Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 2195: I heard that Huang Xiaolong’s wife is very beautiful.

For the letter of the thorny kingdom, the lord of the lord is convinced that, in his opinion, the thorn **** the king has a hundred courage, and does not dare to take this matter to joke with him.

Unless the thorn **** owner does not want to live!

When I heard it, I also liked it. I laughed. "It’s really a good thing. Even a few days ago, Li Tian’s letter to Fu Lu reported that he had already got the Huang family in the **** of Wanjie. He is coming back and is estimated to be coming back soon. Now, the thorn godlord said that he has already got the old man and other people!"

The giant lord smiled and said: "Recently, it is a good thing."

"We have already taken everyone in the Huang family, Hongmeng old man, then do you want to contact Yang Tianqi?" Giants asked.

The giant lord sank a bit, nodded and said: "Contact Yang Tianyi! Anyway, tell Yang Tianyi that there is no loss to us, but also to give the thirty-three heavens a favor!"

"Well, father, I will contact Yang Tianyu now!"

After that, I took out the letter and contacted Yang Tianyu, the deputy head of the thirty-three Tianzu.

Soon, Yang Tianxi returned the letter.

“What does Yang Tianyu say?” asked the giant lord.

"Yang Tianqi is very happy. He said that he is now coming from the 33rd Tianzu!"

The giant lord smiled and said: "Well, then, after Yang Tianyu arrived, we will go to the Huang family, the old man and others!"

At this time, after the thorn **** lord sent the letter, he looked at Huang Xiaolong slyly and was about to continue to ask for Huang Xiaolong. However, Huang Xiaolong interrupted his words: "In the sky, I have let you go twice. It!"

When robbing Tianshou Lei Lingguo, Huang Xiaolong let it go once. When robbing Lei Yuan Shenguo, the giant lord, Yang Tianqi joined forces to kill him. The thorny king of the country wanted to shoot, and Huang Xiaolong could not see it? However, Huang Xiaolong still let him go afterwards.

So this time, Huang Xiaolong will not let go.

Under the horror of the thorn gods, Huang Xiaolong squirted the Qinglong, Xuanwu, Suzaku, and White Tigers, and instantly swallowed the thorn gods.

The thorn **** king had not yet had time to scream, and it turned into a group of ashes.

Looking at the thorn **** the king was turned into ashes, and the thorns of the heavenly kings were not afraid, and began to panic.


Huang Xiaolong sneaked into the air and punched him with a punch in his hand.

The sages of the lord, the gods and the kings and other people are also trying to kill.

The screams come one after another.

However, in Huang Xiaolong, the sacred kingdom, the gods and the kings and other people, they slammed them down. Soon, the screams stopped, except for the screaming gods who tried to escape and resist. Kill it clean.

Those who have been sloppy, Huang Xiaolong let them swear by the heavens, and then handed them over to the masters of the Holy World and the Shenwei Heavenly Kingdom.

"Grandma is a cow, I know that your kid will not die!" Around Huang Xiaolong, the Golden Horn Maverick grinned: "Before all the countries in the road are rumored that you have died in the thunder."

Huang Xiaolong took a shot of his head and smiled: "You haven't died yet, how can I die?"

The king of Hongmeng, Cangmutian, and the king of the darkness are also surrounded by Huang Xiaolong. When you say a word to me, you are all excited. In the past few years, everyone has been hiding in this mountain cave. Every day, they are scared and stressed. With a haze, now Huang Xiaolong is back, and everyone is relaxing as never before.

"Grandma, a cow, if the giant lord is in my hands, I have to smash his eggs!" Under the excitement, the Golden Horn Mavericks speak a little without brain.

"I am afraid that people are standing in front of you, your oxtail is scared straight, and you can't move!" The king of Hongmeng joked.

The people laughed.

After a burst of laughter with everyone, Huang Xiaolong began to leave with everyone, and went out of this deserted country, returning to and from the road.

"Xiaolong, are we going back to the holy heaven now?" asked the Golden Horn Mavericks.

Huang Xiaolong shook his head and looked at the direction of the giant scorpion heaven. His eyes were cold and cold: "Go to the giant heaven!"

Go to the giant heaven!

This time, he will never let the giant lord escape again!

He had previously sent the thorn gods to the lord of the lord, saying that he had taken the master of his master, the king of Hongmeng, in order to reduce the vigilance of the giant lord. Otherwise, the giant scorpion was mainly vigilant. It’s hard to get rid of it later. After all, it’s too difficult to find a ten-strong powerhouse.

Listening to Huang Xiaolong said that going directly to the giant scorpion kingdom, the golden horn calf is naturally excited and waving the ox leg: "Well, when you take the giant lord, you don't kill it, give it to me, let me step on it. One step, seeing his eggs can withstand me a few times!"

Huang Xiaolong’s forehead is straight against the black line, this violent cow!

"Xiaoqing, you like to step on people's eggs!" King of Hongmeng laughed.

"I like it, smash!" The golden horned calf's face is not red, and the gas does not breathe.

"Or, let me step a few times and practice!"

Everyone's waist and legs swelled.

In the crowds talking and laughing, all the way to the giant heaven.

A month later.

The giant python is finally looking forward to it.

Looking at the giant heaven in front of you, Huang Xiaolong is cold.

In the giant sacred shrine, the giant scorpion has already received the following report, saying that the people who stabbed the gods of heaven have already left the king of Hongmeng and others.

"Father, I am going out now and greet the thorn gods?"

The giant lord nodded: "Alright."

After all, the identity of the thorn **** is placed there.

After the giant cousin went out, the giant lord turned to look at Yang Tianqi, who was on the side, and smiled and said: "Yang Laodi, come, let's drink!"

As early as a few days ago, Yang Tianyi had already led the masters of the 33rd Tianzu.

Yang Tianqi smiled and said: "Please!" The two men sipped.

"Giant brother, I will wait for your next general, Li Tian, ​​to bring the Huang family to the public. I heard that Huang Xiaolong's wife is very beautiful, and his sister is also unparalleled." Yang Tianxiao laughed.

When the giant lord listened, he smiled and said with deep meaning: "Yang Laodi is relieved, and when Li Tian will take them, I will send Huang Xiaolong's wife and his sister to your palace!"

Yang Tianxi laughed: "That would thank the giant brother, come and drink!"

At this time, the giant scorpion and the giant scorpion kings of the kings of the squadron opened the defensive big squad, and then out of the giant scorpion heaven, looked up and saw the distant king of Hongmen and other people, could not help but smile.

The giant scorpion flew to the king of Hongmeng and others, and said to the thorn **** god king general beside the king of Hongmeng: "Why are you kneeling down? Why don't you see the godhead?"

Although he did not see the thorn god, he did not doubt.

Just as the sound of the giant gongs fell, suddenly, a figure suddenly flew out, and the neck of the giant scorpion was pinched in an instant.

The sudden change in front of the eyes, let the giants of the giants who follow the giant gongs come out with amazement.

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