddenly, a rush of weather rushed to the surface, the figure flashed, Han Qing appeared in front of Huang Xiaolong, her eyes looked coldly at Huang Xiaolong: "The two disciples who fell from my palace were killed by you!" ”

"Huang Xiaolong, you are really a dog, you really think that you have been treated by our great emperor, do what you want, can't be lawless?!"

"You think that you can use our great emperor to come to the fox to kill the tiger, and the heavens have long ascertained that you are not directly related to our emperor!"

Han Qing’s eyes are killing.

At the beginning, Hongmeng emperor let people abolish Wu Tian's reconciliation and expelled from the Hongmeng Imperial Palace. Han Qing had long been resentful against Huang Xiaolong, because Wu Tianhe was her descendants of the same family.

Huang Xiaolong was too lazy to pay attention to each other. To Zhao Lei, Fang Wei, Peng Yu said: "Let's go." After that, they have to step away.

"Stop! Stand up!"

Seeing Huang Xiaolong ignoring himself, Han Qing looked like a blue-green and shouted.

In harmony with Han Qing, Huang Xiaolong also stood by Guangming Emperor Chen Wenqian, Lan Tailong, Chou Shen Emperor Palace, and Liu Yuan.

At the same time, Han Qing's body shape flashed, and instantly blocked in front of Huang Xiaolong.

"Huang Xiaolong, you killed my disciple of Hongmeng Palace, I want to escape? Don't think that you are the first in the preliminary round, you will." Han Qing eyes staring at Huang Xiaolong.

"Roll!" Huang Xiaolong interrupted, and said coldly: "I just didn't let you roll, it is for your Hongmeng emperor, you are like a mad dog, and die!"

Everyone sees Huang Xiaolong saying that Han Qing is a mad dog.

Han Qing was also a stay. After the reaction came back, she became angry and angry. She was the eighth-order powerhouse of the Great Emperor. Even in the ancestors of the Hongmeng Palace, her status was extremely high. It was not extremely flattered where she went. Today, I was called a mad dog by Huang Xiaolong in a day.

"Huang Xiaolong, you give me death!" Han Qing screamed, can no longer suppress the heart of the killing, suddenly shot to Huang Xiaolong.

Numerous green paw prints broke out, broken ice splashed, and the chilly air made everyone around them feel like a cold and purgatory.

"This is the chilling ice claws of the secluded Emperor Palace in the chaotic period!"

Some ancestors around the world were shocked.

Although the chilling emperor palace has long been annihilated, but in the chaotic period of that year, the prestige of the secluded emperor palace is not weaker than the Hongmeng emperor palace, and this chilly green crampon is even more powerful.

It is rumored that this chilly blue ice claw can be trained to become a blue ice world. All the creatures in this **** plane are sealed into cyan ice sculptures.

Moreover, even if it is a flood of wildfire, it will not melt this blue ice.

The chilly green crampons have not arrived yet, and Huang Xiaolong’s body has begun to form a layer of green ice.

At this moment, suddenly, a vast expanse of fierceness enveloped the entire rooftop, a low embarrassment, only a flash of a person, then Han Qingru broken the kite and flew out, and reached a great distance, the rooftop square shook No.

It’s just that one of the four is not.

After a palm shot flying Han Qing, his body swayed and returned to the back of Huang Xiaolong, so that everyone could not react at all.

The layer of green ice that originally covered Huang Xiaolong suddenly collapsed, and Huang Xiaolong walked out without incident.

"Han Qing's ancestors!"

Hongmeng Palace Zhang Renjie and other people changed their faces, and they came to Han Qing very quickly. They saw that Han Qing was spraying gold and green blood in a big mouth.

"Let's go." Huang Xiaolong took Zhao Lei, Fang Wei and others to leave.

Chen Wenqian, the ancestor of Guangming Emperor Palace, and Liu Yuan, the ancestor of the evil gods, respectively, shook their heads to Lan Tailong and Fengchan.

Huang Xiaolong’s face passed by Han Qing indifferently.

"Huang Xiaolong, you have killed me!" Suddenly, Han Qing smiled sternly and looked stunned: "Otherwise, you are in my hands, you are not as good as death!"

After Han Qinggang finished, the head four did not turn his hand and printed it directly on the ground floor of Tiantai Square. A humanoid pit appeared.

Everyone took a breath of cold air, and suddenly.

The ground floor of this Tiantai Square is sturdy and abnormal. After many days of court blessings in the heavens, even the ordinary Emperor's tenth-order late peaks are not likely to leave a paw print on it.


Huang Xiaolong looked at the dying Han Qing and said indifferently: "Unfortunately, you will not have this opportunity."

The palm of the hand, the four did not seem to have abolished it.

Huang Xiaolong stepped away. (To be continued.)

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