Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 2432: Who is mean?

Guo Chang looked at Huang Xiaolong coldly: "Kids, you are not afraid, the Black Dais dare to rob me of the sacred atmosphere of the ancient emperor's holy place, looking for death!" Speaking of this, suddenly rushed to Huang Xiaolong.

This Guo Chang is a high-level sacred place, and it is not an ordinary high-level sacred place. Under one palm, it is enough to break a holy place. Under his palm, Chen Zhi, who stands next to Huang Xiaolong, only knows the whole body from the sword saints and so on. Even the souls have a feeling of being smashed into nothingness.

Chen knows that the sword saints can't afford any rebellious thoughts. They can't move at all. They can only watch, and look at Guo Chang's giant palm.

Seeing that Guo Chang’s giant palm would smash Huang Xiaolong into pieces, at this moment, suddenly, Huang Xiaolong’s whole body shines, and the endless golden light rushes out from Huang Xiaolong’s body, and the power of terror is born out of thin air.

This power, overwhelming the heavens, overtakes all beings, transcends all the laws of the Word of the world and is inviolable.

Guo Chang, who was about to smash Huang Xiaolong, saw this golden mang, and sensed this terrorist power. His face was frightened and changed rapidly.

However, he is still a slow step.


This power instantly collapsed Guo Chang’s giant palm and smashed Guo Chang’s whole person out. Guo Chang smashed many mountains, and finally fell to the tens of billions of miles outside the magical mountain range. on.


There are many gravel in the magical mountain range.

Everyone is at a loss.

"This?!" Shi Feng lost his voice: "The power of the ancestor!"

The ancestor power!

"What?! The power of the ancestor!" Just yelling, letting Guo Chang kill Huang Xiaolong, Zhang Yuhui was almost scared on the ground.

Yes, it is the strength of the ancestors, the ancestor power left by God in Huang Xiaolong's body. God, Chu Ba, Long Daren, and Wu Lao, each leaving a ancestral force in Huang Xiaolong's body, only when Huang Xiaolong's life is dying. The four ancestor forces will be motivated, and they can stop Huang Xiaolong from attacking the masters of the four ancestors.

In other words, Huang Xiaolong can be saved four times.

At this time, Guo Chang came out from the deep pit of the magical mountain range, the whole body was bloody, and his whole body was like ceramics. There were a lot of amazing cracks, and even the holy shrine on his body was like a broken battle from the garbage dump. clothes.

"You, who?!" Guo Chang looked at Huang Xiaolong with a stunned look.

Huang Xiaolong did not speak, took out a jade, and threw it to Shi Feng.

Shi Feng was suspicious, one by one, one look, the hand trembled, scared a big jump, and quickly stepped forward, hands back Yu Hui respectfully back to Huang Xiaolong, and said: "Shi Feng has seen His Royal Highness Huang Xiaolong!"

"What?! Huang, Huang Xiaolong?!" Guo Chang and the previous Zhang Yuhui and others shouted.

This young man turned out to be Huang Xiaolong!

Guo Chang, Zhang Yuhui and others participated in the apprentice ceremony of Huang Xiaolong. I have seen Huang Xiaolong. Then, is Huang Xiaolong changing his face? Even they didn't even see it?

Huang Xiaolong took over the identity of Yu Fu.

At this time, Guo Chang sighed coldly: "It turned out to be the holy day of the Yellow Emperor, Xiaolong, no wonder dare to bully, grab the sacred atmosphere of my ancient emperor! Your Royal Highness, Xiaolong, you are a pro-disciple of the four ancestors of the Holy Day, but You bravely robbed the sacred sacredness of my ancient emperor, and also gave us a saying about the ancient emperor?!"

"Yes, even if you are a disciple of the four ancestors of the Holy Day, you will grab the sacredness of our ancient emperor's holy place, and give us a saying about the ancient emperor!" Another deputy lord of the ancient emperor who came with Guo Chang also Indignation: "Shi Feng brother, you said, how to deal with this matter?"

