Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 2025: Magic monument reproduction

The magic eye blue lion empire masters are carefully flying, suddenly feel a strong enough to allow everyone to resist the absorption force to hold everyone, then, everyone flashed, the scene changed, they saw a handsome young man riding A green cow, next to the green cow, followed by a black robe middle-aged.

The middle-aged man’s magical powers, such as the vast sky, make people dare not look straight.

But everyone's eyes are on the young people on the back of the green cow.

"Huang Xiaolong!" The tenth-order ancestor of the great emperor changed his face and exclaimed.

"What, Huang Xiaolong!" Other rumors of the Blue Lion Empire, who did not know Huang Xiaolong, were all shocked.

Previously, the Devil's Hungry Demon battlefield, the Black Moss Demon, the Variety of the Demon, and the hundreds of masters of the Thunder Valley were slaughtered by Huang Xiaolong. They only escaped the Devils, and the Devils and the Devils. Thanks three people.

Even Cui Huajie, the black-browed cult leader, was killed by Huang Xiaolong.

This battle, alarmed the entire Devil World and World of Warcraft.

Seeing the magic eye, the ancestors of the Blue Lion Empire recognized themselves, and Huang Xiaolong was not surprised. He said: "Let's say, what do you do with the magical blue lion empire and the master of the swallow empire?"

The eyes of the blue-lion empire ancestors flashed a flustered eyes.

The tenth-order ancestor of the Great Emperor sighed against Huang Xiaolong: "Huang Xiaolong, don't think that our magic eye Blue Lion Empire is afraid of you. This time, our magic eye Blue Lion Empire and the swallowing empire are coming out, even our emperor and swallowing the sky. The emperors are also here, they are nearby!"

Another great emperor's eighth-order ancestors cold channel: "Yes, swallowing the heavens, he is not comparable to the singer, you are the master of the second-order late, you dare to us, you can not escape the magic! ”

Although Huang Xiaolong unexpectedly even came to the blue lion Emperor Lan Chong and swallow the great Emperor Wu Shaowu, but heard the threat of the back, could not help but smile.

Do you dominate the second-order post?

The Emperor Huang Xiaolong turned into a chaotic axe, and instantly smashed out. The ancestor of the Eighth Order of the Emperor did not react. He saw a chaotic ray of light in front of him, and he lost consciousness.

Under the stunned eyes of the other ancestors of the Blue Lion Empire, I saw that the eighth-order ancestor of the Emperor slowly fell down. When he fell, the whole body burst open.


The eyes of the Blue Lion Empire were frightened and looked at Huang Xiaolong unbelievably.

In the devil world, after rumoring that Huang Xiaolong got two big magic monuments, he broke through the great emperor in the ancient battlefield of the hungry, but how long did it last? Now, they can kill their eighth-order ancestors!

And it is a trick!

"Let's say, what do you want to do with the demon? I want to hear the truth, I hope you don't talk nonsense with me." Huang Xiaolong ignored the magic eye and the blue lion empire was shocked and opened.

The magic eye blue lion empire ancestors face each other, but no one speaks.

The king of darkness whispered: "Tell them so much, ask me to say that they will directly swallow their gods and spirits, and then they will know everything when they strip the memories of their souls."

Devouring the spirit of the ancestors of a great emperor, and then stripping away the memories of their souls, it sounds like a night, but it is not difficult for the king of darkness.

He is a major in the dark magic, this means is just a piece of cake.

However, the sorcerer of the Blue Lion Empire, who is the sorcerer of the sorcerer, is fascinated by the king of darkness.

The tenth-order ancestor of the great emperor was sneer and sneered: "Devouring the spirit of God, and then stripping away the memory, saying that it is true, boy, do you think you are a godless ancestors?"

However, his voice just fell, the dark king's eyes flashed, and Zhang mouth sucked. Suddenly, the tenth-order ancestor of the Emperor was absorbed by the king of darkness. Then, all the ancestors of the Blue Lion Empire saw it. The **** of the tenth-order ancestor of the Emperor actually flew out of his body and was swallowed into the body by the king of darkness. Then, the body of the tenth-order ancestor of the great emperor dried up, and when he fell, his face was still full of horror.

All the ancestors of the Blue Lion Empire of the Magic Eye looked horrified at the King of Darkness, and they were not chilling.

At this time, the king of darkness eats fruit, and then spit out a godhead like a nuclear nucleus. It is the godhead that the tenth-order ancestor of the great emperor was swallowed.

After the godhead was spit out, the dark king's body ran through the darkness, his eyes wide open, revealing surprises.

See the darkness of the eyes of the king of the dark, Huang Xiaolong and the Golden Horn calf are doubts.

"Old blacks, how?" asked the Golden Horn Mavericks.

The king of darkness did not look at the Golden Horn Mavericks. He spoke to Huang Xiaolong and said the discovery.

When Huang Xiaolong heard it, it was also a surprise.

The magic eye blue lion empire master and the swallowing empire master appeared in the magical demon, it turned out to be the news, the demon world monument of the six magical monuments of the demon world and the magical monument of the artifact in the magic zone!

Royal beast magic monument, artifact magic monument!

This is an unexpected surprise for Huang Xiaolong.

This time into the magic, he originally planned to find the ancient heavens, did not expect to know that the two magic monuments are also in the magic, and in the middle of this magical range.

The Golden Horn Mavericks saw Huang Xiaolong and the King of Darkness surprise, and they could not help but be more curious.

Huang Xiaolong saw the news and told the Golden Horn Mavericks that the Golden Horn Mavericks was an accident and a surprise.

"The beast of the beast, the magical monument of the artifact!" Golden Horn Maverick laughed: "Xiaolong, if the refining of these two magic monuments, then, the six magic monuments you are only one!"

If the six magical monuments gather together, Huang Xiaolong will be able to achieve the supreme magic ancestor, the unified demon world, when it comes to, if you add the bright **** world, the **** three circles, then the power of Huang Xiaolong control is terrible, at that time, under the heavens I am afraid that only the cities of the heavens can suppress Huang Xiaolong.

"What, the six magic monuments are only one of them!" The King of Darkness listened to the words of the Golden Horn Mavericks, and could not help but look at Huang Xiaolong.

He did not know that Huang Xiaolong had three great monuments.

The Golden Horn Maverick grinned: "Yes, Xiaolong has three big magic monuments now."

The king of darkness took a breath of air.

Obviously, he and the Golden Horn Mavericks thought of a piece. If Huang Xiaolong collected the six magic monuments, then the extent to which Huang Xiaolong will be horrible!

"These people, how to deal with?" Golden Horn Mavericks asked Huang Xiaolong.

The king of darkness said: "It is a trouble to keep it, let me swallow all of them directly."

The ancestors of the Blue Lion Empire in the Eyes of the Blue Eyes were scared to face no one, and they did not escape with luck. They all asked for Huang Xiaolong.

"Open your gods and spirits defense, let me plant the red worms in your gods." Huang Xiaolong thought about it, and finally decided not to kill these magic eyes, the blue lion empire, if you can conquer the magic blue lion empire and swallow The Heavenly Empire is somewhat helpful to the bright gods.

The sorcerer of the blue-eyed empire of the magic eye heard the words, his face was ugly and hesitant. (To be continued.)

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