Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 1967: Abra was killed

"The son of light?" Huang Xiaolong smiled: "Whatever he counts as a child of light, he gives me shoes is almost the same." Speaking of this, one meal: "I want to tell you, even Elan can't save you today." ""



Seeing that Huang Xiaolong dared to call the name of the Elan, the head of the Guangming Knights' Legion, and the high-light knights of the Abras were not angry, and they angered.

Even Abra, Lu Zhaoxuan and other dozens of great emperors are all sinking, and they are screaming at Huang Xiaolong.

Abra walked out on the dragon horse and looked at Huang Xiaolong coldly: "The boy, originally, I still think about coming on the road. If you know how to repent, kneel beg for mercy, and give me life, I can also accept you." Under the seat, when I am in the battle, now you are begging for mercy, and you have no chance to ask for mercy!"

On the way, Abra did have this idea.

At that time on the sea of ​​light, Huang Xiaolong could easily defeat Lu Zhaoyu with the first-order strength of the great emperor. This kind of combat power is really amazing, so Abra couldn’t help but reconcile Huang Xiaolong.

If Huang Xiaolong squats to him, he really wants to take a yellow dragon.

Huang Xiaolong sat on the ten-winged unicorn and heard a smile: "Let me serve you? Like you, even if you want to be a slave, I will not consider it."

Abra is just a mid-ninth mid-term.

"You, look for death!" Abra glared, and his body was mad.

"Master, you are honored, this is a small item, you don't have to take it out yourself, let the disciple take it down and bring it to you, and you will be free to deal with it!" At this time, Baracker of Abraham came out and asked for it. Road.

Although Barnett is a bishop like Lu Zhaozhen, his strength is much stronger than that of Lu Zhao, but he is a fourth-order late master of the Great.

Abra received the momentum, pressed his heart to kill, nodded: "Alright, you first kneel down his legs and let him come to me!"

"Yes, Master." Barnett rode to the dragon and horse to Huang Xiaolong.

Lu Zhaowei and others were on standby behind Abra.

In the distance, some onlookers rioted.

"Who is this kid, too mad, even said that our bright son gives him shoes is almost the same, this arrogant ignorant, it is best not to kill so fast, to slowly torture him!"

"Yes, it is best to nail him here and slowly dry it into a dead body!"

"Barnett, kill this stupid pig!"

Some even screamed, for the younger generation of the bright gods, the son of light is the sky in their hearts, the supreme **** in the heart, Huang Xiaolong actually said that the son of the light to give him shoes is almost the same, no doubt touched the public anger.

Barnett came to Huang Xiaolong in front of a hundred meters and looked down at Huang Xiaolong: "Kid, don't you hear? You said, after I broke your legs, how can I torture you? Like they said, nail you here, slow. Slowly drying into a dead body?"

However, his voice fell, and suddenly, a chaotic little axe broke through.

The chaos axe came out, the world shook, and all the great masters of the entire City of All Souls were not surprised.

Barnett only felt the light flashing in front of him, and the time seemed to be still there. He looked down and saw a crack extending from the top of his head to the lower body, separating his body.

Time seems to be extremely long, and it seems that only after a breath, suddenly, Barnett split the whole person, shot outward, and the light raging.

Together with Barnett, there is also a dragon horse.

Surrounded by screaming to torture Huang Xiaolong, the sound of killing Huang Xiaolong stopped short.

The disciples around the church were watching the body of Barnett, who had been split and opened up on the ground.

"Barnett!" After a few breaths, the soldiers of the Knights of the Light Knights woke up and shouted.

Abra came back to God and looked at Huang Xiaolong with a smug look. In his eyes, it was difficult to hide his surprise. What was it? The chaotic little axe was just a glimpse, too fast, even he was only obscured.

"Kill this little beast and avenge Barnett!"

"Abra, please, order, we killed this little beast!"

Some of the captains, captains and soldiers of Barnett are angry.

The chaotic little axe reappears, and a dazzling light passes through the air.

The light passed, I saw the captains of the Guangming Knights, the captains, the heads of the soldiers one after another, and then landed, turned into light particles, dissipated.

The light disappeared, and dozens of bodies were on the ground.

These are the captains, captains and soldiers who just screamed and killed Huang Xiaolong’s small beast.

The power of Pluto, graceful violation?

The power of the Lord of Light and the grace of the Lord?

"Small beast, you are looking for death!" Abra stunned, and suddenly jumped from Tianlong, and the giant palm shot down to Huang Xiaolong.

The giant palm light transmits, almost covering half of the City of All Souls.

Under the giant palm of Abra, All Souls seemed to be sinking.

Huang Xiaolong listened to Abra, and it was a small beast. His eyes were cold and flashing. The body flashed, and a four-winged light flew out tomorrow. He greeted Abra with an unbeatable speed of horror. Brah's giant palm, one of the fourteen wings, suddenly slammed down to Abra's head.

Abra watched the slamming fourteen-wing light tomorrow, stunned, fearful, and gray.


In the center of Wanling City, there is a huge shrine.

This shrine is bright and bright, and there are countless bright elves around the temple, full of supreme power and supreme light.

This is the temple of the gods and the capital of the Guangming Knights.

At this time, on the main hall of the Temple of the Spirit, there is a female angel with a beautiful appearance. Behind him, the twelve wings are opened in turn, and the power of the rule is filled with the entire shrine.

This stunning woman, Elan, the head of the Guangming Knights Corps, is also the strongest person on the bright side of the bright gods, and is known as the first person in the bright world.

Suddenly, Elan's eyes narrowed, and the twelve wings were closed behind him. Then he saw the bishop Mosifa walk in with a look of panic, one knee: "The head of the army is not good, the Archbishop of Abra has just been killed!"

"What!" Elan said: "You mean Abra, Archbishop?"

"Yes, just in the city of Wanling!" Bishop Mosifa replied in a panic.

In the city of All Souls!

Elan Horan stood up.

At this time, only a few hundred people came in from the hall, and it was the archbishop and bishop of the Guangming Knights who heard the news.

There are 100 archbishops in the Guangming Knights. More than 40 of the hundreds of people who came in were archbishops, and almost all the archbishops in All Souls arrived.

Other archbishops guarded other gods.

Abra was killed, and it was in the city of All Souls. When all the Archbishops heard it, they all led the crowd to the main hall. This is unprecedented.

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