Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 2447: Very warm

Jin Jinhai took Jinyang to the forefront, destroying everything, and screaming at Huang Xiaolong with the power of Brahman.

Even if there is a heavy ban on the downfall, the outside people can still feel the horrible heat, and feel the power of the horrible destruction.

The golden wheel of the day, the ten strongest holy sacred sacred, the power of horror!

Jinhai has not arrived yet, and the space around Huang Xiaolong has been completely sunken. This is incinerated!

Looking at the golden sea that came to me, Huang Xiaolong stretched his right hand forward, and then his palm opened. At this moment, everyone had an illusion, as if Huang Xiaolong’s palm was a holy place, as if Huang Xiaolong’s palm was heaven and earth, it was this vast and endless. Holy space.

Huang Xiaolong's palm seems to have a magical power, a kind of magic that devours everything, only to see the golden sea that comes to the sky, the ups and downs of Jinyang, the round gold circle all came to the palm of Huang Xiaolong.

The endless golden sea, constantly shrinking, constantly gathering the right palm of Huang Xiaolong, and finally, all the golden sea disappeared, all Jinyang disappeared, all the gold wheels disillusioned!

Do not!

It did not really disappear, but all gathered in the right palm of Huang Xiaolong.

Then, under the watchful eyes of everyone, Huang Xiaolong in the mouth, the endless golden sea that gathered the right palm, all the Jinyang one brain thrown into the mouth, and then swallowed!

Just swallow it like that!

"What?!" Everyone is scared!

Gather the palm of your hand and gather it! Then swallow it!

Fang Xing was shocked, broken Xuan, evil is extraordinary, Li Wei, Shen Jiewen and others are incredible.

What was the real show of Fang Xing just now? Is it really the ten strongest holy sacred sacred world? Is it really a slap in the hands of the world?

"This, will not be a fake day of gold?" Under the stage, there is a master stupid.

No one is open.

But everyone knows that this is naturally not a fake day.

Even Wu Ge, as well as the lord of the Holy Day, the elders of the elders are also shocked.

At this time, Huang Xiaolong was like a full-bodied thing, took a sip of a small sip, took a smoky air out, and then stretched out a lazy waist and said: "It's warm."

In one breath, swallowed the palm of the day, just warmer?

Everyone is weird and colorful.

In the dark, Lin Xiaoying, who had tightened every nerve in the body, suddenly giggled and smiled. "This thirteen, I like to wear thirteen!"

Tan Juan, Ji Xinyi and the two women could not help but scream.

However, it is still difficult for the two women to hide their turmoil.

Tan Juan asks himself, if he is a robbery and a sacred sacred, can he easily pick up the next day? The answer is no!

Because of this, she was at a loss.

She is very deep, and others don't know her talent, but she knows that it is because she knows her talents.

She has a sacred sect, and has evolved to a very high degree, but even she can't easily pick up the next day's golden clap, but Huang Xiaolong has done it!

To what extent has Huang Xiaolong’s current sacred sect evolved? !

Everyone is full of shock, can not be shocked.

At this time, Huang Xiaolong’s figure flashed and he had already arrived in Fangxing’s sky. Fang Xing’s horror was scared to escape, but Huang Xiaolong kicked his foot down and kicked directly on his back. Fang Xing’s whole person Like a fallen meteor, it fell from the air.


The platform is shaking.

Fang Xing face down, kneeling on the ring, motionless, life and death do not know.

I saw the back armor at the foot of Huang Xiaolong, broken into a piece of broken sand.

Huang Xiaolong fell back to the ring, took a single shot and took the photo to the front.

"Huang Xiaolong, we admit defeat!" The broken Xuan of the stage was awakened and screamed.

Admit defeat?

Huang Xiaolong sneered, did not pay attention to the following screams of Xuan Xuan, Hong Meng parasitic cockroaches running, I saw that Fang Xing, who was half dead and inactive, began to be transformed into the spirit of Hong Meng, and then swallowed by Huang Xiaolong.

"Huang Xiaolong, you dare!" Broken Xuan saw, screaming and screaming, reaching out and looking forward, trying to break the ban, and rescued Fang Fangxing.

Fang Xing, this is the Son who has the holy emperor! Such a gift, the ancient emperor's holy land is also a heartache.

However, when Xuan Xuan shot, Wu Ge on the side of the hand reached out and shot, and then cut off the power of Xuan Xuan.

"Broken Xuanmen Lord, please also obey the rules of the Taiwanese, and then some people dare to break the rules of the Taiwanese, don't blame me Wu Ge is welcome, don't blame me for not being sympathetic!" Wu Ge cold voice.

Before, Huang Xiaolong had already expected this situation, so he had agreed with the major forces. Only the challenge disciples themselves would openly admit defeat, and others could not replace the opening.

"You!" Broken mysterious anger, but in the end, he still did not shoot again.

I don't know if Huang Xiaolong deliberately or unintentionally. I saw that Fang Xing's screams on the platform were so screaming. Fang Xing's screams continued to reverberate in the ring, constantly stimulating the ancient emperors.

Looking at Fang Xing is constantly swallowed by Huang Xiaolong, the screams of screaming, the eyes of the Xuan Xuan cold.

This Huang Xiaolong is clearly intentional! Deliberately let the party scream before it died.

Soon, Huang Xiaolong swallowed Fang Fangxing and then took away all the things he had dropped.

Everyone’s heart is shocked for a long time.

The ancient emperor's holy land has a holy sacred path, and he has also practiced the ancient emperor's sacred body. The moment before, it was also awe-inspiring, punching Huang Xiaolong, but now there is no residue left!

No one is open.

Li Wei, Xie Yao and others are ugly, especially Li Wei. Suddenly there is a kind of irritability and confusion in the heart. The strength of Huang Xiaolong is far beyond his expectation.

If Huang Xiaolong can really persist in the end of the ring, then he is not going to be there? !

At this time, Huang Xiaolong turned his head and looked at Jin Yunfeng, the ancient Xuanxu and other people who challenged the disciples and grinned, his teeth white.

Jin Yunfeng, Gu Xuanxu and others are a chill, only an ancient beast has exposed his teeth, Sensen.

In particular, Jin Yunfeng, who has drawn the second card, feels that his hands and feet are a little cold.

"Afraid of anything." Shen Jiewen saw a side of the 隋云枫 panic look, could not help but swear: "Huang Xiaolong is strong, but only two robbers and half holy, even if he let the ancient emperor holy land that Fang Xing how? Fang Xing and you Can't compare, you have a sacred stag, and you have the secret that I sent you, Huang Xiaolong, he won't be your opponent!"

When Yunyun Feng heard it, it calmed down.

That's right, in the end, Huang Xiaolong is still only two robbers and half-sacred, and his strength is limited, but he has a rebellious sage! Ranked sixteenth in the rebellious sage, claiming to have the power to change the life! More secrets!

"Go, with your strength, you can completely defeat Huang Xiaolong." Shen Jiewen said: "After winning the sacred atmosphere, you can choose a treasure from the treasure house of the beast!"

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