Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 1930: Alchemy Masters League Competition

Huang Xiaohai quickly flew back to the inner hall and took the king.

The king's body is transparent, exuding the vitality of life. After Huang Xiaohai took it out, Huang Xiaolong was able to catalyze even the brightest and supreme, and then let the old man of the moon take it.

When Wang Wang entered the mouth, the old man of the rising moon was full of vitality. The face that was pale and not **** began to slowly float a layer of blood.

Huang Xiaolong’s bright and supreme power is still flowing into the elderly.

Finally, the old man who is about to suffocate at any time began to have a weak breath. The old man of the rising moon faintly opened his eyes and saw Huang Xiaolong, who was stunned in front of him, squeezing a smile and being weak: "Yellow boy, I did not expect that before I died, Still dreaming of you, a horse is spicy!"

Huang Xiaohai and others can't help but smile.

"I said the old man, do you want to die like this?" Huang Xiaolong also smiled and said: "Do not worry, this is not a dream, there is me, you can't die."

"Isn't I dreaming?" The old man of the rising moon looked at him and looked around. He saw Huang Xiaohai, Zhao Shu, Zhang Wei and others, and a few meters away was the gate of the gods.

After seeing a circle in the eyes of the old man, he fell on Huang Xiaolong and his eyes widened: "You, your kid, come back?!"

Huang Xiaolong grinned and said: "I am back." One meal: "Come back to see you, see you."

The old man of the rising moon trembled, his face was excited, his lips trembled: "Mom got a hot, your boy finally came back to see my old man. I thought I couldn't see the hair on your mouth when I lay down in the coffin. ”

The hair on my mouth?

Huang Xiaolong is stunned and smiles.

This old man, for so many years, still hasn't changed at all. The mother of the phrase is still very popular, and everything is so familiar.

"Okay, don't say it, your injury is still not stable. I will help you with treatment first. What is the matter? Wait until your injury is stable." Huang Shanglong said.

The injury to the elderly in the Lunar New Year is too heavy. Although there is help from the King, it is necessary to have Huang Xiaolong treat it for him if he wants to be completely stabilized.

The old man of the rising moon nodded, but this time it was very obedient.

Subsequently, Huang Xiaolong took the old man to the moon and returned to the house of the gods. He chose a secret room and began to treat the elderly for the elderly.

Huang Xiaohai, Zhao Shu, Zhang Wei, Xie Boti and others waited outside.

The night is coming.

Compared to the excitement of the day, the night of Dan Shencheng is quiet, and it is quiet and flustered.

During the day, the streets are crowded, the powers of the parties are endless, and countless horses are constantly riding. The streets are empty and there are almost no pedestrians. They are rare, and they are scared.

Throughout the city of Dan Shen, a repressed atmosphere is enveloped, and everyone can feel the tranquility before the storm.

Wan Gurui was killed. Originally, everyone did not think there was anything. But when Wan Gu Changlong, Wan Gudi and other ancient masters of nearly 100 masters were all slaughtered and clean, and none of them escaped, the strong parties of Dan Shencheng were shocked.

In the past hundred years, the Huang family has been almost exhausted by the ancient times. Now, is it necessary for the Huang family to fight back? Still dying?

Danshen City Mujia Branch.

Inside the hall, the wooden masters sit together.

"I got the news that the invincible has already gathered more than a hundred superfamily patriarchs and ancestors. Now, more than one hundred super-families, hundreds of thousands of masters have been rushing from the major stars to the city of Dan Shen." The elders have a dignified face.

Elder Wood Jingzhi shook his head and said: "I really don't know what Huangjia thinks. Not only did he kill Wan Gurui, but he also dared to kill nearly 100 ancient masters of the ancient longevity. Isn't this purely broken to find death? Invincible to call so many masters, This is to kill the Huang family, and the Huang family will be destroyed!"

More than a hundred super-families, at the thought of this, the wooden masters are all in the heart.

This kind of power gathering is enough to destroy God and destroy the Buddha!

Even the gods of the gods are dead.

"However, this time, even our Muqi ancestors were alarmed. I heard that Muqi's ancestors were also coming over to Dan Shencheng." The great elders Mu Rongdao.

"What? Muqi's ancestors actually came to Danchengcheng?" The other elders were shocked. Muqi's ancestors were the strongest ancestors of their Mujia, and they have not been born for hundreds of years. I didn't expect to come over this time. Dan Shencheng.

Mu Rong nodded, his eyes worried: "I also heard that Muqi's ancestors and the Huang Xiaolong, the president of the year, had a good relationship. He came here and wanted to plead for the Huang family. If so, then it would be, who is this time? Whoever pleads for the Huang family will suffer, and the invincible words will come out, and which family will dare to plead for the Huang family, and will be destroyed together with the Huang family!"

Although the Mujia is also the top ten super-family, it is still far worse than the first one.

Other wooden parents are also worried.

"What, I hope that Muqi's ancestors should not do stupid things!!"

In the eyes of the public, the night finally passed, the sky was white, and the sun was shining.

Today is the Alchemy Masters League Contest!

When the sky is bright, the entire Danshen City will once again be lively.

In all corners of Danshen City, all the street crowds emerged, and almost everyone came to the Alchemy Masters Union.

The invincible of the ancients also left the house early, and came to the General Assembly of the Alchemy Masters Alliance under the embrace of the disciples of the ancient people.

"I have seen invincible adults!"

"Invincible predecessors!"

On the road, countless family powers have invincible for the ages.

The invincible of the ancients is like the emperor of the patrol, nodding indifferently.

"I heard that Huang Jia has more than a dozen disciples to participate in this alchemy masters league competition?" After the arrival of Wan Gu invincible, ask a general veteran.

"Yes, invincible adults." The veteran respected.

"Cancel their qualifications, they are not used for competition." The invincible order of the ancients said: "The order is passed down, and the disciples of the Huang family are not allowed to be within one kilometer of the General Assembly of the Alchemy Masters."

"Yes." The veteran did not dare to violate, and quickly went to order.


Within the Huangjia's Chamber, Huang Xiaolong breathed a sigh of relief. After a night of continuous treatment, the old man's injury finally stabilized.

Looking at the old man who is still sleeping, Huang Xiaolong stood up and went out of the secret room.

"Big brother, I have already inquired clearly. Yesterday, the invincible removal of the predecessor's predecessor's post, the predecessor's predecessor's life, but he smashed him a rat, the invincible will die, and the predecessors will be like this." Xiaohai is on Huang Xiaolong.

Huang Xiaolong’s face sank and asked: “Today is the Alchemy Masters League Competition?”

"Yes, invincible is participating in the competition." Huang Xiaohai said.

"Let's go, you and I went to see this rat." Huang Xiaohai's voice is cold.

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