At this time, they also believed in Zhang Yuhui, who believed that Huang Xiaolong had robbed them of the ancient holy place.

Shi Feng couldn’t help but look up.

Huang Xiaolong is a good disciple of their four ancestors in the Holy Day, but as Guo Chang and others have said, Huang Xiaolong robbed the ancient emperor of the Holy Land, how to give a saying to the ancient emperor.

Moreover, he and Guo Changsu have a relationship, but this matter, he can not do the Lord, Huang Xiaolong is after all the four ancestors of their holy ancestors to pass the disciples, is he the Holy Day law enforcement hall master also dare to take Huang Xiaolong擒 not?

"This, His Royal Highness Huang Xiaolong, you see?" Shi Feng hesitated to Huang Xiaolong.

Huang Xiaolong looked at Shi Feng, and then his eyes fell on Guo Chang: "Guo Chang, your ancient emperor's holy place is not small, even dare to yell at me to grab the things of your ancient emperor, you really think that I am Huang Xiaolong. What is the ancient emperor's holy land?"

Listening to Huang Xiaolong instead said that the ancient emperor smashed him, Guo Chang was angry and his face was red, angry: "You, Huang Xiaolong, you are shameless!"

The other two deputy lords of the ancient emperor's holy land are also angry and feel that Huang Xiaolong is simply shameless.

Shi Feng and the other two deputy priests of the Holy Day frowned. Obviously, they also felt that Huang Xiaolong was in the ancient emperor.

Chen Zhi, Yu Ming five people want to say, Huang Xiaolong raised his hand and stopped, watching Zhang Yuhui calmly: "Zhang Yuhui, who is mean? Who is shameless? You know best in your heart!"

That Zhang Huihui also looked at Huang Xiaolong with anger: "You, you are bloody!"

An Li and others behind Zhang Yuhui also angered, saying that Huang Xiaolong’s blood was spurting.

"Blood mouth spray?" Huang Xiaolong sneered: "Then you dare not let me use the spirit of the soul, let you personally talk about what happened just now?"

Zhang Yuhui was panicked in his heart, so he calmed down: "Jokes, you thought I didn't know that you wanted to take the opportunity to secretly touch me, let me deliberately say that the sacred atmosphere is yours."

Huang Xiaolong whispered: "Well, since you are afraid that I will secretly move my hands and feet, then let him Guo Chang show you the spirit of the soul. How, he Guochang is the master of your ancient emperor, and you will not be secret to you. What?"

Zhang Yuhui still strongly argued: "Hung Meng's holy spirit was originally discovered by our ancient emperor's holy land. Why do I need to confront you with the spirit of the soul!" But his tone is not as strong as before.

"How, fear?" Huang Xiaolong said coldly, his eyes gaze.

Zhang Yuhui laughed: "Huang Xiaolong, you are less arguing in this strong word, who said that I am afraid!" But at this time, anyone can see that Zhang Yuhui is a strong outside, and his heart is already panic.

The anger of the ancient emperor's holy land Guo Chang and the other two deputy priests disappeared. Instead, they were annoyed with Zhang Yuhui and confessed by Zhang Yuhui.

Huang Xiaolong turned to Shi Fengdao: "The owner of Shifeng, after you go back, report to my four masters and let them be the masters of me!"

Guo Chang and other ancient emperors have changed their faces. If the four ancestors of the Holy Day questioned the ancient emperor on this matter, it was a big event.

"Yes, Your Royal Highness Huang Xiaolong!" Shi Feng respected, and then looked at Zhang Yuhui coldly, watching the eyes of Guo Chang and the other two emperors of the ancient emperor were also indifferent.

"Let's go!" Huang Xiaolong left empty.

Shi Feng and others followed.

"Shi Feng brother!" Guo Chang Zhang mouth suddenly called, Shi Feng imitation did not hear, in the end, Huang Xiaolong and others disappeared in the clouds in the sea of ​​purple clouds.

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