Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 2028: Find the Imperial Beast

After burying Lan Chong, Huang Xiaolong and his party continued on their way.

Now, Lan Chong is dead. Next, it is the master of the swallowing of Emperor Wu Shaowu and the swallowing empire.

According to Lan Changruo, the swallowing of Emperor Wu Shaowu and others is not far away. Just in front, with the speed of Huang Xiaolong and others, one hour can rush to the swallowing Wu Shaowu and others.

While flying, Huang Xiaolong sensed the beast and the magical monument.

"Xiao Long, this time if you can get the magic beast and the magical monument of the beast, break through the seventh order of the emperor, just take the enchanting of your kid, and then dominate the following, fear that no one is your opponent." On the road, the Golden Horn The calf opened the door.

She stayed with Huang Xiaolong for the longest time. It can be said that she saw Huang Xiaolong's enchanting growth. Looking back at Huang Xiaolong's previous kind, she always had a dreamlike feeling.

Huang Xiaolong shook his head: "Although the two magical monuments can make me improve a lot of strength, but to break through the seventh stage of the emperor is still a little hanging, like the lotus of the dark, if the ordinary third-order power of the great emperor swallows refining, at least can break through The seventh and third orders of the Emperor and even the eighth of the Emperor, the ninth order, but I don’t even have the sixth order of the Emperor."

The king of darkness heard the words: "The stronger the talent, the harder it is to break through. The dragon is the king of the three supreme kings, and the blood of the three devils is broken. It is really difficult to break through. If you break through the tenth order of the emperor, then It’s even harder. In your current situation, after reaching the peak of the tenth stage of the Great Emperor, you need to break through the dominance. The energy needed is only dozens or even hundreds of times for many people."

Huang Xiaolong nodded, so, Sanshenghua, he wants to stay in time to break through the dominance, but now it seems that a three-flower is not enough.

Therefore, when the dark golden fruit of the dark **** tree in the dark world arrives, he will also take it, and the three flowers and the dark gold fruit may be somewhat guaranteed.

Of course, before that, he still has to find ways to find more second-order heaven and earth spirits.

As for the first-order heaven and earth spirits, the effect is not very good for him, so it can only be second-order or even third-order.

The third order, the Wanjie is hard to find, but the second-order heaven and earth spirits are still hopeful to find.

Just when Huang Xiaolong and others flew to the swallowing king Wu Shaowu and others, on the huge mountain peak in front of a certain **** plane, the swallowing great Emperor Wu Shaowu and the high-ranking empire masters were looking at a huge cliff opposite.

Then, the swallowing of Emperor Wu Shaowu's eyes was shining, and a magical light burst out from his eyes. He blasted over the opposite wall. As the magic light continued to hit the cliff, the cliff suddenly burst. Out of the strong magic lines, the magic lines skyrocketing, there are faint sounds of ancient ancient animals roaring.

Wu Shaowu was overjoyed.

Royal beast magic monument!

Judging from the signs just now, the beast of the beast is hidden in this cliff!

"Well, haha, the beast of the beast, finally found the monument of the beast!" Wu Shaowu laughed: "With this beast, I hope to break through to the third order within a hundred years!"

Wu Shaowu laughed and walked in front of the cliff.

The masters of the swallowing empire quickly followed.

"Congratulations to the Great!"

Congratulations to the masters of the swallowing empire.

Wu Shaowu smiled: "Now everyone will take the shot together and lead this beast from the cliff!"

Everyone respects should be, immediately shot.

Because of the previous suspicion of a master attack, Wu Shaowu also summoned several other masters of the Swallow Empire to the side. Now, he has gathered more than 100 ancestors.

All the people took the shot, and they were shocked. Soon, they took the beast from the cliff.

I saw a piece of the magical monument that slowly rose from the world inside the cliff. The magic light shook the entire **** plane, and the surrounding mountains shook.

The soul of a long ancient beast revolves around the magical monument. The souls of these ancient beasts, each of them are top beasts, such as the red flame unicorn, the twelve-winged unicorn, the nine-colored phoenix, the golden flame lion, the light Shenhu and so on exist.

When the Beasts are born, the countless World of Warcraft in this face is almost at the same time, and the fear is trembled.

Looking at the magical beast of the Devil's Demon, the swallowing of the Emperor Wu Shaowu's eyes is even more blazing. If this beast is refining, then he is not only capable of upgrading and practicing fast.

As long as he has all the top beasts and monsters in this enchanted beast, all of them will be able to defend the souls of the beasts and then build a beast army. At that time, why are you afraid of the double-headed dragon empire?

The more I think, the more the singer Wu Shaowu is shining.

Finally, when the sacred beast was completely pulled out, the swallowing Emperor Wu Shaowu screamed and shot, and when he shot, his hands were like the glory of the sun and the moon, and the sacred beast was once again pulled up again, then, take it. Come to him.

The soul of the ancient beast and the beast around the magical monument roared wildly, and issued a powerful vibration force. It was to get rid of the swallowing Emperor Wu Shaowu and the ancestors of the swallowing empire, but the swallowing Emperor Wu Shaowu took it. Ordinary masters of the first-order power are difficult to get out, let alone this masterless beast magic monument?

Even if this beast is the head of the six magic monuments, it can't break free.

In the end, this beast magical monument was taken in front of Wu Shaowu.

Then, the swallowing Emperor Wu Shaowu swayed and turned into a swallowing behemoth, which is his body.

The swallowing king Wu Shaowu opened a huge mouth, he must first swallow this animal beast magic monument into the body, and then slowly refining, with him to dominate the second-order late strength, as long as there is enough time, it can be refining Drop this beast magic monument.

Seeing that Wu Shaowu, the great king of the swallow, would swallow the royal beast into the body. Suddenly, in the void, a huge hand was extended.

This magic hand shadows the sky, there are countless magic lights flashing, countless magic mines, countless World of Warcraft, countless demon gods have no magic.

The swallowing Emperor Wu Shaowu looked at this horror magic hand, his face changed greatly, and he looked up at the sky, and he couldn’t take it back and swallowed the magical beast, and suddenly swallowed it away. At the same time, the whole body rose and became high.

Under its swallowing, the airflow of the entire God's plane was raging, and countless World of Warcraft only felt the whole body bleed, and could not help but fly back and flew into Wu Shaowu.

This is the swallowing giant beast swallowing the gods, with his current strength, swallowing, can swallow the sun and the moon, can instantly digest the stars.

At this time, the huge magic hand finally fell.


I saw that when this huge magic hand fell on the giant mouth of the swallowing heaven, the swallowing Emperor Wu Shaowu flew out and screamed, smashing countless peaks and earth behind him, and fell to the corner of this god.

The ancestors of the swallowing empire were frightened by this mutation and were at a loss.

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