Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 1919: Return to the lower bound

When I saw Chen Nan, Huang Xiaolong wanted to understand a lot of things. It is no wonder that the Silver Fox Chamber of Commerce has been unable to find the whereabouts of the party for so many years. Chinese website

It is no wonder that Fang Chushen was able to go to the lower bounds.

Fang Chu was a pro-disciple of the Lei Ren nationality Lei Kaiyuan.

It’s ridiculous. At the beginning, he thought that Fang Mingyu, the emperor’s emperor, was Fang Chu.

At this time, Chen Nan's face is pale and bloodless.

Since he knew that the disciple of the Emperor of the Imperial Palace was called Huang Xiaolong, he deliberately asked people to investigate the roots of Huang Xiaolong. After investigation, he finally determined that Huang Xiaolong was the lower bound of Huang Xiaolong.

He once wanted to kill Huang Xiaolong. However, Huang Xiaolong was the disciple of the supreme king of the Imperial Palace. He was a disciple of Zhao Lei, the master of the Imperial Palace. He had no chance to start.

After knowing that he could not kill Huang Xiaolong, he has been madly practicing in these years, in order to one day break through the realm of the Emperor, in order to have more self-protection.

In the past few years, the news of Huang Xiaolong has been passed into his ears.

The amazing growth of Huang Xiaolong made him start to fear, especially when the news of the battle of the court was heard. He almost dreamed of not sleeping, and almost lived with trepidation every day.

Every day he is worried that Huang Xiaolong will suddenly appear in front of him.

But now, Huang Xiaolong, the nightmare that has entangled him for hundreds of years, still appears in front of him.

Suddenly, Chen Nan, Fang Chu stopped retreating, looked at Huang Xiaolong, and laughed up in the sky. In laughter, there was a kind of relief, there was a kind of self-deprecating, and there was a kind of desolate.

"Huang Xiaolong, I know that I will die today, but before I die, I want to ask you something." Fang Chu smiled and said to Huang Xiaolong.

Everyone looks at each other.

Jinghai Emperor and Lei Kaiyuan were in doubt.

Although I don’t know what Huang Xiaolong and Fang Chu are doing, everyone can see that they have great feuds.

"You said." Huang Xiaolong said indifferently.

"Your life and death enemies are me alone, and have nothing to do with the Leiren family. I hope that you can let go of the Leiren family." Fang Chu said to Huang Xiaolong.

Huang Xiaolong thought a little and nodded. "Okay, I promise you."

Fang Chu looked at Huang Xiaolong, and after confirming the yellow holiday, this was a deep glimpse of Huang Xiaolong: "Thank you."

Then, Fang Chu turned around and smashed Lei Kaiyuan, and even slammed three heads.

"Chen Nan, you." Lei Kaiyuan will hold up Fang Chu.

Fang Chu got up and said: "Master, thank you for your acceptance and cultivation of Chen Nan in these years. Chen Nan can't stay with you in the future." When it comes to this, one said: "Master, don't think about revenge for me. He is the prince of Pluto, and the king of Hongmeng is a disciple."

what? !

When Fang Chuan personally said that Huang Xiaolong was the newly rising King of Pluto, everyone was shocked and then took a breath.

The Jinghai Emperor Palace’s main hands and feet cramped, scared!

Jinghai Emperor, Lei Kaiyuan, Wu Yichun, Cui Yiting, Wu Zetian everyone looked at Huang Xiaolong blankly.

Time seems to stop.

Fang Chu looked at Huang Xiaolong and smiled: "I didn't expect that one day, my party could die in the hands of Pluto, Huang Xiaolong, can die in your hands. Is this my great glory?"

"Do it, hope you can give me a good time!"

Fang Chu’s voice just fell, Huang Xiaolong raised his hand and pointed his finger at the moment.

Everyone saw that with the Chu Chumei as the center, a purple flame began to spread, and Fang Chu began to incinerate little by little.

In the end, Fang Chu became a sporadic fire and disappeared between heaven and earth.

Looking at this once-defying enemy, disappeared little by little in front of him, Huang Xiaolong was filled with emotion.

At this moment, Fang Chu has become history.

Huang Xiaolong did not expect to find Fang Chu on such an occasion. When Fang Chu dissipated, Huang Xiaolong looked at the Lei Ren nationality leader Lei Kaiyuan.

He naturally did not forget the main purpose of his coming to the Lei people.


An hour later, under the hoarseness of everyone, Huang Xiaolong left the Leiren headquarters.

After knowing the identity and intention of Huang Xiaolong, Lei Kaiyuan, the Leiren tribe, did not hesitate to tell Huang Xiaolong the secret of the big battle.

In the end, Huang Xiaolong did not have much trouble for the Terran. When he left, Huang Xiaolong even gave Lei Kaiyuan a million pieces of chaotic Lingshi, which is the reward of this big secret.

One million of the chaotic Lingshi is nothing to Huang Xiaolong, but for Lei Kaiyuan, for the Leiren, it is an astronomical number.

Huang Xiaolong killed Fang Chu. Although Lei Kaiyuan did not dare to retaliate against Huang Xiaolong, he still had some resentment, but now he sees this millions of chaotic spirits, and the resentment in his heart disappears without a trace.

When Huang Xiaolong left, Lei Kaiyuan thanked Huang Xiaolong instead.

After leaving the Leiren headquarters, Huang Xiaolong was frowning.

This method of building a big battle to the lower bound is obtained. However, according to Lei Kaiyuan, only the strongest of the gods can safely pass through the space channel constructed by this, because this space channel is very fragile and can only withstand the power of God. The power of the person, that is, to think of the lower bound, it is best to be a god-level powerhouse.

Of course, the first-order powerhouse of the gods can also go down, but the first-order powerhouse of the gods has great danger through this space passage, and after the first-order powerhouse of the gods reaches the lower bound, it can only stay in the lower bound for a while. Can't stay too long.

This makes Huang Xiaolong boring.

Do you want to find a few gods?

However, this is not his unwillingness, he wants to go down in person.

After thinking about it, Huang Xiaolong will not be called out of the four heads and four. It is not like knowledge, maybe there is a way?

"Master, I know that there was a kind of yin and yang in the ancient times, when the sun was shining, after swallowing, the owner could temporarily return to the form hundreds of years ago. However, it is difficult to find the material of the yin and yang when the rectification of the yin and yang is reversed." Four is not like an open channel.

"Yin and Yang countercurrent time Shen Dan!" Huang Xiaolong heard, can not help but overjoyed, there is such a god.

As for the material for refining this yin and yang countercurrent time, Huang Xiaolong is not worried. With the influence of the Silver Fox Chamber of Commerce and Pluto, the material should be available soon.

Sure enough, in less than a month, all the materials were found, and Huang Xiaolong threw all the materials directly into the Rongdan Tower. Soon, a furnace of yin and yang reversed the time and the gods were refining. This furnace has a total of more than 30 capsules, each effect. It is possible to keep Huang Xiaolong for more than 30 capsules a day, enough for Huang Xiaolong to stay in the lower bound for more than a month.

After the reversal of the yin and yang counter-current time, Shen Xiaolong began to construct the array channel according to the method described by Lei Kaiyuan.

As Huang Xiaolong waved his hands, soon, one after another obscure inscriptions condensed in the air, and then the light turned, a space channel import and export appeared in front of Huang Xiaolong.

Huang Xiaolong took a deep breath and swallowed the next yin and yang countercurrent time Shendan, and returned to the shape of the tenth-order late peak of the **** level. The figure flashed into the space channel. (To be continued.) 8

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