Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 1993: The first move!

"This Ori, too mad! He is a second-order emperor who even said that he would defeat the great fourth son of the Emperor of the Great Emperor! He thought that he would defeat the Emperor of the Academy, Kaili and Bunis, can really defeat the son of the light? I am afraid that he is not the opponent of the bright son of Dunhuang, and he said that he has defeated others!"

A fire genius genius can't help but jump out and ridicule.

"Yes, maybe he can't even pick up the tenth move of His Royal Highness, even the brightest son!" A Pope of the Holy See who owed the bright city of God sneered.

"Oli, let's get down, the second order of the Emperor like you, the brightest son of the Emperor, you can defeat the five steps of your High School, don't throw people in the ring!"

"Get down quickly, maybe you will wait until the next Emperor, you will be on the stage, you can't stand up even now, you can't get it right now!"

Some of the powerful people of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sacred priests sneered at Huang Xiaolong and sneaked against Huang Xiaolong. In the end, there were more and more ridicules and voices.

And in the end, the more unscrupulous these people are, the more snoring, and even the 18th generation of Huang Xiaolong's ancestors!

The son of the dragon world is flat and his face is heavy.

At this time, the son of the bright man lifted his hand and pressed it, and the surrounding taunts, the snoring was reduced.

"Since you are so confident, you can beat me with ten strokes, then dare to make a bet with me." The son of Guangming, who is "inducing" Huang Xiaolong.

Huang Xiaolong smiled lightly: "How to bet?"

"On the top of the platform, life and death, if I am under full force, I can't hold my hand for a while, and I will kill you with the wrong hand. Then you will be all my treasure, including all the treasures of the ancestors!"

Huang Xiaolong smiled: "In the end, you are playing the idea of ​​my ancestral treasure." Once stopped, then said: "Well, if you kill me, the treasures of the ancestors are yours, but what do you take?" Will it be the broken battle on your body, take the broken battle on your body to gamble on my ancestral treasure?!"

Some outside powers could not help but laugh.

The brightest son of Dunhuang has a deep face, and his battle is the level of Zhongpin Hongmeng Ling, although the price is not cheap, but compared with Jiezu treasure, it is indeed "broken".

At this time, the bright son of Dunhuang took out a space ring and said: "As long as you can beat me, or kill me, everything in this space ring, and everything in me is yours!"

I saw the space ring, filled with countless chaotic Lingshi, and even more than a dozen pieces of chaotic spirits, there are many heaven and earth, are some rare spirits or gods that are not auctioned at auction.

"That is the spirit of the gods? So many spirits of the gods, I am afraid that there are tens of thousands of them. The spirits of the gods have not appeared since the Holy Spirit of the Holy See was destroyed!"

"Five Elements Lingzhu! The treasure of the town of the five spirits of the Holy Spirit! This is the top quality of the Hongmeng, worn on the body, there are many wonderful uses!"

"Jinyuan mushroom! It is 19th floor! The tenth floor is already a rare baby, and there are 19 layers of Jinyuan mushroom in the world!"

The strong parties recognized the treasures in the space ring and they exclaimed.

Huang Xiaolong nodded secretly. It seems that this bright child has a lot of treasures. There are many things in this space ring and he is somewhat tempted.

For example, if the 19-story Jinyuan mushroom can be swallowed and refining, it can give him a little strength, and the effect may not be as good as that of Hongmeng, but it is not bad.

"How?" The brightest son of Dunhuang told Huang Xiaolong: "There are many things in my space ring that are not available for Chaos Lingshi."

Huang Xiaolong shook his head: "I must know that there are 100,000 bottles of angel soul jade **** Dan in the treasure house of the ancestors, and a 16-layer light **** god, only 100,000 bottles of angel soul jade **** Dan, it is better than your space ring. The things baby is countless times."

The brightest son of Dunhuang wrinkled: "What do you want?" However, he also knows that the things in his space ring are indeed incomparable with the treasures of the ancestors.

"Add the light of the gods and the treasures of the bright **** city!" Huang Xiaolong said.

"What?! This is the big dog of Ori! He is crazy, and he wants the treasure of the bright **** and the bright **** city!" A pope angered.

"Kill this Ori! Your Royal Highness, kill this Ori!"

Some of the strong people of the Holy See have angered.

In the eyes of these people, Huang Xiaolong’s daring and daring to slap the light of the gods and the treasures of the gods of the gods is a sin.

The brightest son of Dunhuang is also angry with his eyes. His heart is violently violent, and the bright gun in his hand appears. He suddenly smashes his eyebrows to Huang Xiaolong, and the speed is so fast that it is difficult to react.

"Oli, even if I don't make a bet with you, I killed you. Everything in your body is also mine!" Duny screamed, and the whistling sound was full of enthusiasm.

Dunhuang suddenly shot, and when he saw the bright gun, he would stab the yellow dragon's eyebrows. The son of the dragon world changed his face. Some popes smiled and said: "I won't die with one shot?!"

At this moment, Huang Xiaolong suddenly reached out and blocked his eyebrows. When the other side of the light **** was stabbing in the hall, the glass of the magical monument in the body was spurred, and the glare of the palm of the hand flashed past.

The light **** shot in the palm of Huang Xiaolong, a "squeaky" sound loudly, such as stabbing on the chaotic fine iron, sputtering numerous fires.

The laughter came to an abrupt end, and everyone stopped there, watching the scene with shock.


"The light gun of the Royal Highness of Dunhuang is a Chinese product!"

The Zhongpin Hongmeng Lingtang could not pierce the palm of Huang Xiaolong!

Everyone was shocked. Is this Ori's body horror to this extent?

"I heard that a few days ago, this Ori was also empty-handed to welcome the Emperor Kaili's lower product, the Hongmeng spirited tomahawk, and there was nothing at all. I thought it was a misinformation. Now even the Zhongpin Hongmeng can be taken empty-handed. It’s too abnormal!” said a ancestor after Qin Huangzhong’s body.

The son of the dragon king, Ping Ping, was equally shocked and muttered to himself: "Grandma's, I know you are abnormal, I don't know if you are so perverted!"

Dunhuang was equally shocked, but in an instant, his body was shot and returned. The bright gun in his hand was pulled out from the palm of Huang Xiaolong and returned to the original position of Fujian and Taiwan, as if he had never moved.

Huang Xiaolong also has no trend to pursue, carrying his hands, looking at each other calmly, slowly said: "The first move!"

The first move! Is this a warning or a reminder?

The brightest son of Dunhuang’s face sank.

"Well, I didn't expect your deity defense to be so strong!" The son of Guangming was cold and cold: "However, the trick was just a little warm-up. Next, I hope you can still attack me!" This, in addition to the removal of a long sword, the sword came out, the space was split by the sword.

All around you can feel the horrible sharpness of the sword.

"This, this is the best product!" The faces of everyone changed. (To be continued.)

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