Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 2056: Please take the shot of the world

"Killing Huang Xiaolong!"

"We will display the Jiuyin corpse law together and go with Huang Xiaolong!"

Some of the nine yin corpses and ancestors screamed in anger and anger. They rushed over to Huang Xiaolong. Their eyes were full of blood and killing. When they rushed to Huang Xiaolong, they ignited gray blood, like a corpse. Blood, when they ignited the blood, there seems to be a hidden force in the body.

The Golden Horn Mavericks said to Huang Xiaolong: "Be careful, this nine-yin corpse is a sinister family to the venom of the venom, and it is a little troublesome."

Huang Xiaolong nodded.

He probably knows about this sinister corpse.

The nine yin corpse family, born, is a natural corpse. With the cultivation, the corpse of the corpse will gradually increase. These corpses are lurking in the body. Once activated, the explosive power is amazing.

However, it is only when life and death are in place that the Jiuyin corpse will display the corpse, because once this corpse is applied, it will become a corpse and cannot be recovered. At the end of the corpse law, it was the time when these nine yin corpses died.

Looking at the ancestors of the nine yin corpses that rushed over, Huang Xiaolong did not retreat, holding the bright scepter and rushing to the ancestors of the nine yin corpse.


The bright Scepter pierced the foremost nine-yin ancestor's eyebrows in an instant, and the brightest supreme power rushed out from the bright magical scepter, and instantly shattered the spirit of the other's mind.

The bright Scepter draws out.

Huang Xiaolong stabbed the second Jiuyin ancestor.

In the same way, one after another, the nine yin and ancestors were pierced by Huang Xiaolong and shattered the soul.

The corpse of the nine ancestors was extremely powerful, and after the corpse was displayed, the bodies of these ancestors were almost immortal. Therefore, the only way was to shatter their spirits and wipe out their spirits.

Of course, only Huang Xiaolong’s bright scepter, such as the bright scepter, can break the blood around his body. If it is other artifacts, even if it is the best of the spirits, it is difficult to break the blood of these nine ancestors. Although killing these nine yin ancestors.

Because the blood of its corpse is extremely horrible, the ordinary best Hong Meng Ling will suffer from corrosion when it touches this corpse, and its power is greatly reduced.

Every strike of the Light Scepter will have a sinister ruin.

Soon, dozens of Jiuyin ancestors who had been attacked and killed were cleared by Huang Xiaolong.

The other ancestors of the Jiuyin family escaped and crouched.

after an hour.

The entire Jiuyin corpse family, in addition to the ancestors and disciples who crouched for mercy, the other Jiuyin ancestors and disciples who escaped were almost all killed by Huang Xiaolong and the Golden Horn Mavericks.

There is no eclipse, and Huang Xiaolong’s few people have entered the uninhabited situation, killing the nine yin corpse and their families.

As for the prohibition in some forbidden areas in the Jiuyin Mountains, they were also bombarded by the Golden Horn Mavericks, the King of Darkness and the Poisonous Sea.

Although these bans were arbitrarily arranged by eclipse, they could not stop the pace of the Golden Horn Mavericks.

“Boneless heartless flower!”

"Yangyuan meditation fruit!"


"Good things, the old guy who eclipsed has so many good things!"

Looking at the good things planted in the forbidden land of the Jiuyin corpse, even the Golden Horn calf, the king of darkness and the poisonous sea are also bright and dazzling.

The boneless heart-breaking flower, the Yangyuan meditation fruit, are all first-order heaven and earth spirits. In the forbidden land of the Jiuyin giant corpse, more than a dozen first-order heaven and earth spirits were planted.

"Unfortunately, they are still not mature!"

The only regret is that these first-order heaven and earth spirits are still not mature, the fastest, and it will take millions of years to mature. Otherwise, they will be born.

“Is there any way to let these first-order heaven and earth spirits mature quickly?” Huang Xiaolong asked.

The King of Darkness shook his head: "It is impossible to let the heavens and the earth meet quickly."

"In fact, there is no way." The Golden Horn Maverick suddenly said: "If you can collect the nine chaotic mine pools and evolve the thunder of Hongmeng, you can make these heaven and earth spirits mature quickly, such as the boneless heart flower, If it is a million years to mature, if it is placed in the Hongmenglei pool, and it will be born day by night, then it may be ripe for a million years."

The six-winged green mosquito ancestors poisoned the sea and shook his head: "It is easy to collect the nine chaotic mine pools. I have never heard of anyone who can collect them. Not to mention the nine chaotic mine pools, it is three, and no one can ever Succeeded."

The Golden Horn calf smiled and pointed to Huang Xiaolong: "The dragon is now, there are six chaotic mine pools."

"What?!" The six-winged green mosquito ancestors of the poisonous sea and the king of darkness were shocked, staring at Huang Xiaolong incredibly.

Huang Xiaolong was embarrassed to be seen by both of them: "It's a little luck."

The poisonous sea looks at the super monster: "Is this still a little luck?"

Huang Xiaolong smiled and didn't pull it down on this topic. He said, "Let's go, let's move things, Jiuyin Treasure, there should be a lot of good things!" After that, he flew over to the Jiuyin Treasure.

Soon, Huang Xiaolong and the Golden Horn Mavericks came to the sky over the Jiuyin Treasure, and then let the Golden Horn Mavericks directly open the treasure door, and the four immediately entered the Jiuyin Treasure.

Although the last time, Huang Xiaolong controlled the nine yin and less clan eclipse into the yin yin treasure to steal the congenital star sand and the spirit of Hongmeng, but Huang Xiaolong has not entered the Jiuyin treasure, so it is the same as the Golden Horn Mavericks. Enter the Jiuyin Treasure.

Looking at the rich collections in the Jiuyin Treasure, Rao is Huang Xiaolong, and it is also amazement. It is the Golden Horn Maverick, the King of Darkness and the Poisonous Sea. The three kings of the tens of thousands of treasures see the treasures in the depths of the Jiuyin Treasure, and they also have eyes. The light is shining.

Just when Huang Xiaolong was amazed by the treasures of Jiuyin Treasure, in the distant devil world, the ancestors of Jiuyin and the ancestors screamed and screamed, and the whole body screamed and snarled: "Yellow Dragon I don't kill you, I don't want to be a man!"

Rotating the old monster, the shadowless king looks at each other.

"The eclipse brothers, are you?" The shadowless king is puzzled.

The eclipse told Huang Xiaolong that the news of destroying the headquarters of the Jiuyin corpse was told to everyone.

"What? So fast! This, how can Huang Xiaolong rush from the bright gods to the undead world!" Turning the old strange, the king of no shadow, the blackbird ancestors were shocked.

The Buddha explained the truth and said: "Huang Xiaolong can quickly rush from the bright world to the undead world, and there must be secrets that we don't know."

The black-eyed ancestors' eyes are flickering. Huang Xiaolong is now destroying the headquarters of the Jiuyin giant corpse. The next time it was destroyed, it was the demon mountain of his black-bird ancestor.

The runners sneaked into the crowd and said: "All the worlds, only the vast world can suppress Huang Xiaolong. Therefore, we must work together now to go to the cities of the heavens and ask the adults to take the shots, as long as the adults of the world, Huang Xiaolong Die!"

"it is good!"

The eclipse, the king of no shadow immediately nodded.

Wuzuo’s ancestors hesitated for a while and nodded. In the end, the Buddha’s interpretation of the truth also nodded, and went to the cities of the heavens with eclipse and others.

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