Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 2076: Three holy pulse vibrations

Watching Huang Xiaolong kicked down and hit the ball, the grandson of the dark **** tree in Wanzhong Wan Zhuoyuan, all the shocks of everyone just turned into horror, dumbfounded, speechless.

The masters of the cities of the heavens are also full of mistakes, unbelievable.

Just when the people and the masters of the heavens were stunned and unbelievable, suddenly, a chaotic little axe broke out, and this chaotic axe appeared. The axe alone caused the space of the dark world to burst. The power of destroying the earth and destroying the earth contained in it is even horrified by the tens of thousands of hegemons like the King of Darkness.

Chaos Xiaoxuan suddenly came to the city masters of the world of the two women who were holding Bei Xiaomei.

The two masters of the cities of the heavens, one is to dominate the second-order late, one is to dominate the second-order mid-term, looking at the chaos of the chaos, can not help but stunned.

When the two did not react, they were instantly opened by the chaos and the two were smashed into four halves.

When Huang Xiaolong’s figure flashed, he came to the side of Bei Xiaomei’s two women, and with both hands, he would save the two young women.

However, just when Huang Xiaolong wanted to save the two women, suddenly, Huang Xiaolong’s heart was alert, and a dangerous feeling instantly enveloped Huang Xiaolong’s body.

I saw a giant hand sticking out of the void.

This giant hand, everyone can not describe how big, as if under a palm, even the entire dark world can be broken, the endless power of the heavens and the earth continues to spew out from it, the palms cover the sky, the peak of the mountain Directly slammed down to Huang Xiaolong.

Seeing this giant hand, I have to smash Huang Xiaolong’s palm into a slurry. Suddenly, the old man, the king of Hongmeng, and so on, screamed: “Wan Yue, Hugh’s sneak attack!”


Under the perseverance of the old man of the moon, the king of Hongmeng and others, the ancient heavenly court broke out a heavy and powerful star power. In the dark world, there was another beautiful starry sky.


I saw the power of the stars in the ancient heavens, tearing up all the darkness of the dark world and welcoming this giant hand.


Heaven and earth are one dark.

The entire Borne space was shaken, and countless violent airs swept through and destroyed everything in the world.

Even some of the ancestors who were hiding in the dark and watching the war, the weaker ones, also vomited blood, and everyone was not at a loss.

In the moment when the ancient heavenly court blocked the giant hand, Huang Xiaolong took a flash of the two women and hid it, then sent the two hands to the Zhoutian Temple.

At this time, in front of the dark **** tree, the space vibrates, and a group of people flew out. It is the son of Wanshi, Wan Yue, the turn of the old monster, the black bird ancestor, the eclipse, the Buddha's interpretation of the truth, the shadowless king, the ancestral ancestor Chen Fushan, The three old monsters in the gods, and the other two kings of the heavens, Wang Hong, Lu, learned.

Twelve major worlds!

When the son of Wanshi, Wan Yue and others appeared, the old monsters hidden in the distance all held their breath and their faces changed wildly.

No matter who they are, they will be scared to lose sight of the twelve lords.

Even the elderly who worship the moon, the king of Hongmeng and so on are also slightly changed in color and dignified.

After Wan Yue, the son of Wanshi, came out, his eyes fell on Huang Xiaolong, his eyes were hot, surprised, and unexpected. Obviously, Huang Xiaolong unexpectedly broke through to dominate the situation, and it was.

"Mastering the first half!" He whispered slowly.

Whether it is Wan Yue, or the rotation of the old blame, the black bird ancestor, the eclipse, the Buddha's interpretation of the truth and so on, are all staring at Huang Xiaolong with a shocked look.

Although they have repeatedly raised their estimates of Huang Xiaolong's talent and cultivation speed, now they find that they still greatly underestimate the horror of Huang Xiaolong.

Dominate the first half!

If you don’t see it with your own eyes, they really can’t believe that Huang Xiaolong, who was in the second half of the Great Emperor, more than a hundred years ago, can break through to the middle of the first stage after more than one hundred years!

Whether it is the rotation of the old monsters, the birds and ancestors, the eclipse, the Buddha's interpretation of the truth, they are all enchanting geniuses, they can cultivate to the tens of thousands of hegemons, can break through to dominate the middle, their talent is absolutely amazing, but Their amazing talent and Huang Xiaolong are one!

To tell the truth, the Wanshou Sun’s Sun Wanzhuo’s exposure to the Eucharist was the reincarnation of the Holy Land. They were equally shocked, but they did not expect that in the blink of an eye, Wan Zhuoyuan was shot by Huang Xiaolong.

Suddenly, a roaring roar slammed into the space of Yili. I saw Wan Zhuoyuan, the grandson of Wanshi, who had just been kicked by Huang Xiaolong, and flew back from a distance. His head was scattered and his eyes were flashing with the heart of Jin Mang. Staring at Huang Xiaolong: "You, you, how can you also have the Eucharist, this is not impossible!"

"What, the Eucharist!" Wan Yue, the roster and other strange people were shocked, and the old man, the king of Hongmeng was also very surprised.

How does Huang Xiaolong have the Eucharist?

This, is this sacred body not only possible if the sacred place is reincarnation? Is it? ! But then, everyone shook their heads and felt that it was unlikely. After all, everyone knew that Huang Xiaolong used to be the Yuanlong god. If Huang Xiaolong was also a reincarnation of the great sanctuary, the body could not become a holy body now.

When Huang Xiaolong heard Wan Zhuoyuan’s words, it was also a glimpse. This time the breakthrough dominated, and his own body actually turned into a holy body!

At this time, Wan Zhuoyuan suddenly laughed and looked pale: "Good, good, very good, in general, hundreds of millions of worlds, it is difficult for one person to change the Eucharist, I did not expect this world to let me I met one, Huang Xiaolong, very good, your talent is really against the sky, but your holy body has just become successful, if I can swallow your holy body, get your body, and integrate into my deity, I will certainly Beyond past lives!"

"Huang Xiaolong, you are mine!"

"The light reappears!"

Wan Zhuo Yuan shouted aloud, the whole body shined, the body's power of the Holy Spirit was madly motivated, and the sacred sacred genre was fully operational. At this moment, he did not retain his strength, and his momentum even soared again, more than before. Times.

In the void, a sacred light hangs down, and Wan Zhuo is vacant, like a thirty-three-day saint, looking down on everything in front of him. In front of him, under this holy light, everything seems to be so small.

"Holy Road! Eight Lights of the Holy Light!"

Wan Zhuoyuan suddenly shot his hand to Huang Xiaolong.

Infinite glory screams, sweeping across the sky, all the way to the face of Huang Xiaolong.

"Huang Xiaolong, you have just changed the Eucharist, you have not fully mastered the power of the Eucharist and the Holy Spirit. Today, you will die!" Wan Zhuoyuan screamed.

Looking at Wan Zhuoyuan's eight-sacred sacred palm, Jiuyin's ancestors, ancestors and ancestors, all of them are horrified. He asks him about his current strength. If he doesn't have the treasure, he will not be able to take it. .

"Yes?" Looking at the Wan Zhuoyuan who had been killed by both hands, Huang Xiaolong's face was indifferent, and the whole body momentum was also released wildly. The three holy veins in the body vibrated.

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