Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 1936: We are in the world of gods

A full half, no one moved.

"Those masters of alchemy masters, where are they?" A family disciple asked sillyly.

As soon as he spoke, suddenly, millions of pairs of eyes on the square shot at him, scaring the family disciple to shrink like a tortoise.

Huang Xiaolong went to the glory, Yan Jinwen, Chen Xinghui and other seven veterans.

Although Yu Wuguang and others were smashed by Huang Xiaolong, they were still dead.

Yu Wuguang, Yan Jinwen, Chen Xinghui and others looked at the slowly coming Huang Xiaolong, his face completely fearful and completely eclipsed. At this time, Huang Xiaolong was like a **** of death slowly coming in their eyes.

Previously, Huang Xiaolong was so invincible as a dead dog. Although they were shocked by the strength of Huang Xiaolong, they were equally astonished, but they were not as fearful as they are now.

In their view, Huang Xiaolong's strength is stronger, and it is impossible to contend with more than 100 super families. It is impossible to compete with hundreds of thousands of masters, but now they find out how naive and ridiculous their previous ideas are.

Huang Xiaolong came to the front of the secluded seven people, overlooking the gloom, and said: "You are a secluded person?"

Quiet nodded and nodded: "I, I am."

"Don't you have no night, he didn't tell you, under the heavens, anyone can provoke, but can't provoke me Huang Xiaolong?" Huang Xiaolong grinned.

Anyone can provoke, but can't provoke me Huang Xiaolong!

This sentence shocked the hearts of all the strong people present.

But no one is ridiculous.

No one dares to say anything.

The gloom is even more trembling, it is more fear, it is desperate, and the glory of Huang Xiaolong’s mouth is the strongest ancestor of their secluded family.

However, no night has been born for hundreds of years.

"Yellow, yellow predecessors, please look at the part of our quiet night ancestors, spare me a life." Quiet no light and strong voice for mercy.

Everyone looks at Huang Xiaolong.

Huang Xiaolong shook his head: "I will make you die less painful when you look at the night without a night."

You are completely soft and soft.

Chen Xinghui, Yan Jinwen and others are all soft and there, desperate.

Huang Xiaolong is cold, and invincible to destroy the Huang family, while Yu Wuguang, Chen Xinghui, Yan Jinwen and others help to abuse, Huang Xiaolong naturally can not let go of the glory, Chen Xinghui and others.

"After you die, I will twist all the heads of your seven people, and then hang on the gate of the city of Dan Shen with the invincible head of the ages." Then, Huang Xiaolong began.


The cold family and other people have changed their faces.

"Yellow predecessors, you!" Quiet and shocked and angry.

"I knew this, why should I be at the beginning." Huang Xiaolong said with no expression: "From the time you helped the invincible to suppress the Huang family, you are already destined to have this day, and because of your relationship, I will be the family of the seven of you. All the direct disciples of all the high-level all killed."

For the benevolence of the enemy, it is cruel to yourself.

At that time, he spared the ancient Mozu and spared the ghost door. Now, the ancient Mozu and the refining ghost gates have to help the invincible to destroy the Huang family. Such mistakes, Huang Xiaolong will not commit again.

"You, you!" Chen Xinghui, Yan Jinwen looked angry.

"Well, what are your last words, let's talk." Huang Xiaolong said indifferently: "You help the invincible and want to kill all the disciples of my Huang family. At that time, I will only kill your family's top and direct disciples, and will not kill you." Family, you should be grateful to me."

There is no light, Chen Xinghui seven people stay.

"Huang Xiaolong, you are very strong and invincible in the lower bounds, but it does not mean that you can be arrogant in the realm of the gods. Our secluded family is also a first-class big family in the realm of the gods. You dare to slaughter all the high-level and direct disciples of my secluded family. The master of the realm of the gods knows that it will definitely not let you go!" Quietly cold and cold channel: "When, you are waiting for our secluded master in the world of the gods to endlessly pursue it?"

“First-class big family?” Huang Xiaolong’s “噗” laughed.

He really can't help it.

There are tens of thousands of emperor palaces, and the first-class big family does not know how many things. For him, to destroy a first-class big family is a matter of sighing.

A first-class big family wants to kill him?

However, Yu Wuguang knows that the situation of the secluded family in the realm of the gods is known through the angelic messengers of the Jinshen Contest.

You have no light to see Huang Xiaolong laughing, angered: "Huang Xiaolong, what do you laugh, you only fly for thousands of years, you do not know the horror of a first-class big family in the world of God, tell you, we are at home in the realm, at least Ten thousand heavenly gods are strong! You have been flying into the gods for thousands of years, and now it is the peak of the gods?"

Huang Xiaolong was speechless and completely defeated by this gloom.

"Huang Xiaolong, how are you, afraid?" You Wuguang saw Huang Xiaolong silently, sneer.

Hundreds of thousands of gods and peaks, it seems that Huang Xiaolong was scared to stay!

Huang Xiaolong heard the words and shook his head. He was too lazy to say this with his gloom. When he reached out and twisted his hand, he twisted his secluded head and threw it to the invincible head.

The face of the opaque head was full of horror. I didn’t understand why Huang Xiaolong knew that the secluded family would dare to kill him after he was in the realm of the gods.

After killing the gloom, Huang Xiaolong came to Chen Xinghui, and Chen Xinghui’s face changed disappointingly. He said: “Huang Xiaolong, our Chen family has invested in the Jinghai Emperor’s Palace in the realm of the gods. It is the sect of the Jinghai Emperor. Our Chen’s ancestors are Jing One of the great generals of the Great Ocean."

"Oh, Jinghai Emperor." Huang Xiaolong stunned, before returning to the lower bound, the Jinghai Emperor who was just seen by the Leiren people?

"Yes, it is Jinghai Emperor." Chen Xinghui hurryed.

However, he just finished, Huang Xiaolong also twisted, twisted his head and threw it to the side of the gloom.

Huang Xiaolong came to Yan Jinwen and said, "What about you? Do you want to say that your family is in a relationship with the Imperial Palace?"

Yan Jinwen’s face was gray.

Huang Xiaolong went up and twisted all the heads of Yan Jinwen and other five people one by one, and then looked at the cold family leader and those who had previously followed the invincible side of the ages.

Hundreds of masters of the cold family have changed their faces.

This time, Huang Xiaolong was too lazy to do so. He was so arrogant about Huang Xiaohai, Zhao Shu, Zhang Wei, and Long Huangyi.

Although Huang Jia only came to more than 200 people, but Huang Xiaohai, Zhao Shu and other people's strength, enough to easily eliminate the cold family.

Suddenly, all the people in the Huang family rushed to the cold family and other people. In the past few years, the Huang family was oppressed too much, and the cold family members and other people became the vents of the Huang family, less than half an hour. Hundreds of people in the cold family were all killed by the Huang family, and the death was extremely miserable.

The cold family had four arms broken, his head was smashed in half, and his chest was completely collapsed.

Huang Xiaolong turned his head and his eyes fell on Sun Man who was lying on the ground.

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