Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 1911: The power of the three magic monuments

In particular, he saw his own attack being frozen by the ice of the ice dragon. When he was about to shoot again, he suddenly became a violent wind. When he first looked back, he saw that the four heads and four did not attack him.

You especially can't attack Huang Xiaolong any more, and he is busy with a flash, avoiding four without a joint blow.

"Kill!" At this time, Huang Xiaolong waved his hands and ordered the three ancestors.

The three ancestors of the three ancestors immediately attacked the Cui Huajie and the black sorcerer masters of the black sorcerer, while at the same time, more than seventy scorpion dragons attacked the enchanted ancestors Chen Xie and the eternal magic Zongzhong master.

And Huang Xiaolong flashed his body and rushed over to the maddening thunder and the thunder beasts.

When Huang Xiaolong was in shape, the sacred light flashed in the body, and the fourteen-headed light flew out tomorrow, and rushed to the Valley of the Thunder with Huang Xiaolong.

The two wings of the four wings will kill the maddening demon, and the other twelve heads and twelve wings will kill the other high-level emperors of the thunder valley, the middle master of the emperor.

The remaining emperors are first, second and third, and they are handed over to Huang Xiaolong.

Huang Xiaolong now breaks through the realm of the Great Emperor. He just needs some of the great powers of the Great Emperor to give him hands to practice. Moreover, he now refines the three magic monuments, which can be used to familiarize himself with the power of the three magic monuments.

The early ancestors of the Great Valley of the Great Beast Valley also discovered the intention of Huang Xiaolong, a glimpse: "Everyone joins hands, Bray beasts, kill Huang Xiaolong!"

"Kill Huang Xiaolong and dedicate the three magic monuments to the devil!"

There are more than 60 people in the early ancestors of the Thunder Valley, and more than sixty thunder beasts of the early ancestors of the Great Valley of the Beast Valley are enough to repel and even kill the fourth-order powerhouse of the ordinary Emperor.

The beast of the beast is in the shape of a beast, like a peerless chaotic beast opened a huge mouth.

Huang Xiaolong was a whistle, his body flashed and flew in from the mouth of the beast.

Falling into the center of the beasts, at this time, the magic light flashed, Huang Xiaolong's body magic turned, the devil's supreme godhead pushed to the extreme, the amazing magic gas formed a tower of magic around his body.

A magic light emerged from the body of Huang Xiaolong.

The blood-eyed magic monument, the Wan cure magic monument, the glass magic monument, the three magic monuments are suspended around the body of Huang Xiaolong, forming a light column around the flight.

The power of the demon world continues to fall from the void, falling into the center of the three magic monuments and Huang Xiaolong's demon body.

At this time, a third-order ancestor of the Great Emperor of the Valley of the Beasts first attacked Huang Xiaolong.

"The beasts of the beasts, Lei Yin giant palm!"

I saw a giant palm appearing out of thin air, and rushing to Huang Xiaolong, this giant palm, sparkling with amazing thunder, spewing infinite thunder, and the sound of thunderous sound, the sound of thunder, Gives the soul a strong oppression and vibration.

Huang Xiaolong looked at the thunderous giant palm of the bang, his face was indifferent, and he burst into the air. A palm greeted the giant thunder of the thunder, and Huang Xiaolong’s four chaotic thunder pools were simultaneously motivated, and numerous chaotic gas spurted from his palm.

Suddenly, the thunderous giant palm was scattered.

Huang Xiaolong was in the air, swooping down, and it was a palm, and it was taken to the chest of the third-generation ancestor of the Great Emperor of the Valley of the Beast.

The first ancestor of the third stage of the Thunder Valley, only the shadow of the ancestors, Huang Xiaolong’s palm has already taken his chest. When Huang Xiaolong’s palm is in the chest, the **** eyes of Huang Xiaolong’s body are two **** eyes. Flashing.

A **** light emerged from Huang Xiaolong.

Suddenly, the thunder beast ancestor was shot by Huang Xiaolong in an instant, and then fell to the ground far away. After seeing it landed, it was screaming, and countless blood light continued to bloom from its body. These blood is like the blood worms that are eaten in the body, so that their bodies continue to wither.

And its body surface, constantly appearing one after another with blood, these blood eyes, is simply a reprinted version of the **** eye of the magical instrument.

Seeing this scene, the ancestors of the Thunder Valley only felt pale.

"Don't panic, Huang Xiaolong is only relying on the power of the blood-eyed magic monument. With his current strength in the first stage of the Emperor, he can only use a few times at most!" A third-order late ancestor of the Great Valley of the Beast Valley: "We have more than 60 people, can we still kill a big emperor in the first stage?!"

"Give me kill!"

After that, the Lei Zhe Valley Emperor’s third-order late ancestors waved a long sword and smashed it to Huang Xiaolong.

The long sword in his hand, one section, is the spine of the above ancient chaotic beast, which contains a great chaos of chaos.

Under the sword, the sword is broken, and countless chaos is rolling.

Huang Xiaolong did not use the bright Scepter, and the empty hand stretched out, one block.

I saw that the ancestor of the Thunder Valley, the sword of the ancestors, was on the palm of Huang Xiaolong's palm. It was like a squat on the chaotic fine iron, and the slamming sound was crisp and shattered.

The ancestors of the Thunder Valley only felt a sharp pain in the arm, and the long sword in his hand could not hold it. When the air was thrown away, he could not help but be shocked.

The sword in his hand is the spirit of the lower class, the sharpness is abnormal, and with his thunder force urging, he even keeps Huang Xiaolong's hand! No, even the skin of Huang Xiaolong can't be broken!

At this time, Huang Xiaolong slammed out.

Ten thousand ancient chaotic curses on the body of the Mantra Monument flashed.


Huang Xiaolong boxing force banged in the chest of the thunder beast ancestors of the third stage of the great emperor, and passed through the chest. The other side was like a broken kite, and flew out. When it fell to the ground, it was screaming and screaming. Ten thousand chaotic spells, this tens of thousands of chaotic spells continue to erode the whole body.

It is like a mortal, being squandered with 10,000 kilograms of sulfuric acid.

I saw the ancestor of the Thunder Valley, and between the breath, it was eroded to leave only the bones, and even the gods were eroded into gravel.

Huang Xiaolong was also taken aback when he saw the power of the magical power of the Mantra.

The curse of this mantra is also too horrible.

This scene is even more scary, the ancestors of the Valley of the Beasts have no blood, and they dare not attack Huang Xiaolong.

However, these horns of the Valley of the Beasts did not dare to attack, but Huang Xiaolong did not hesitate, his body flashed, and attacked the ancestors of the third-order late peak of a great beast in the Valley of the Beast.

A punch burst, the glaze shines.

The ancestors of the Thunder Valley, stunned, want to avoid, but there is no way to escape, bang! I only felt a pain in my chest, and the whole person fell and flew out. When I landed, everyone saw that the whole body had turned into a spar like glass!

In the blink of an eye, the ancestral horn ancestor became a glazed spar statue, lying there, completely breathless.

The ancestors of the Thunder Valley all took a breath of air and frightened back.

Huang Xiaolong's body shape keeps on, one punch, one palm, and one finger constantly attacks.

Sometimes use the power of the blood-stained magical monument, and sometimes use the power of the magical magical monument, but the glass magical monument.

Gradually, for the power of the three magic monuments, Huang Xiaolong is even more confident. (To be continued.)


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